I reached a major milestone today. I hit like 56 and got my Greatsword for my Warrior!
This was the reason I decided to buy BDO, and it has been my main objective since I started playing. And like clockwork, I hit lvl 56 at 10 days played.
Getting from lvl 55 to 56 turned out to be a lot less of problem than I thought it would be.
BDO is a fantastic game. It's a MMO you need to play on its own terms. Its a game that is fun to log into and play for a while and then log out of. In small bursts as a distraction rather than your "main" game it is excellent.
If you can get into the habit of logging in for the daily, the developers are generous with rewards.
This game can be really frustrating. There are things about it that make you shake your head, but it is also one of the gems of PC gaming. It's a unique game, a deep game and a very immersive game.
I'm really glad I played it. If you anyone here is thinking about picking it up- Do it. the combat, the world, the possibilities, the exploration, the life skills.
Getting into it is what can be really difficult. seeing the genius of it beneath the surface can be difficult. Because you need to play on the games terms and sometimes it doesn't make sense. But then you learn the ropes, and then it makes sense.
The game is at its best when you log in and you carve out something for yourself. you make ultra detailed characters, you fall in love with the combat which feels like soul calibur meets dynasty warrior. it is outragously awesome. the graphics are incredible and the attachment you get to things. you upgrade your gear you get relatively early with stones. you go out in the wild and you catch a horse, and you create your own wagon and you make your own boat. and you hire workers to do your farms.
The game is best if you are not focused on the best gear or by being competitive in pvp. forget about that right off the bat. because the game has pay for conveniences, (not really pay to win) but even that makes no sense compared to the way the RNG is set up. the game is straight up insane. the developers are truly mad. they don't give a fuck and its both a good and a bad thing.
There has never and will never be a game with this design spec. its for this reason the game can not be easily compared to other games.
And if you're looking for a MMO that makes you care. If you are de-sensitized from current MMOs, this might be an option.