They really are OP.
2 million already made in like 4 hours.
It is pretty overwhelming. I have so many other games I'm playing too (like Enter the Gungeon) so I only play it on weekends when I can spend some time to invest.Think I am done.
The hours I have put in I have enjoyed but I just find the game a little too overwhelming for my liking.
I think I may have to continue on my search for the MMO I require.
So I meet my first PvP asshole today!
I was grinding mobs and suddenly someone with a gillie attacked me (didn't even notice him). Motherfucked made me die against the monsters and lost a gem because of it. After I was dead dude proceded to tell me to leave, so.... I did otherwise, and keep going back. And he kept killing me (he had way better gear i assume).
Eventually dude left, and got my camp for me again. I guess I fucked with his karma.
I mean, I would probably left the camp if he was nice and all cause he was clearly better than me, but there was no reason to be such an ass so....
what's that?
A guild that goes around and PKs anyone who is in "their" grind spot.
I need help big time! I am trying to get my ferry license. My shipyard is in Velia, my workers are from and in Velia, I have tons of ash timber in storage in Velia. Why does it say I don't have enough materials to have the workers craft ash plywood? I did the prerequisite gathering quests in Heidel. It's really frustrating me.
Also, why doesn't it count the ash plywood I made manually (ie through the inventory menu, not the worker menu) and is in storage in Velia?
Hmm, I think I understand but I'm not 100%. If the license requires 10 ash plywood, what exactly do I need in my warehouse (including amount) for the workers to fulfill that requirement?
My best friend got a guest pass and asked me if we could try it out tonight. Anyone in here have a guest pass they dont need? Would love to try out the game.
Quick question since I have been on the fence about this game but anyone know how well an i3 4th gen and a 750ti ftw would run this game?
Quick question since I have been on the fence about this game but anyone know how well an i3 4th gen and a 750ti ftw would run this game?
I run the game at 1600x900, Texture: Medium, Graphics: Very High (all settings ticked in under that option) ~30fps (20-30fps in cities).
i7 3.4Ghz, 12GB ram, 660Ti 2GB vram.
Hmm, I think I understand but I'm not 100%. If the license requires 10 ash plywood, what exactly do I need in my warehouse (including amount) for the workers to fulfill that requirement?
Well, caved in and bought it finally. Bit of an impulse buy since next week DS3 comes out and who knows how much I'll play this but whatever.
I'm from Italy, so what server should I join?
Quick question since I have been on the fence about this game but anyone know how well an i3 4th gen and a 750ti ftw would run this game?
I come bearing a gift though:
Code 2 : 3409-6934-A336-42BF-90D2
My last guest pass. If anyone snags it, be sure to leave a message saying that you did.
The EU guild is on JORDINE - SERENDIA #1.
Hah, yeah. I deleted my Tamer alt the second they announced the Mediah patch. Too worried about filling that slot now.I just hope they give us at least a 24 hour heads up that Blade/Plum is going to be added. I need to clear a character slot. I may just delete one in case it actually happens next patch.
Severs are up (have been for 15 minutes now), but there's +10% exp bonus for everything until Monday.
Probably? Edit: At least if exploration is a big draw for you. Player interaction is very minimal in this game, for better or for worse. There is very little reason to do anything in a party until you're high level doing bosses or PvP, but that doesn't mean you can't party up anyway, or join a guild to have people to chat with. Grinding for exp can also be a party activity.Does it seem like I'll enjoy BD?
Also, I can find system reqs on their website. How well will an i5 2500k @ 4.1, 8 GB RAM, and 4 GB 960 Ti run this at 1080p?
Also, is there a free trial option?
Considering trying this. My favorite MMO ever was Vanilla WoW. My favorite aspect of Vanilla WoW was leveling, exploring, and meeting other players; end game raids were fun but notbmy main draw anymore.
Does it seem like I'll enjoy BD? Also, I can find system reqs on their website. How well will an i5 2500k @ 4.1, 8 GB RAM, and 4 GB 960 Ti run this at 1080p?
Also, is there a free trial option?
Sorry for all the questions, on my phone but got super excited reading this thread a bit and now I want to know as much as possible as soon as possible.
this isn't like any form of WoW. If you've never played another korean mmo it's probably worth checking out to see if you like it, but the game will feel very alien if all you know is WoW and similar games. Most jarring difference is that you rarely get xp from quests.
As someone really into the community aspect of MMOs I don't think I'd stick it out if my friends weren't playing. So far my only direct interaction with other players has been just seeing them running around...and general chat which appears to be mostly about Donald Trump and Alienware.
I have a slightly better system and it runs alright but I'm running some weird combination of settings. I've seen towns drop under 20. Combat areas run great.
There's a gold fishing hotspot on the shore, no boat required.
Considering the upward trend, I expect that the game will achieve over 1 million sales this year, Daum Games Europe chief executive Min Kim said in a statement. Whats impressive is these figures far exceed those in the domestic market.
"Black Desert Online is recording a much higher pay ratio than the average 11 percent normally seen in free-to-play games.
No surprise there, it's a big hit with Western audiences. Considering it's not super popular in Korea, I think Pearl Abyss would do well to cater to western audiences more.
You want to convert silver to gold, right?
Quick question since I have been on the fence about this game but anyone know how well an i3 4th gen and a 750ti ftw would run this game?
Axe the RNG in enchants and make all enchants guaranteed force enchants (without durability loss) that require more stones, normalize damage to make gear not completely trump skill and let skilled players still do well against higher level/ gear players, and take accuracy and evasion out, and we'd have one of the best modern MMO's. Accuracy and evasion shouldn't exist in an action combat game.
I don't find these systems fun to grind to. I am no means against grinding, but a grind shouldn't determine your worth in combat
You can't buy things with ingots. Converting to gold ingots is just a way to more conveniently transport large sums of cash.