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Black Desert Online |OT| Come on in, the sand's fine [Mediah Update]


Enjoyed the tamer but she is going to be my energy alt and was going to start working on sorc.

For guilds are you contracted by family or by individual character. Just curious as while i experiment with classes I don't want to take up guild space when ill focus on one.

Family I think as it says "Such and such family has joined the guild"
The flurry of kicks on Valkyrie is amazing. So well animated and it just flows beautifully. I'm just hitting a practice dummy and the combat is already amazing.


Is there any way I could get an invite to the US GAF guild? Name is Migello VanKirk in game.

Pretty deep game....lots to wrap my head around so far.


Guys, DS3 controller + String = Max level horses, strength, and breath. :p Went to sleep last night and woke at lvl 23 breath and should have 20 strength when I get home from work. Going to work on my horses when I go to bed tonight.


Guys, DS3 controller + String = Max level horses, strength, and breath. :p Went to sleep last night and woke at lvl 23 breath and should have 20 strength when I get home from work. Going to work on my horses when I go to bed tonight.

Are shoulder buttons on DS3 working for you?
Im using DS4 and everything work minus L1/R1


Are shoulder buttons on DS3 working for you?
Im using DS4 and everything work minus L1/R1
Need to test L1 and R1. I know everything else works. I just rigged it up before I went to sleep and really did not do much else with it.
I will test it when I get home.


Need to test L1 and R1. I know everything else works. I just rigged it up before I went to sleep and really did not do much else with it.
I will test it when I get home.

Ok, thanks! :)

Mine somewhat works in the sense that when I'm running, if I click R1 or L1 my character stops, but I cant assign them any input (like attack or something).


I think I get most of the systems of the game now. The only thing I'm not grasping is the conversation system with the train of thought and dragging concepts into conversations. There seems to be no rhyme or reason.

Other than that, it's great. And I love the minimize to tray feature.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Try switching to EU or US region in the launcher.

of its in the launcher? I was guessing it defaulted me back to US but didnt know how to change it yeah. But like I said its not a big deal anyway, my highest is 9 which you get to in like 10 minutes if you skip cutscenes

the game still doesnt feel right to me unfortunately. Its probably just my MMO fatigue, but for example, call me a scrub, but the combo system seems badly explained. I like how in blade and soul its very clear what combos and it shows on screen what to press to combo.

This seems to want you to memorize what combos, almost like a DMC or fighting game. Im sure thats cool for people that are into it, but I would rather the information be more on display. Also the whole "direction+button for skills" is weird, and the fact that you start with skills that the game doesnt even show or tell you about (for example the witch has a aoe thing when you press left/right plus left click, I discovered that by accident)

I dunno man, seems like the Dark Souls of MMOs in terms of not explaining shit, and while I love the Souls games, I dont think I cba with it in a mmo.

Or like I initially said, maybe im just done with mmos, I dont want to be here shitting on the game (which im not even, not really) while peeps enjoy it, I hate when people do that, im gonna play a bit more to try to get the groove of it and then just take my leave of the thread if I continue to not be into it
What's the consensus on the game? Kinda undecided about buying it or not.

It's good.

It's a breath of fresh air in a world full of stale themepark MMOs. You make your own objectives and progress how, when, and where you want.. or not at all! The world is large, open, seamless, and simply beautiful. No artificial boundaries here. The combat is action based, intuitive and fantastic. The content is extremely dense.

Bots have been completely neutered by the game's systems. They simply do not exist. Chat and interaction among the community is one of the best I have seen in a long time.

If you need hand-holding tutorials teaching you the ropes every step of the way or if you're simply in it for the challenging raids and instanced dungeons that you repeat over and over for better loot, then it's probably best you just move on to something else. This is not that kind of MMO.


Before I dive in and start reading about the different classes I'd like to ask those who already knows the classes what YOU think...
Based on the following that I like to play in another MMO (Lineage 2), what classes do you think I'd like in BDO?

Doombringer *Nice PVP and PVE char when fully geared and buffed up.
This class uses "skating" a type of rush-stun skill to jump between enemy monsters and it can remove their weapon (or at least player enemy weapons), and uses debuffs to lower its targets defences.

Titan * My raidboss killing char.
A high damage output class "WHEN" actually landing critical hits, gets stronger the lower its health is (using its self buffs).

