so... got all of my event stuff.. yay.
Ogre ring provides 10 ap, whereas the other one provides 10dp. Ogre ring is best in slot, and each time you enchant it, it goes up by 5 ap.
So I'm not sure why. Especially since I'm two days short of getting it on my attendance reward but while I was at work today an high quality accessory box appeared in my inventory. Did that happen to anyone else?
I feel like I'm really high level really quickly. I'm not sure if this is good or not. I'm currently level 46. A lot of the levels seem to come by normally when I'm out questing. For instance I was killing bandits for 1 quest earlier today and of course shortly after handing it in I find another two or three that sends me back to the same place. I usually only need 1 type but I end up slaughtering everything in the vicinity...
I have all these junk exchange items... I just cashed in 600 of something for about 600,000 silver. On the way to this NPC though I find another quest that wants me to kill something... On the way to kill that I find another quest... So many distractions.
When do I get my spear any way? I picked this class because they get a spear at some point, I'm guessing pretty late but then again I'm close to level 50 so easily.
I should really take time out from questing and do some other stuff I guess. Then again, half of the other stuff is management or AFK type of stuff.
Will leveling slow down by a lot when I get kicked from exp servers?
Will leveling slow down by a lot when I get kicked from exp servers?
56 is when you get your awakening weapon. Lvling comes to a slow pace by 57 and the real grind begins.
Yeah it will. Both from being a higher level and not having a 200% exp buff on all the time.
Decided to try the game out.
Name is Lehmbrick Suten on the Calpheon server. Lover of shields, so I went with Warrior!
Is it worth spending some time on an ult to get the most of the exp boost right now?
Warrior looks great. I want to make one too.
The developer said on the forums that this is a mistake. The event ends February 15.
Is that a fishing boat on day 13?
And over 100 new quests! I know somebody is going to be really happy and busy soon.New area is coming out on the 25th. Coming with that is a better boat that doesn't run out of life. Takes a lot of mats though so better get on that.
Thx so much for this. I never noticed the Max Durability thing at the armorer.Whatever the weapon you need either the SAME weapon +0 or Memory fragments to repair MAX DURABILITY.
I recommend buying from loyalty shop Artisan's Memory bottles 1bottle/400loyalty points, these will triple the effect of MAX DURABILITY repair.
Go to a blacksmith -> repair -> recover max dur. ->
Place your +++ weapon that needs repair in the LEFT slot, and the +0 on the RIGHT slot, and if you have Artisan's Memory you press Artisan Memory button and your +++ weapon will be added +30 to MAX DURABILITY, if you do not have Artisan's Memory, press the Recover Max Dur. button instead but it will only add +10 to MAX DURABILITY.
The +0 weapon or armor will ALWAYS be used up and disappear when repairing MAX DURABILITY.
Is the new class type coming out on the 25th as well?New area is coming out on the 25th. Coming with that is a better boat that doesn't run out of life. Takes a lot of mats though so better get on that.
Is the new class type coming out on the 25th as well?
And over 100 new quests! I know somebody is going to be really happy and busy soon.
The girlfriend and I started playing the game last week. We are helplessly addicted. After only just reaching level 52 we are about to head to the desert for the first time. We took our sweet time exploring every nook and cranny, and oh boy, there sure are many.
We are finally ready to join a guild, and I'd be honored for it to be US GAF. Is there any way to make that possible?
How is this game as far as 10 dollar entry fee tier goes?
How is this game as far as 10 dollar entry fee tier goes?
Send a whisper to Sattari, Azmaki, Rhydan, or Vyrance. You can also post your character names here and we can try inviting yas.
You'll get a lot of play out of that $10. Or do you mean compared to the higher packages? Only nice thing out of higher packages is probably the horse whistle, other than that you don't really need the other stuff. You can catch your own horse as well. Have you tried out the game at all yet? I'm sure some of us have 7-day trial passes sitting around if you want to get a feel for the game.
Really depends what you are looking for. I'd recommend getting a 7 day free trail and seeing if is a good fit for you. I would only get the $50 package when they do their sales and it is 50% off.
I'm sure there are people who do it, but just spending $10 on the game is pretty tough. There are a lot of cash shop items that make your life a lot easier. Pets/weight increase are the two biggest things.
Are you guys going to be on tonight? I get home from work around 6 pm est so I can add you two after thatThank you so much! Character names are Nalanie and Aldricht respectively. One thing to keep in mind is that both use an uppercase i rather than an l.
Are you guys going to be on tonight? I get home from work around 6 pm est so I can add you two after that
Yeah, we'll be there! We've also just joined the Discord linked in the OP, that should make communication easier.
The girlfriend and I started playing the game last week. We are helplessly addicted. After only just reaching level 52 we are about to head to the desert for the first time. We took our sweet time exploring every nook and cranny, and oh boy, there sure are many.
We are finally ready to join a guild, and I'd be honored for it to be US GAF. Is there any way to make that possible?
The girlfriend and I started playing the game last week. We are helplessly addicted. After only just reaching level 52 we are about to head to the desert for the first time. We took our sweet time exploring every nook and cranny, and oh boy, there sure are many.
We are finally ready to join a guild, and I'd be honored for it to be US GAF. Is there any way to make that possible?
Yes! Fresh meat!
In the menu, hit the edit ui button and there's a slider that changes the sizeIs there a way to increase UI size and stop the text from being so blurry?
This weekend I'm going to start gathering the logs I need to make my new sailboat. So many logs. Apart from that the only thing I'm short of is pine and the designs. That'll just take time.
Does anyone know what the daily quest will be for the designs? Combat? life skills? Just rocking up and asking?
The daily from my understanding is a pretty simple task. You can do the story quest line that launches with the expansion and get a decent number of the designs.
Yay. It took a while but I managed to breed my first tier 7 horse. From two level 30 tier 5s.
How do people get horses so fast that they rocket past you like they're glitching?
No rush though. It's nice to have longer term goals.
Here's what my character looks like now and this is the costume I'd be willing to buy. There was a one that looked like grass armor and one that looked all gold that I might be willing to buy at some point as well.