Is it just an impression or is the cash shop costume system the only way to obtain decent looking equipment?
I'm not sure if it's because it's only the beginning but everybody look the same
Unfortunately, yes. This is the price we pay for all future content being free, no subscriptions, and no F2P/P2W.
There are some different looks you can get for your character in game. All the major armor sets have a different look and while they are mostly variations of the standard gear some of them look significantly better. There is the Noble Dress and also gear for each life system such as fishing, trading, cooking, etc. These cannot be used as outfits or costumes right now but there is an item not implemented in our version of the game that allows you to convert them.
Who want my stuff. I'm Going to bother with this game further down the line when not busy or treat it more like a themepark. It is not hitting my sandbox g-spot. Was hoping for something closer to Darkfall but with better combat or up to par with SWG were it felt like you could immerse yourself in that world. Thought crafting would be fun but the energy limits just kill that and the life skills don't really matter much since they pretty much are useful to yourself besides cooking and alchemy.
Miss being a doc and dancer in SWG and working for tips. Going to different planets searching for resources to create awesome gear. The need for (BDO fucks this up hard, BiS should be crafted in a sandbox and boss gear at least a tier down until you can buy or craft the BiS gear.) Setting up shop to sell your wares. No combat involved and actually interacting with other players was fun as fuck and you actually got to know other regular players besides the ones that spam the same memes in chat.
Wish these other "sandboxes" would actually step up their game. Shit is getting boring fast.
Early on the energy system does feel a little restrictive but now that my max energy is almost 160 it takes nearly an hour to burn it all doing crafting, and several hours to burn it on gathering (that isn't bottles of water). During the week I usually end up "throwing away" energy rolling for workers or doing random resource node investment simply because I don't have the time to wait for my characters to burn all their energy via some kind of production before I got to work/bed. Then again, I do leave my game logged in almost 24/7 even when I'm not playing, so if you can't do that then yeah the energy system will always feel more restrictive.
Early on the energy system does feel a little restrictive but now that my max energy is almost 160 it takes nearly an hour to burn it all doing crafting, and several hours to burn it on gathering (that isn't bottles of water). During the week I usually end up "throwing away" energy rolling for workers or doing random resource node investment simply because I don't have the time to wait for my characters to burn all their energy via some kind of production before I got to work/bed. Then again, I do leave my game logged in almost 24/7 even when I'm not playing, so if you can't do that then yeah the energy system will always feel more restrictive.
I have 122 energy, but that is still a problem. Every sandbox game I have played I have been able to craft to my hearts content, even when being rushed down by pvpers while gathering and running for my life while carrying a shit ton of mats. I always been able to keep crafting till I wanted to stop. Like in Darkfall, I got to know some of the pvpers and they just leave me alone because they know I'll help them in return with gear and I made a bunch of gear and money doing just that. Or like in SWG, I spent days doing nothing but crafting and setting up my resources. I'm talking 4-5 hours per day doing this. ( I was addicted to SWG. ) Shit was fun just hanging out in my shop, speaking to people that run through, buffing people while inside, and giving a new players their first set of composite armor.
BDO lacks in activities that can bring a community together which do not involve combat and that just sucks for me. I love the shit out of the combat but everything else just is not up to par with it.
BDO lacks in activities that can bring a community together which do not involve combat and that just sucks for me. I love the shit out of the combat but everything else just is not up to par with it.
Yeah, I get what you mean. I think it's one of the worst things about BDO, but it's not enough to make me stop playing, at least not for now. Even though I wish the game better facilitated/encouraged interaction outside of combat, I'm still having a blast with this as a largely single player game. The management sim and exploration aspects still have me in a death grip.
Axe the RNG in enchants and make all enchants guaranteed force enchants (without durability loss) that require more stones, normalize damage to make gear not completely trump skill and let skilled players still do well against higher level/ gear players, and take accuracy and evasion out, and we'd have one of the best modern MMO's. Accuracy and evasion shouldn't exist in an action combat game.
