Just picked up the game, playing on the GAF EU server. Is the guild still active and how do I join?
Post your name and family name and we'll try to contact you. We usually hang out on Serendia 1 channel, server Jordine.
The main site doesn't seem to give a lot of information, so is there any trial? The game seems pretty cool, but I'd like to try it first before just buying it.
Both Family and Character name is Anilusion.
I would also like to join the guild! My family name is Nicodemeus. Char name Chrystinel.
Is the $50 edition worth it over the $30 one?
I'm sorry if this has already been asked a thousand times.
Is the $50 edition worth it over the $30 one?
I'm sorry if this has already been asked a thousand times.
Is the $50 edition worth it over the $30 one?
I'm sorry if this has already been asked a thousand times.
Have you tried Blade and Soul? Game is a pretty simple theme park action MMO that might be more up your alley. it doesn't have armor, you keep the same weapon throughout the whole game, etc. it doesn't even have crafting.I really, really tried to like this game. I played all classes to level 20, none really sank their teeth into me. The other problem I had is that after not playing for a day or two, you forget your combos.
The crafting is tedious as is the mount management. Why can't we just make a good action MMO without all the cluttered fluff to make it complex?![]()
I really, really tried to like this game. I played all classes to level 20, none really sank their teeth into me. The other problem I had is that after not playing for a day or two, you forget your combos.
The crafting is tedious as is the mount management. Why can't we just make a good action MMO without all the cluttered fluff to make it complex?![]()
I really, really tried to like this game. I played all classes to level 20, none really sank their teeth into me. The other problem I had is that after not playing for a day or two, you forget your combos.
The crafting is tedious as is the mount management. Why can't we just make a good action MMO without all the cluttered fluff to make it complex?![]()
Having exactly the same issues when it comes to classes which make it really hard for me to get into the game. I still haven't gotten over the overwhelming amount of content and have a constant feeling that I'm doing things wrong which will make late game that much harder.
Game go down for anyone else?
this so much, I'm at lvl 31 and I feel like I'm doing something very wrong: my character is underleveled to the enemies I fight so I have to backtrack to places where I have done all the combat quests and then farm mobs, even I've played like I would in any other MMO.
Maybe I need to grind out more mobs or something, but yeah, it's kinda offputting.
I have this weird mentality that I need to every quest that I see I can do (that gives exp/money) and normally that'd work in any other mmo I'd feel, but it doesn't in this game. There is sooooo much to do. I'm probably playing this game wrong...![]()
Gotta say, what stops this game from being really great is the cash shop. Really starting to prefer subscriptions with access to everything in game. Way too much stuff is locked behind a paywall.
I can deal with the fact that narratively, I have literally no idea what is going on, but let me change my horse's shitty name.
This game looks ALMOST like modded skyrim, but runs better. That's incredible.
It's almost entirely cosmetic stuff being sold in premium market. The only "game breaking" item that even remotely grants power is a ghilli suit which hides your name. It's not like you can make a +500 enchanted weapon that one shots god because you poured $5k into the game.
Love the game but it is hard juggling time between this, The DIvision, work and kids!
I really need to start using the system tray function while playing other games, if only to keep my workers going.
To keep things fresh I tend to grind levels for 4-5 levels then quest in the nearby areas and then move to the next area.
Seems to keep things mixed up nicely.
have the kids level up your BDO characters?Love the game but it is hard juggling time between this, The DIvision, work and kids!
I really need to start using the system tray function while playing other games, if only to keep my workers going.
To keep things fresh I tend to grind levels for 4-5 levels then quest in the nearby areas and then move to the next area.
Seems to keep things mixed up nicely.
Made it to Calpheon finally this weekend.
It looks awesome but man does it kill my FPS.
Also it's a little hard to navigate. I usually just say fuck this and traverse the city throwing myself at the river.
To members of the EU guild, if you could try and be online either tonight or tomorrow night it would be great if we can get a screenshot with 10 guildies for the 'One for all, and all for One' event so we can get some free guild experience.
It doesn't have to be long but we need a screenshot of 10 guildies together![]()
How is your fps in calpheon? Although my framerate counter shows 40-50 fps, it feels so much more choppy than the numbers indicate.
To members of the EU guild, if you could try and be online either tonight or tomorrow night it would be great if we can get a screenshot with 10 guildies for the 'One for all, and all for One' event so we can get some free guild experience.
It doesn't have to be long but we need a screenshot of 10 guildies together![]()
Event Period: 3. March 22. March (end of day UTC)
Event Description:
Take a selfie on any or all of the following means of transport below:
1. A screenshot of yourself on your mount (horse or donkey)
2. A screenshot of yourself on your boat
3. A screenshot of yourself on your wagon
Upload your screenshot(s) in this thread
Event Winner & Rewards:
Mount Screenshot: 1 day Horse Flute
Boat Screenshot: Boat Slot (Balenos)
Wagon Screenshot: Stable Slot (Balenos)
All three above: Title: I like to move it, move it!
20 and below lol (and this is without counting the stuttering)
Another great thing abouy BDO is that even though I don't have time to play my character is still fishing (thus generating some revenue) and my workers are still working (thus piling ressources for me to use when I have time to play).
My only problem now is getting stronger fishing poles, with the sharp increase in fishing skill my thick fishing pole doesn't last as long as it used to
I couldn't keep a straight face typing that.
What you're referring to is typically labeled as "Themepark MMOs", where the game leads you to each area, shows you some neat stuff, and you move on, guided by quests and NPCs.this so much, I'm at lvl 31 and I feel like I'm doing something very wrong: my character is underleveled to the enemies I fight so I have to backtrack to places where I have done all the combat quests and then farm mobs, even I've played like I would in any other MMO.
Maybe I need to grind out more mobs or something, but yeah, it's kinda offputting.
I have this weird mentality that I need to every quest that I see I can do (that gives exp/money) and normally that'd work in any other mmo I'd feel, but it doesn't in this game. There is sooooo much to do. I'm probably playing this game wrong...![]()
Same. Getting a worker empire around Calpheon and Epheria Port to support my fishing has completely halted my leveling progress. Hit 50 on day 1. Just hit 51 yesterdayI can't get enough of fishing brehs
Dang, I shouldn't be complaining too much..Regardless game needs some optimization as my cpu utilization across all four cores is around 30-40% in calpheon with spikes up to 40-50%, whereas gpu is around 30 - 40% playing at 1080P.
Maybe it's not entirely fair to compare this game against just cause 3 or witcher 3 but both games see better cpu/gpu utilization at 1080P while maintaining 60 fps(witcher 3 with hairworks off).
Anyway, still having fun with this. Hopefully they will release better looking costumes in the near future.
PSA @ I had major framerate issues. It just wouldn't go above 23 FPS. Then when I closed the game, my computer was laggy. I thought the game was still running minimized in the background. I couldn't see a .exe in the task manager. I restarted and my computer was still sluggish and felt slow.
Turned out that there is a problem with BDO where it changes your monitors refresh rate. It's because BDO doesn't have a build in v-sync so it uses the monitors.
In other games if you have problems with resolution, it is a good idea to leave it in borderless fullscreen. it gives you your monitors resolution and settings but removes the borders from windows. Some people are saying that is not the best way for BDO.
In my research I also discovered some people have performance issues with BDO that was resolved when adding a BDO profile to the Nvidia Control Panel (not geforce experience). It is possible to force v-sync through that program I believe, but I didn't properly test it out.
There where also some people who didn't run the 64bit client on their system. That seems important! It's quite incredible that the games recommended specs is only a Nvidia 650. It says something about how well optimized it is compared to how great it looks.