If you're wondering what gear is the best for your class:
I've been trying to find the helm and gloves for the Agerian set and i cannot find them on the marketboards or as drops ._.
No need.
There is quest in Calpheon what gives you the knowledge to make via processing.
And yes you need the Planks to make Plywood.
I've been trying to find the helm and gloves for the Agerian set and i cannot find them on the marketboards or as drops ._.
Try grinding Bloody Monastery for a while with the node connected, Agerian pieces drop fairly recently over there.
Does the safe enhancement up to +7 on weapons not apply to fishing rods? I wasn't paying attention and was just spamming enhance and then noticed there was a fail stack counter.
Is there a guide of how many fail stacks I want per enhance?
If you're wondering what gear is the best for your class:
Is eu guild active? Thinking if I should go there or maybe just go with USA in case guild dies like back with the GW2. And how's the EU server besides that our guild is on there?
EU Guild:Bumping from last page. I know someone on US side but if EU guild and server we're on is active I'd rather stick to there if anything so I can play at normal times.
P.S. Woke up early to play and the game will be down for at least 3 more hours L O L
It takes 50 plywood to make a damn boat. Fifty.
EU Guild:
in the evening most of the people are online and the servers are crowded even in the morning. we have a discord channel now, but sadly only 4 players are active on it so far. I need to push it more.
besides discord we are pretty active.
I don't use discord because I really don't understand/can't talk english if it's not written![]()
we also have a textchat in it, where we share guides/information in written form ^_^ you don't have to talk![]()
So you can't be a female warrior or berserker or a male tamer or am I missing something
EU Guild:
in the evening most of the people are online and the servers are crowded even in the morning. we have a discord channel now, but sadly only 4 players are active on it so far. I need to push it more.
besides discord we are pretty active.
classes are gender locked
for now. the developers have said they want to make all classes available to both genders iirc
Can I skip crafting and nodes and all that and still be fine or will I hinder my experience and progress?
In the case of valkyrie though... I assume not?
I've been trying to find the helm and gloves for the Agerian set and i cannot find them on the marketboards or as drops ._.
Have clocked up 50 hours on this now, really love it. Best MMO since WoW vanilla.
One odd thing I have noticed though, if you return to the starting village, Olvia after getting to Velia, all the NPC's (ie Igor Bartali, that big skill trainer guy etc) are back where they started, even though they since moved to Velia and can always be found in both places
Kind of weird!
Wait, so the agerian gear that you get at the monastery is the best in game even up to lvl 50+? (talking about wizard here)
Cause if that's the case, then I really need to buy a costume or else i'll go insane having to look at the same outfit for the next weeks/months haha
So you can't be a female warrior or berserker or a male tamer or am I missing something
I just use teamviewer to control my pc from work. Works well enough to sell and grab new poles. I need to see if I can control it on my phone next. Will be awesome if it worksSo I didn't realize the server was going down for maintenance early this morning. Was afk fishing while I slept, got up to hand my fish in before I went to work and couldn't. Now I'm stuck at work till 5pm helpless while all my fish go down in value lol.
I just use teamviewer to control my pc from work. Works well enough to sell and grab new poles. I need to see if I can control it on my phone next. Will be awesome if it works
Didn't know we even had a discord channel. Is it the same address as the US one?
EU Guild:
in the evening most of the people are online and the servers are crowded even in the morning. we have a discord channel now, but sadly only 4 players are active on it so far. I need to push it more.
besides discord we are pretty active.
Can someone thow me an invite? Family name is King_SS
When is this coming to PS4?
Yeah it's pretty great. I started the game completely overwhelmed and I'm slowly starting to understand the systems in place and it's a feeling I've been missing in MMOs lately. The game isn't without its annoyances of course, but hopefully they continue to improve it. With there being no monthly fee, I can see myself coming back to it frequently.This is without a doubt the most fun I've had in an mmo since EQ before planes of power. I don't think I can go back to a themepark style mmo again.
Probably never.
Even if it does come out for the ps4, I suspect it'll be pared back quite a bit.
Probably between very low/low setting at 20-30 fps which isn't going to be pretty.
Btw, does anyone use a controller? I feel that it might be viable given how the controls are set up.
I've set up my Steam Controller so I never have to take my thumb off the right trackpad while fighting. It takes getting used to but I've become pretty proficient with it in a short amount of time.Well, it's not only the technical aspect, although its one reason. Game has big pop-in and LOD problems even with the biggest cards and SSDs.
It's also that the game was not being created with consoles in mind, it's very focused on KB+M, imagine navigating through the UI and all its menus (workers, nodes, crafting..) with pad only.
Even though you can put a mouse in a PS4, game would need a huge revamp to accomodate pad only players, and I don't think PA is up to that (game is not that popular to justify a sort of remake of a lot of it's aspects for a console userbase).
I do, controls well enough for fighting and traversing (although targeting isn't the best and you will lose everytime against a PvP player if you want to PvP). It doesn't help that I play Ranger and seems like it's the less pad friendly class lol
Navigating the UI is kind of a mess, still possible, but take into account the UI is all mouse based.
Gamepad support is an afterthough, and it works only because the gameplay (combo based fighting) adapts well into a gamepad, but the game was never meant to be played with a pad only.
for now. the developers have said they want to make all classes available to both genders iirc
Will there be any male counterparts for Ranger, Sorceress, Valkyrie, and Tamer?
It is hard to give a concrete answer to this matter because we are always trying our best to create a truly fun and innovative character, rather than copying an existing one, with a sex change. Creating the same class, but a different gender, takes almost the same amount of resources as creating a completely new class. This has changed the overall direction of class development towards creating new classes, which will provide an entirely new experience for players. Currently, there is no plan to create a male version of Ranger, Sorcerer and Tamer. We might however provide a counterpart that offers a similar look and feel such as Valkyrie vs. Warrior with slight adjustments to fit its nature.
Well, it's not only the technical aspect, although its one reason. Game has big pop-in and LOD problems even with the biggest cards and SSDs.
Hm ya know, I should try clearing some space on my ssd and see if it helps some of my problems. Anyone know if it's a big improvement?