I don't find these systems fun to grind to. I am no means against grinding, but a grind shouldn't determine your worth in combat
The energy system serves a good purpose even though it feels limiting. They added energy to processing to our region for example because otherwise people could just process all night long, gain a bunch of levels, and produce tons of market goods. They saw the negative impact of this having no energy cost in other regions and adjusted. It might go against the concept of a pure 'sandbox' but it's a necessary system.
While it can feel inconvenient at times I honestly like the energy system overall. It serves to make you think about what you want to do and weigh various opportunity costs. To me that's a very desirable aspect to any game. I just wish it didn't take so damn long to burn my energy I've stocked up.
Processing is not going as planned.
Processing is not going as planned.
Processing is not going as planned.
Processing is not going as planned.
Processing is not going as planned.
Processing is not going as planned.
Processing is not going as planned.
Processing is not going as planned.
You have obtained 1 potato flour.
The energy system serves a good purpose even though it feels limiting. They added energy to processing to our region for example because otherwise people could just process all night long, gain a bunch of levels, and produce tons of market goods. They saw the negative impact of this having no energy cost in other regions and adjusted. It might go against the concept of a pure 'sandbox' but it's a necessary system.
I'm still not sure it is necessary. The main reason they have flood of items is because you can buy decent items off npcs or get better items from bosses. Look at wagons, why would I even need to craft one when most will just buy a cheap one off an npc. (Only people that will need to really get a crafted wagon are the ones that horse breed and want to level 4 horses at the same time.) Or why would I craft armor or weapons when you can build up the amity with an npc and get close to best in slot or kill mobs and world bosses. Crafting is an afterthought when you can just buy or loot the best items in game without even going through a crafter. Only item in-game worth crafting is a boat and that is because you can't buy it unless someone took the time to craft it.
I'm still not sure it is necessary. The main reason they have flood of items is because you can buy decent items off npcs or get better items from bosses. Look at wagons, why would I even need to craft one when most will just buy a cheap one off an npc. (Only people that will need to really get a crafted wagon are the ones that horse breed and want to level 4 horses at the same time.) Or why would I craft armor or weapons when you can build up the amity with an npc and get close to best in slot or kill mobs and world bosses. Crafting is an afterthought when you can just buy or loot the best items in game without even going through a crafter. Only item in-game worth crafting is a boat and that is because you can't buy it unless someone took the time to craft it.
I thought this way at first, too, but then I noticed some things.
I can proc multiple items on processing.
There's a 35% tax on all item sales at the market.
I hired workers to gather lots of goods, more goods than I can possibly use (unless maybe I did nothing but processing with all my characters), so having them take a break from gathering cheap goods to work on a wagon is only a minor cashflow interruption.
Yeah, I can go buy a farm wagon for 180k or I can get a noble from the market for about 3 mil.
But if I'm, at worst, getting 2x on my processing (and I often get that or better) I can craft one for a fraction of the price. My rough estimate is that I could craft a noble wagon for well under a half million worth of materials, before the cost off beer/workers/workshop. But remember I can't sell those materials for that much, because of the taxes. And that 180k farm wagon? Sure, you'll probably buy your first one from the stable NPC because you'll get 180k in cash before you get enough CP to get the materials/workshop/workers investment, but once you have that you can craft several wagons at a fraction of the cost, if you're producing your own materials.
Of course you could sell these materials, too, but you're taking a considerable hit on the market fees. In the case of the noble wagon I don't think it's worth selling them, not while people are buying noble wagons for 3 mil. In the farm wagon's case, you can 'save' money by making your own (assuming you can't put those workers to use on something more productive) but it's not worth selling them for a source of income.
Tools and clothes are also worth crafting if you care about life skills.
Honestly I think a lot of stuff in this game comes down to minimal gains, and in a lot of cases the difference between one path or another comes down to which did you have some investment in already, which method do you enjoy more, or which method do you have time for. Some people would rather grind monsters for 5 hours and buy stuff other people spent the time to make. I'd rather be the one crafting, gathering, and running trade routes for 5 hours. I'm having fun, other guy is having fun. End of the day, he may have some lucky drops and get more money than me, but I don't really care
because I got 5 hours of other games/movies/etc. in at the same time as playing BDO!
