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[Black Girl Gamers] Forspoken wouldn't have received this same level of criticism had Frey not been Black.

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As ridiculous as that statement sounds, it might be important to take these voices seriously, as in: if there's a significant portion of the population subjectively in a mental state of emergency because they feel threatened by "structural racism" or whatever bullshit, a society can't afford to just ignore it. Otherwise you risk ending up with partisan forces in your country. Someone is injecting their brains with this stuff. I refuse to believe it really reflects their everyday experiences.
“Someone is injecting their brains with this stuff.”

Have you heard of a country called America?


Why even signal boost this garbage at all? The traffic is exactly what they want.

I'm so exhausted from professional race-baiters and race-grievers within the entertainment media industries.
Their work has virtually zero substance or value and they desperately rely on identity politics as a substitute, thinking it will make whatever they do culturally significant. Bunch of hacks, really.
They're also generally a pain in the ass to work with.
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Of course she is right, but the type of people criticizing the game because of a black lead probably weren’t going to play the game anyway. So sure, there would have been less toxicity and less shallow complaints. But the core game criticisms would have still been there.

Less criticism? Yes, that’s just a sad reality of the world we live in. Less valid criticism? Nah.

Mister Wolf

"Victim Mindset". Avoid associating with people that have adopted this mindset. They will drag you down. If you're romantically involved with a woman that harbors a victim mindset then look forward to major trouble down the line. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.
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Pedro Motta

Gold Member
Oh fuck off
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This is what I hate about modern society. I have always made efforts to stay open minded and accepting of others. But radicals like these sully progress in things. It wasn't I'll accepted bc she was black. I'd have totally enjoyed it if it was a good game.


Yeah the skin of the protagonist brought the resolution down and made the script shitty. Also, it emptied the Game World.
People are so stupid nowadays.

Fox News Prank GIF by GIPHY News


Don't be fooled by the opinions that she got
She's still, she's still Jay-Ann from the block
Used to be a little dumb and now she is a lot

Edit : she's right tho, the game would have been criticized ten times more if Frey wasn't black.
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Ahead of the release of Square Enix's Forspoken, there were concerns about representation. Frey, the game's Black female protagonist, was described in a 2021 preview session as having a "hip-hoppy kind of walk", as well as being "an orphan" and "very angry", raising eyebrows at the perpetuation of negative Black stereotypes.

So this group was apparently brought in to solve representation issues, but then the first two minutes of the game sees the protagonist, who has a string of previous criminal convictions, appearing in court to be sentenced yet again:


And she later gets jumped by a mostly black gang who she previously stole from. Engaging with this Black Girl Gamers group on their own terms: either they were a-ok with all of this despite their whining about stereotypes, or Square Enix didn't listen to a word the group said lmfao.
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Just read the full article.
On god people like these just create more racism where none existed.
At some point, it must be turning into some kind of an addiction. Kinda like becoming addicted to social media, or being a drama queen. Just another way to manifest their thirst for attention.

Fucking morons, lol.
Oh hey look, she's an expert on beauty, lifestyle and travel content too. Wow.

I looked her up expecting to find the unavoidable landwhale generally associated to that title, but she's actually okay looking so I can't make fun of that on good conscience. More red flags than Tian An Meng square though.
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I'm black. This is such a fucking reach. The gameplay is stale, the dialogue is cringy and the open world isn't as lively as it was shown in earlier builds. Fuck off.


I've taken a look at who this "Jay ann Lopez" is.

This is what I've found:

Hmm okay.

Oh hey look, she's an expert on beauty, lifestyle and travel content too. Wow.

Look at that. She's an expert on poetry and photography as well. Incredible.

Now she's an expert in "performing arts" as well.

or TL;DR: Has never actually touched a video game and has built a career on calling everything racist and discriminatory.
better than white people trying to tell minorities to keep their mouths shut.
or even better
danish people trying to tell disney, which skin colour "a real mermaid" has to have.


Gold Member

Her color was irrelevant.....she was/is a dull, boring and unlikeable character. On top of that, the game was junk.
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If it was the exact same game with a white woman or even white man, it would be just as shit and hated because it is a bad game. Had nothing to do with the race of the protagonist.
So what they're saying is if Freya was white she wouldn't have been getting locked up because white women don't break the law more than black women thus the game never would have happened hence no backlash? I can make wild statements too


Don't bother engaging with them, they are determined to call you racist and will go through various mind gymnastics to justify their bias.
Just enjoy and play the games you want to play.
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