Phantom Summoner *My current mainchar.
Uses Summoned pets to do the damage, even though its a competent mage-nuker in itself, it can also share stats with its summoned pet making it stronger. A certain % of the damage made to you can be transferred over to the pet making you actually share a combined health pool.


Before I dive in and start reading about the different classes I'd like to ask those who already knows the classes what YOU think...
Based on the following that I like to play in another MMO (Lineage 2), what classes do you think I'd like in BDO?

Doombringer *Nice PVP and PVE char when fully geared and buffed up.
This class uses "skating" a type of rush-stun skill to jump between enemy monsters and it can remove their weapon (or at least player enemy weapons), and uses debuffs to lower its targets defences.

Titan * My raidboss killing char.
A high damage output class "WHEN" actually landing critical hits, gets stronger the lower its health is (using its self buffs).

Phantom Summoner *My current mainchar.
Uses Summoned pets to do the damage, even though its a competent mage-nuker in itself, it can also share stats with its summoned pet making it stronger. A certain % of the damage made to you can be transferred over to the pet making you actually share a combined health pool.

Sorceress or Tamer. Tamer is a bit like a dual-wield warrior with a pet, whereas Sorceress is a rogue-like character with black magic. Despite conventions, sorceresses are more like rogues than mages.


Hey buddy! I'm enjoying it quite a bit. The game is a refreshing change of pace from most theme park MMOs. How about you?

I'm Yorek on Orwen.
Definitely the best MMO I've played in years. A lot of it is bringing me back to when MMOs were almost a research project before a game, in all the best ways.

Mikeyzfz on Orwen.


What's the consensus on the game? Kinda undecided about buying it or not.

Pretty decent, still a couple tiers below SWG though and that is mainly because you can get the best stuff and money from looting mobs. Also, a good chunk of the crafting is pretty off-hand. Would love to be able to craft my own items by going to the forge and doing it myself.

Thankfully, the best part of the crafting is that it even has gathering similar to SWG. In SWG you can gather the stuff by hand or lay down a harvester which will gather resources for you. BDO does the same with workers. The worst part, energy limits me when I want to do stuff by hand.


It annoys me that sometimes it seems quests don't update if you have items for it in your inventory already. This guy needs potatoes, I have 7 in my inventory because I'm going to make pet food, but I can't give any to him.

No, I have to run my butt back up to the farm and pick more.


I think I get most of the systems of the game now. The only thing I'm not grasping is the conversation system with the train of thought and dragging concepts into conversations. There seems to be no rhyme or reason.

Honestly, I don't think I'll even grasp everything on this game.

Not worried though, as long as I have fun, and I'm able to survive lol


Neo Member
Very curious to try it out but I'm searching for a guest pass I cannot find. Anyone willing to give it one to me? Ty!


I think I get most of the systems of the game now. The only thing I'm not grasping is the conversation system with the train of thought and dragging concepts into conversations. There seems to be no rhyme or reason.

Other than that, it's great. And I love the minimize to tray feature.

I've been messing with it and I think I understand it to a degree. Basically you have a pool of characters that you've spoken to that the the NPC you're conversing with might be interested in. You generally need to have at least a minimum number before it will even let you the game. Once you pay energy to start, you'll see an objective at the top of the screen. It's probably something like gain X amount of favor or spark Y conversations, but it can be stuff like fail to spark Z conversations too. From here you select enough other NPCs from your list (note you can usually scroll left or right for more options) to try and achieve the objective.

Mousing over each of these will show you the chance of sparking interest, favor, and special effects. So if you have an objective to spark interest 4 times, choose characters with a high chance of sparking interest. Usually you'll want to use characters with a high chance of sparking interest since you don't gain any favor unless it sparks. Use low ones only when the objective calls for it. You place these NPCs on the horoscope sign and some are linear and others loop. So think carefully about how you place the NPCs. Some may have a high chance of sparking interest and favor, but might have a downside that manifests after a few turns. I think you can get around this, for example, by choosing to place them towards the end of the sign so there effect doesn't come into play.

If you succeed you'll be given the option to continue. It won't cost any more energy and you can get significantly more amity this way. However if you fail you lose everything you earned from that game.

