We're at cap again.![]()
Will need to do some more quests to expand.
I'm surprised this many people are actually playing. The closed beta threads weren't as active so I just expected a small group of gaffers. Maybe we'll be able to do some of the Guild castle sieges next month.
I'm liking the alt system in this game.
Everything is shared basically but your level and gear doesn't have a level requirement, plus the fact that you can level super quick if you grind. There's no reason to not have alts.
I'm surprised this many people are actually playing. The closed beta threads weren't as active so I just expected a small group of gaffers. Maybe we'll be able to do some of the Guild castle sieges/node wars next month.
Some recommended uses for alts and their energy pools:
-Brewery: Grab materials to make beer from storage and the NPC that sells mineral water, sugar, and unleavened agents. Process the beer in your residence and feed your workers.
-Human Resources: Spend energy to only hire high-tiered workers.
-Conversationalist: Spend energy to reach high amity requirements with NPCs, including the gold-tier workers that require 500 amity.
Officers should be able to kick them off.We're at cap again.![]()
Will need to do some more quests to expand.
Check your pearl inventory, it's the second tab.Is the cat on the roof quest bugged? I Wanted a pet, did the quest, turned it in and the voucher it says you get didn't show up in my inventory.
Performance is terribleShit I might need to build a PC for this like..this weekend. What's the performance like? I love sandbox MMOs, and this looks so fully-fledged. Fuck. FUCK.
Check your pearl inventory, it's the second tab.
It's not in there either.
Performance is terrible
AFAIK Sli is not working at the moment
What's the fastest way to get a fishing pole and a boat, sail away and live as a hermit on an island? It's hard to get through the intro quests. Is it very far in?
Awesome thanks. Trying to find a class I like but it just sucks they are tied to certain appearances.Nah it's pretty early in, once you reach Velia (the second town). Just go by the boat docks and you can start some fishing quests there.
Awesome thanks. Trying to find a class I like but it just sucks they are tied to certain appearances.
One more question. I activated the extra items like the pet, mount, etc. How do I redeem them in game?
Thanks. Yeah I figured it said something but I wasn't paying attention. Was just excited for my pug pet.Takes up to 24 hours and it shows up in your mail I'm pretty sure. I just activated my stuff like an hour ago and that's what it said lol.
When the game loads, I can't move my character. In fact, my keyboard doesn't seem to work at all, other than the Windows and alt+tab which is the only way I can even exit the game at that point (esc does nothing).
It just keeps telling me "press <> to move forward." But nothing works. My mouse works in rotating the screen, but that's it.
It's a wireless Logitech keyboard, but it's never had any problems with other games before. Is there a way to bind controls? All I see are graphic/sound options in the main menu.
I must've missed something but can someone let me know why I was kicked out of the guild?
I'm guessing there's some really small player limit for them or something?
From what I heard it's All-Hands-on-Deck for everyone to be working towards raising the guild rank. So, anyone who isn't actively working on that is getting kicked.
From what I heard it's All-Hands-on-Deck for everyone to be working towards raising the guild rank. So, anyone who isn't actively working on that is getting kicked.
Ashooooodin. Completing guild quests but people's contracts are expiring. it looks like most of us only had 1 day contracts. I think you might be the only one that can renew.
Edit: Actually might be some kind of cooldown based on the tooltip.
Edit 2: Ishiori is saying he can renew general members but not officers so that might be the problem. I guess only the GM can renew officers.
Ashooooodin. Completing guild quests but people's contracts are expiring. it looks like most of us only had 1 day contracts. I think you might be the only one that can renew.
Edit: Actually might be some kind of cooldown based on the tooltip.
Edit 2: Ishiori is saying he can renew general members but not officers so that might be the problem. I guess only the GM can renew officers.
I got this problem when I made a 2nd character, I found out that you gotta delete your UserCache folder which is located in Users/yourname/Documents/BlackDesert. Should work after that.
I just got back, so I'll renew officers for the week.
I'd like to ask for everyone's patience on the guild matters; this type of guild is entirely new to me (never had to deal with increasing caps in this way) plus the contract thing is also a very new concept.
I'm getting the hang of things, so things should go smoother as we move along. Thank you.
Got a guest pass, where the hell do I go to redeem it?
That worked. Thanks.
After some deliberation (and bad translations) I think it's good to start giving contracts for a month for guild members; I'm going to give everyone who joins today a week one, and next week when it expires, everyone gets a month one.