Being "optimal" with all your resources in this game takes an incredible amount of time and focus and math, but fortunately you don't need to be on top of being optimal to get stuff done.
The crafted trade wagon is objectively better than the farm wagon that you can buy from the vendor and looks significantly better too. It has double the lifespan, higher weight limit, and more slots. If you're resource strapped then getting a farm wagon from a vendor to get you started is a viable option but it is nowhere near as good as the crafted trade wagon in my opinion.
Regarding crafted armor and weapons, you have to invest in weapon and armor workshops to enhance the BIS armor (e.g. upgrade Grunil from Green to Blue/Yellow) and good weapons like Yuria, though the current BIS weapons and accessories are indeed dropped from World Bosses. If you could get the BIS everything from crafting than I don't think there would be much point to doing anything else.
As Quonny said, there are plenty of items worth crafting and many that are valuable on the market. It's not perfect by any means (for example some crafted items being worth less than the materials to produce them) but it's far from an afterthought.
I don't think it's that wrong that some items are less valuable than it's materials.
I mean, for materials you need to spent a lot of time gathering (not only by workers but some can onlybe gathered by yourself), you need to spend energy, lots of time and travel....
But actually crafting the recipe only requires Cpoints and workers (that are ultra cheap). You really do nothing. So I guess it's a form to encourage to do that item yourself, instead of skipping the hard part.
Nice! Some fucker killed me while i was afk fishing on my boat, and just after I went to bed, so the AFK session went to waste and now I have to look for my boat.
Nice! Some fucker killed me while i was afk fishing on my boat, and just after I went to bed, so the AFK session went to waste and now I have to look for my boat.
despite forced pvp after level 45.....I bought it just because of how much I really want a game to create my own stories and experiences in not dictated by end game raids. I mean yes, there are guild bosses and such but whatever.
despite forced pvp after level 45.....I bought it just because of how much I really want a game to create my own stories and experiences in not dictated by end game raids. I mean yes, there are guild bosses and such but whatever.
I've been over level 45 for about a week now and have never been ganked... then again I'm not in the high level farming areas which are more contested, but point is don't be afraid of random ganking striking at any moment; it's really not gonna happen outside of specific areas.
I've been over level 45 for about a week now and have never been ganked... then again I'm not in the high level farming areas which are more contested, but point is don't be afraid of random ganking striking at any moment; it's really not gonna happen outside of specific areas.
It was a lava boss named Ferrid (I think) and it was classified as a demihuman. He had a massive HP pool so it took a while to kill. If we were all completely geared it might have taken a little less time. The boss can create lava explosions around the arena, has some fireball attack, cleaves, and can spawn a bunch of adds. No major mechanics so it was just dodging mostly but he can easily kill you in one or two hits. Pretty much like fighting a major world boss.
To do the guild boss, you do a special boss subjugation quest that requires you kill 'x' number of enemies and that rewards you with a boss scroll that you can then use to summon for the guild at the specified location. You can't spam these quests since they appear randomly and cost around 2 million silver from the guild bank to execute. We should probably stop slacking on quests so we can do more of these regularly. They drop really good loot and much less of a pain to do than world bosses. In the case above, Ferrid was classified as a 'small' quest. No idea what medium, large, and extra large are going to be like then - hopefully it just pertains to the amount of guild experience you get and the amount of mobs you kill before the scroll.
The best thing is that you don't break crystals or lose experience from dying to these. As long as you have enough participation, dying does not prevent you from getting any loot. One person was dead after we killed the boss and their loot was there waiting for him when he got back.
Sucks I missed the boss. I came on right as you all beat it. I've been wanting to do Subjugation quests for a month now, but I guess we haven't had enough high level players. Hope to make the next one.
Unlikely. Instead of bitching about them being not in the game, people will just start bitching about them being too hard to play, too popular, too weak, etc.
Well yeah, a lot of people wanted to play them at launch. Myself included. The choices for male characters is pretty limited and I would've preferred to play Blader over all of them.