Now for my own question, does anyone understand the barter system? Is the amount the scale moves based on anything or is it totally random?

I find myself at the energy limit cap constantly.
When you're at the cap go buy a worker if you have space. It costs 5 energy to view one and you can easily burn through a bunch trying to find a good one. Alternatively invest it in a node you know you'll always use or one of the cities. You can do this from anywhere on the map and I believe it increases drop rate around that node.


Tamed my first horse last night. I was still salty from my failure within the last 15 minutes of CBT2 which would have completed the special event. There were just too many people competing to have time to figure things out. I think I have a good grasp of how everything works now. Time to stock up on sugar and rope!

Another highlight of yesterday was a strange encounter I had out at sea. Someone randomly climbed onto my raft in the middle of open water just as I started to move to another location and asked "Where we going?" Pretty far away from land so it took me by surprise.

Stuck at work for the next 6-7 hours but it's Friday so I'll be playing all weekend. Going to continue building my fishing empire while helping out with guild expansion quests and whatever else strikes me.

Maybe it was that guy who lost his donkey at sea?

The marketplace/auction house npc can only be found in larger cities right? None of the beginning small areas?
Now for my own question, does anyone understand the barter system? Is the amount the scale moves based on anything or is it totally random?

It's based on demand. If many players are selling the same item then demand for that item decreases and in turn the price decreases. You can check to see which items are currently in low and high demand and will net you the most return. You also need to factor in things like distance bonus.

Maybe it was that guy who lost his donkey at sea?

I drowned my donkey in CBT2. Didn't know that could happen and it cost me 10,000 silver. RIP


I assume I already know the answer to this already but I probably can't change the look of my character at all after creation, right?


It annoys me that sometimes it seems quests don't update if you have items for it in your inventory already. This guy needs potatoes, I have 7 in my inventory because I'm going to make pet food, but I can't give any to him.

No, I have to run my butt back up to the farm and pick more.

It is basically a gathering tutorial quest. The picking passes the quest not the actual tato.


It's based on demand. If many players are selling the same item then demand for that item decreases and in turn the price decreases. You can check to see which items are currently in low and high demand and will net you the most return. You also need to factor in things like distance bonus.

I drowned my donkey in CBT2. Didn't know that could happen and it cost me 10,000 silver. RIP

Sorry, let me rephrase that, I'm having trouble remembering all the terms in this game. I meant bargaining. That thing you do at the trade merchant where you adjust the scales to gain a bonus on selling trade items. I already know about supply and demand which is why I spent hours linking up islands last night in the hopes of finding a good fishing spot that'll let me sell high in Heidel.


I'm on a boat! :D


Btw don't go afk in the boat docks or this could be you



D: I was kicked from the Guild... But- But why? I didn't do anything mean or anything... I was in it just last night.. :(

I think they were temp trying to make room for people on to do guild quests in order to expand the slots, then reinvite people?

EDIT: lol well at least try to drop the guy on a shore.


5 more spots open! If you weren't kicked from the guild temporarily last night to get more guild spots open, please message me in game!
Sorry, let me rephrase that, I'm having trouble remembering all the terms in this game. I meant bargaining. That thing you do at the trade merchant where you adjust the scales to gain a bonus on selling trade items. I already know about supply and demand which is why I spent hours linking up islands last night in the hopes of finding a good fishing spot that'll let me sell high in Heidel.

Still trying to figure that out myself. There does seem to be a random element to it but I have a feeling your trade level (and the trade level requirement of the item) plays some role in increasing your odds.

D: I was kicked from the Guild... But- But why? I didn't do anything mean or anything... I was in it just last night.. :(

They had to get some online users into the guild that were able to gather items for the guild quest in order to expand the guild and increase the member cap. It was only meant to be temporary but there does appear to be a 24 hour cooldown once kicked so you will need to wait until later tonight (or possibly tomorrow) when the 'ban' is lifted and then they can get you back in.
So I decided to jump right in and have no idea what I'm doing.

The first questline I managed to find had me go up to a scarecrow but the game did not tell me what to do. I thought I missed something so I forfeit the quest thinking I could restart it but I don't even know how to do that.

So now I've just been running around in circles with no direction at all. Hmmmm.....

EDIT: Yeah, this is not the game for me right now. Maybe later....
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