Wow, I dunno what changed since beta, but I'm liking Kunoichi. So agile while attacking, I barely get hit.
Graphics look kinda rough for me. I have all the effects bumped up as high a it'll go, but it still doesn't look that great. Got a 1060.
Anyone using reshade, or something similar?
Edit: it's mainly that the AA is pretty weak. I tried bumping it up in nvidia control panel, but it didn't change anything.
Graphics look kinda rough for me. I have all the effects bumped up as high a it'll go, but it still doesn't look that great. Got a 1060.
Everything going well right now, GAF guild has 12-15 people that are on every day.
really? compared to AAA single player titles perhaps but compared to mmo's this blows most all of them away graphically. I still didn't care for the game but the graphics were impressive.
really? compared to AAA single player titles perhaps but compared to mmo's this blows most all of them away graphically. I still didn't care for the game but the graphics were impressive.
You misunderstand. I'm speaking relatively. I've seen a good bit of screens that have much nicer effects than I'm getting, but yeah, it looks great for an MMO regardless. I just wondered if anyone else is using tools to improve it.
Also, there's the camera mode, why are all those bells and whistles tied only to that mode?
So, the game is on sale right now, and I really liked the beta.
That said, I'm not someone with a lot of time, prefer to play solo as much as I can, and heard that the game became more P2W over time...
Would you recommend it to me? I know it's an OT so people might obviously do it, but I'm interested to hear other sides.
As a lapsed player from just after Medivh, is there anything I should know before jumping back in?
The game is a lot of fun if you play solo and don't worry about your gear score and whatnot. I'd say it's a great way to wind down at the end of the day, you make your own tasks and do whatever you want.
Pay to win kind of comes in to play in the end game, but doesn't matter if you don't want to be in the top 1%. Even with P2W, you'd have to play 3-5 hrs a day to get enough money and experience consistently to be top tier, and it just isn't worth it if you have other responsibilities.
Basically if you aren't too OCD about it and enjoy crafting your own experiences over playing competitively, you will have a good time.
What are you looking to get out of the game? It'll be easier to give you an honest opinion if I know what you are trying to do within the game.
Mostly PVE, exploration, and having a good time. Not helping I know, but it's really just playing from time to time when I want to play something else, not going for the best ever build or pvp![]()
Nah that works. PvP is probably out of your reach anyway if you don't have much time to invest into the game. There are P2W aspects to the game, though everybody's definition of P2W is different. The biggest offender right now is the costume coupon which you can only get with real money. If you aren't looking to PvP at the top then it probably doesn't matter. There are others too, but those either are getting money or saving money.
You basically have to enjoy character progression being numbers (and a lot of the time hidden numbers). The game does a really piss poor job on visual progression/visual gear progression. The costume system could use some work (you can't mix and match pieces and keep set bonuses, changing costumes takes too long).
Try and grab a seven day guest pass and see if you enjoy it.
If it's better than the beta, I'm good for it. I really enjoyed it over a few days, despite some issues here and there (some weird UI sometimes, and some optimization issues at the time).
Thanks for the tips!![]()
I was wondering, have they ever given out free pearls like in an event or something?
Actual pearls, no. Pearl shop items like Brand Stones, Value Packs, and pets have been available through attendance rewards and the currently running board game.
Oh man I would love a pet... how about appearance change?
Where is the Value Pack available in the current board?
The GM box?
You can pull it out of the random item square, can't remember if it is the 1d or 7d version.
Are there any extra 7-day passes floating around? I'd love to give this a real try to see if it's something my wife and I would enjoy playing together. After WoW on and off for 10 years, it's time to try something new. The trading, gathering and crafting, and of course housing sounds pretty interesting. ..And combat without 25 buttons to push.
Believe it is the 1 day version. I got it a few days ago.You can pull it out of the random item square, can't remember if it is the 1d or 7d version.
Sounds like I have to get really really lucky lol.
Are the packages worth it or should I just get the cheap one for 10€? I plan to play very very casually, mostly PvE and exploring the world. The only thing that sound interesting is the horse-whistle-thingy.
Well, that's exactly what I wanted to hearIf you are playing very casually no, they probably aren't worth it. Getting your own horse is pretty easy and there are tons of guides on it. Honestly I haven't even been tempted to buy the horse whistle. Out of all the convenience items, that seems to be the weakest/easiest to ignore. You can still whistle your horse to you without one, the whistle just increases the range.
Well, that's exactly what I wanted to hearThanks!
Also, is the European side of things active? Or should I just go to the US servers?
You can buy a 30 day value pack off the market for ~10 million. You have to get a little lucky to grab one, but it is possible.
If you are playing very casually no, they probably aren't worth it. Getting your own horse is pretty easy and there are tons of guides on it. Honestly I haven't even been tempted to buy the horse whistle. Out of all the convenience items, that seems to be the weakest/easiest to ignore. You can still whistle your horse to you without one, the whistle just increases the range.
How long does it take to get a high tier horse? I've looked up this question but everyone is just talking about how to get horses.
What's a good class to play in this game? As in controls well and easy to solo.
So I just bought this can I get my Steam Controller to work with this or is KB+M preferred input method. Don't know how I feel about DMC style game with KB inputs (having DmC3 PC port nightmares).
Painfully long depending on how RNG blesses you. Once you hit T5 (maybe even lower), you want the holy trinity of horse skills more than you want a higher tier horse. Sure a T8 with the trinity is amazing, but a T5 with it is better than a higher tier without it.
PvE solo? Pretty much anything. Ranger seems to be the go to safe class, though until you get your weapon slotted right it is very mana hungry. Sorc is another good class, not the best PvE clear until awakening but not a bad clear either with plenty of i-frames to abuse. Witch/Wizard is good if you like nuking things.
Honestly play whatever appeals the most to you, any class can make it work. Some may have to work a little harder than others, but the game really isn't balanced around 1v1.
Kuno is really fun because avoiding damage is rewarding on its own. It definitely feels like Kuno/Ninja is super mobile as long as they have the stamina, being able to dodge and attack feels so good.
I'm pretty sure sorc and tamer can do it too, but I never felt like they could move as far as kuno when using shadow slash.
I heard Ranger is super OP with awakening, like the best PVP class or something after a buff.
Thanks. The character creation is really overwhelming.
I might play the Maehwa or whatever the sword and bow class is
Would it be an issue even if I wanted to stick with PvE? I'd imagine ping having a noticeable impact on PvP, but in PvE it's usually manageable.Ping can be a big issue so I'd say probably stick to EU, though I don't believe there is an active GAF EU community. Can't remember which is the most popular EU server, but this is a game where you almost don't want to run into people after a certain level. You don't want people contesting your grind spot.
Ugh, I didn't realize Kunoichi's awakening isn't out yet...
I got a 1 day Value Pass from the boardgame. Woot. I can change styles now.
Anyone have advice on upgrading to TRI mos/witch or DUO crescents? Debating taking the enhancement plunge, but it seems like a good way to lose ... everything, and I'm wondering if straight up buying them would be cheaper in the long run.
Anyone have advice on upgrading to TRI mos/witch or DUO crescents? Debating taking the enhancement plunge, but it seems like a good way to lose ... everything, and I'm wondering if straight up buying them would be cheaper in the long run.