Try switching to EU or US region in the launcher.
of its in the launcher? I was guessing it defaulted me back to US but didnt know how to change it yeah. But like I said its not a big deal anyway, my highest is 9 which you get to in like 10 minutes if you skip cutscenes
the game still doesnt feel right to me unfortunately. Its probably just my MMO fatigue, but for example, call me a scrub, but the combo system seems badly explained. I like how in blade and soul its very clear what combos and it shows on screen what to press to combo.
This seems to want you to memorize what combos, almost like a DMC or fighting game. Im sure thats cool for people that are into it, but I would rather the information be more on display. Also the whole "direction+button for skills" is weird, and the fact that you start with skills that the game doesnt even show or tell you about (for example the witch has a aoe thing when you press left/right plus left click, I discovered that by accident)
I dunno man, seems like the Dark Souls of MMOs in terms of not explaining shit, and while I love the Souls games, I dont think I cba with it in a mmo.
Or like I initially said, maybe im just done with mmos, I dont want to be here shitting on the game (which im not even, not really) while peeps enjoy it, I hate when people do that, im gonna play a bit more to try to get the groove of it and then just take my leave of the thread if I continue to not be into it