Via Purifico
How far are you with your characters? you said you haven't played in months so I hope no major investment was put in.
I have sent you two passes, check your inboxAnyone have any of those 7 day trials for a friend and I? Or is there another way to test out the game. We are primarily just testing how the game runs but will stick around if we enjoy it. Thanks in advance
I have sent you two passes, check your inbox![]()
Thank you kindly.
After making a char on the wrong server, with server merge, might finally run into the NeoGAF guild.
Me too. I'm in a guild on Uno, but hopefully it will be possible to play with y'all.
Also please come beat up all the ex warrior poets members, we have our share of vile guilds that could use a teaching.
Completely unrelated, anyone go for TET on a blue accessory? Thinking about going for TET red coral earrings, debating what stack to use.
I'm in no position to beat up anyone with my tri gears but I'm sure Vyr is up for it with his mighty warrior wielding dual krea long swords.
Highest accessory I have is duo..after blowing up duo cresent rings, no mas.
Bought a kzarka off market today, just got it to DUO. I've ascendedI'm in no position to beat up anyone with my tri gears but I'm sure Vyr is up for it with his mighty warrior wielding dual krea long swords.
Highest accessory I have is duo..after blowing up duo cresent rings, no mas.
Anyone have an extra guest pass? I really want to get into an mmo as it gets cooler outside....but I'd rather try before I buy! I'd appreciate it.
Completely forgot this was out. Anyone have a US pass so I can check it out? NA GAF still active?
Completely forgot this was out. Anyone have a US pass so I can check it out? NA GAF still active?
Is the starter package too disadvantageous or can i get fine with just it?
Just started Black Desert. And man, they don't explain shit in this game. So many systems and meters and I have no idea what they do. Knowledge, energy, contribution, nodes, how to move money, conversations, etc. Combat is fun though and it looks pretty!
Haven't had a chance to yet, got that 48% dl bs this morning and then had to get to work.
Quick question if anyone knows the answer, I've been playing since CBT but never participated in a node war (only been in two really small guilds), is it possible to fight for another guild as a mercenary? Really want to give it a shot, though I'm sure my gear score and skills aren't really up for the challenge.
so I hear being in a guild can help my fishing... how do I join the gaf guild?
So, has anyone tried the game yet? Hope this merger won't affect the game's performance.
Have b-day party to attend today but will try to login tomorrow so we can do some guild missions!
Looks sooo good ;0~~ She'll be mah main. Hopefully she won't be as useless as valk.
Why is it her basic armor actually looks decent compared to the others? lol.
To late to get into this game? I was interested when it first released but was playing other games. Then read that basically if you didn't play since launch don't bother but with the Dark knight class coming out thought maybe it would be a good time to start?
Maehwa has good looking base armor, even better in grunil and some of the other ingame sets. I'm really like the hair here. As far as customization goes I'd really love more hair options. It is really annoying how limited the styles in game are.
It's not too late. There's usually weekly event so even new comers have a chance to catch up. Link to current event:
Our gaf guild has two monster players, vyr and questing machine neir, so most guilds don't dare to bother us!
To late to get into this game? I was interested when it first released but was playing other games. Then read that basically if you didn't play since launch don't bother but with the Dark knight class coming out thought maybe it would be a good time to start?
I really appreciate dark knight's jiggle physics. ;0~~~~
I've decided to come back and try again (Highest level previously was a tamer at 42).
I literally have no idea how to play anymore. I can't even remember how to fight. Any tips for getting back into the game?
I've decided to come back and try again (Highest level previously was a tamer at 42).
I literally have no idea how to play anymore. I can't even remember how to fight. Any tips for getting back into the game?
Tough to say, what do you want to do? Leveling to 56 is a lot easier than whenever you were playing. Getting Liverto's are also a lot easier.
Are you looking for gear advice? Combos? How to make money? Do you like tamer or do you want to try another class? Getting another character to 42 won't take long.
My tamer is level 50 now. Ideally I'd like to continue levelling but I'm unsure how best to gear up for Mediah. I currently have a +10 bares shortsword and a +9 offhand. My total ap is 69
What's your money situation right now? Ideally you would want to buy a liverto off the market place and slowly start getting it to duo. If you don't have a lot of money, you could try taking that bares to duo. The problem with that is there aren't a ton of bares on the market place.
Now that you are 50 you'll get the daily boss scrolls. Usually people do them in groups when they have 5 of a scroll to do. It is an ok way to get blackstones and possibly boss gear.
Anybody from our guild got boss gear from doing these daily boss scrolls? I've been doing this for about 9 months..but have yet to get one!
So I've wanted to try this for years, never got around to it (last year sucked.)
There's a few packages on the any of the extra stuff actually worth a damn? Also, if you do the $10 package...can you upgrade to the $30 or $50 or is it one and done?
So I've wanted to try this for years, never got around to it (last year sucked.)
There's a few packages on the any of the extra stuff actually worth a damn? Also, if you do the $10 package...can you upgrade to the $30 or $50 or is it one and done?