Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Black Girl Gamers' Jay-Ann Lopez on the importance of Black representation in fantasy
Ahead of the release of Square Enix's Forspoken, there were concerns about representation. Frey, the game's Black female protagonist, was described in a 2021 preview session as having a "hip-hoppy kind of walk", as well as being "an orphan" and "very angry", raising eyebrows at the perpetuation of negative Black stereotypes.
"As a trusted voice in gaming, diversity, and inclusivity, we were brought in. We had an opportunity to weigh in on the game - especially given that it is one of the first games to feature a fantasy female protagonist of Black descent.
Speaking to Eurogamer, Lopez says she believes the game wouldn't have received this same level of criticism had Frey not been Black. "In the gaming industry, there are these dude bros that come out of the woodwork whenever they feel like Black and Brown people are stepping out of their place," Lopez tells me. "They feel they own the gaming industry and gaming culture. And part of that is because gaming media outlets and publishers have allowed them to feel that way for such a long time. They feel empowered to tank a game [that has a Black protagonist]. If it had a white person, they would probably have not felt the same way.
"All the people I've spoken to who have played the game have enjoyed it on some kind of level and thought it doesn't deserve the flack that it got.
Yeah, that's bollocks.

Black Girl Gamers' Jay-Ann Lopez on the importance of Black represent…
archived 24 May 2023 13:23:53 UTC
If someone could make an archive lin instead, it'd be much preferred.
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