8 hour maintenance
The teasing continues
What is the chance that this maintenance is actually the Mediah update, and what is the chance that it'll come with one of the new classes?
When it does come out, Mediah will probably come with Blader and Plum.
Decided to make an end-game progression gear guide based off of Hakurai's End-game video guide for easy viewing instead of scrolling through the entire video trying to find information for that one gear piece you want but don't want to go through the entire video every time. Also cause i like collecting information from guides. I usually make personal snippets but decided i'll go the full way and make my own "guide", if you may call it that
Clicky clicky.
It's also a work-in-progress, i still need to figure a few things out here and there, and need to polish it more, and maybe even add in some extra stuff for people who are nearing end-game and not actually at end-game yet
Also, i've been updating the doc i've been using for the current end-game gear, i noticed i posted it very early in the morning so reposting it in case anyone was interested
It's coming tonightif you time travel two months into the future.
Ok, what's Mediah besides my server of choice?
To add, Yuria weps can drop off Rhutums which there are a couple 200CP dailies for anyways, and they're just pretty decent to farm at 50.
Also, getting 500 amity from the vendor is really really easy, takes like 2 mins since you can get 150-200+ amity per conversation picking basically just random shit unless you get a Fail X times one that can be tricky.
Ogres spawn in Mansha Forest, but they have a long spawn timer and can be highly contested so its not weird to not see any there.
If anyone on Orwen wants to sell a Fishing Boat, let me know, I'm in the market for one and the ones on the marketplace seem to go instantly.
They can't sell to you directly. there's no player to player trading of anything but consumables.. so they'd have to put it on the market to sell it to you.
Oh... that blows. I'm not sure why I always see people spamming crap for sale and they specifically say not on the market.
Oh... that blows. I'm not sure why I always see people spamming crap for sale and they specifically say not on the market.
lol, are you talking about the scambots?
When is the witch/wizard Awakening coming??? I need it!
I love this game but it's crazy how a pretty game can take such bad looking screenshots
Ikr? Wtf? IQ looks so bad in a lot of shots posted here?
part of it is the mode where you hide the UI has a blur filter that it applies by default. You can move around what is in focus or get rid of it, but a lot of people are leaving the blur in place, it looks like.
I have no idea how to remove that damn blur filter for the photo mode.
I have no idea how to remove that damn blur filter for the photo mode.
After Blader/Plum it's Ninja/Kunoichi's turn and then it's Witch/Wizard. They were the last classed released in KR, we got them earlier for some reason.
part of it is the mode where you hide the UI has a blur filter that it applies by default. You can move around what is in focus or get rid of it, but a lot of people are leaving the blur in place, it looks like.
Playing without a filter should be a must. The default vibrant filter looks worse IMO. Dunno why defaulted that.
Playing without a filter should be a must. The default vibrant filter looks worse IMO. Dunno why defaulted that.
Regarding screenshot mode:
So, are there any online tools to assist in creating trade routes? Tools that you can select the trade areas you have available and it'll show what items have what prices?
that cara delevigne though
So, are there any online tools to assist in creating trade routes? Tools that you can select the trade areas you have available and it'll show what items have what prices?
I was struggling a bit with the sorc yesterday so I decided to try out a pure melee class today since I thought sorc was gonna be fine if I focused purely on melee moves rather than jumping in and out of melee and mid range like I ended up having to do to avoid death to stuff like ogres.
Well I tried out a valk and oh my god I think I'm in love, I went ham and I hit 26 in about 5 hours.
This class is incredibly fun. It's slightly less mobile than I'd like - I am gonna miss sorcs teleport a lot - but the ability to just gather massive amounts of enemies and face tank them while bursting them down is really something else.
How will Awakening weapons work? Do you need to be lvl 50 for those or? Hopefully its not too difficult or tedious to get them, really want that greatsword warrior.
I think it unlocks at lvl 56, so I imagine most people won't make it. If ganking is going to be a very real thing, and levelling slows down that much after lvl 50.. Brace yourself. Death is going to hurt. Hopefully this will add to a sense of excitement that has been sorely missed from so many MMOs where death is a pointless nuisance.
And fortunately there is no-delevelling. So if somebody ganks you, you can't lose enough xp to go down a level, which to me is awesome. It's like a level is a milestone. There will be a point where you are close to levelling- you get ganked and lose xp, and it will feel like shit because of all the time you wasted.
But on the other hand- When was the last time levelling really mattered? It's a completely different mentality in the game that you have to be strategic about when and where you grind.
If you go out as a lvl 50+ to grind. Alone, without backup- Thats basically like having unprotected sex with someone you dont know. Something is going to happen- It might not be now, but you're risking a lot and you will suffer the consequences.
I want that Greatsword too. I think a lot of people want to, but I also think there will be a lot of anger revolving around the effort needed. It will be interesting to see where this goes.