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Black Mesa Source |OT| Do you know who ate all the donuts?


Still think I might stick to just rebinding sprint to mouse 3. I admit I forgot how to sprint until after I walked at the bunker at the end of "We've got Hostiles" and fooled with my keybinds. :U
Always Run is useful for more than just forward movement, it makes movement in all directions faster. I turned it on and never looked back, since it was like that in the original.


Always Run is useful for more than just forward movement, it makes movement in all directions faster. I turned it on and never looked back, since it was like that in the original.

I'll give it a shot, since I'm a proponent of always holding the run button in games. If it's just faster overall movement then it'll be good.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I disagree that marines are exactly like the original. Damage? Sure. Reaction speed? No way. They're so quick to react and insanely accurate over a long distance that it changes the flow of combat. Half-Life marine battles were comfortably played at high speed. You can't really do that here due to how accurate and damaging they are. Instead it plays slower and more exploitive, keeping distance to land precise shots while peeking out of cover. Get too close and you're torn to ribbons in literally a couple of seconds.

There's a lot of little flaws like this in the combat. Both the Vortigaunt and Houndeye charge up times seem significantly decreased, again shaping the combat towards 'quick draw' style gameplay versus proper, up close running and gunning.

It's the one major part of the mod that I feel deviates a little too much from the original *cough* source.

The M.O.B

I've been running and gunning the entire time, died very few times to grunts. Magnum + Shotgun = I don't see how anybody has trouble with these grunts.
I disagree that marines are exactly like the original. Damage? Sure. Reaction speed? No way. They're so quick to react and insanely accurate over a long distance that it changes the flow of combat. Half-Life marine battles were comfortably played at high speed. You can't really do that here due to how accurate and damaging they are. Instead it plays slower and more exploitive, keeping distance to land precise shots while peeking out of cover. Get too close and you're torn to ribbons in literally a couple of seconds.

There's a lot of little flaws like this in the combat. Both the Vortigaunt and Houndeye charge up times seem significantly decreased, again shaping the combat towards 'quick draw' style gameplay versus proper, up close running and gunning.

It's the one major part of the mod that I feel deviates a little too much from the original *cough* source.

Exactly my feelings, Black Mesa feels like a cover based shooter in certain parts...which feels very wrong.


Junior Member
Reading posts of people confused by crouch jumping is really weird now that I remember how I was playing Gunman Chronicles 10 years ago and it was also a GoldSrc game.


It's not really bad game design.

It's great game design.

Having several jump options (regular, crouch, strafe, bunny) and total control over every kind of them.

If an HL2 engine-based game is requiring to press two/three/four separate buttons for a jump it means that you can modulate those two/three/four inputs and obtain a lot of different results.

And the game doesn't 'lie', since everything is phisically-accurate, from collision against a banister to bouncing on different materials surfaces.


Exactly my feelings, Black Mesa feels like a cover based shooter in certain parts...which feels very wrong.

It's even worse than that. It's basically a 'reload your saves a bunch or be forced to take damage shooter'. They shoot you the exact tick of your CPU that you are within their 'muzzle to body' LOS. It's really annoying, but not completely unworkable. Sometimes it happens, other times they just sit their like total dummies.

The worst combat experience so far with the game is the dam level. They are basically the size of a pixel cross level shooting you with their infinite ammo SMG just prey and spraying getting a shot on your here or there. It doesn't sound like much, but when each shot does ~30 damage, it adds up quick.

It feels like the cheaty aimbot Timesplitters 2 AI.

I have no complaints about the alien encounters though, they feel the same as the original game (from what I remember).

The M.O.B

Why would you reload just because you take damage? Live with your decisions, your just making the game worse for yourself playing it like that. The autosaves are pretty consistent in this game.

The dam level I used crossbow and Magnum, got up close with shotgun and it was lights.

Vorts are the only enemies I feel are bs, easy to kill but their lightning is ridiculous.


I disagree that marines are exactly like the original. Damage? Sure. Reaction speed? No way. They're so quick to react and insanely accurate over a long distance that it changes the flow of combat. Half-Life marine battles were comfortably played at high speed. You can't really do that here due to how accurate and damaging they are. Instead it plays slower and more exploitive, keeping distance to land precise shots while peeking out of cover. Get too close and you're torn to ribbons in literally a couple of seconds.

There's a lot of little flaws like this in the combat. Both the Vortigaunt and Houndeye charge up times seem significantly decreased, again shaping the combat towards 'quick draw' style gameplay versus proper, up close running and gunning.

It's the one major part of the mod that I feel deviates a little too much from the original *cough* source.

Yup. Vorts in particular I have to have a magnum or a crossbow on me at all times else I'll get shocked. You can't even avoid their blasts like you used to be able to.


Oh yeah! Just found something pretty awesome. Spoilers for big cliffside level after the dam:

After you jump to the big pump structure, the helicopter flies past, and you go around the cliff cleaning up the last 4 grunts, I believe you are expected to go inside. Instead, I keep going on the cliff where you find some rocks blocking your way. They put an invisible wall here, but I managed to slide up the rocks, do a big jump, and creep around it with final sprint jump. I'm about to go explore where these ladders take me!

Why would you reload just because you take damage? Live with your decisions, your just making the game worse for yourself playing it like that. The autosaves are pretty consistent in this game.

The dam level I used crossbow and Magnum, got up close with shotgun and it was lights.

It was kind of a joke. I was doing it at the start because of my OCD but I gave up after they kept giving me health/armor points every two feet.


They really fucked the signposting on the dam. It's nearly impossible to see the ladder you're meant to sprint up and swimming over to it is a slow swim, and the chopper just unloads on you the entire time (because its targeting is supernatural)

The M.O.B

They really fucked the signposting on the dam. It's nearly impossible to see the ladder you're meant to sprint up and swimming over to it is a slow swim, and the chopper just unloads on you the entire time (because its targeting is supernatural)

You can sprint in the water...you have to be on the surface though which is awesome. But you also risk getting shot up quicker which I think is a nice tradeoff.


They really fucked the signposting on the dam. It's nearly impossible to see the ladder you're meant to sprint up and swimming over to it is a slow swim, and the chopper just unloads on you the entire time (because its targeting is supernatural)

I thought you were supposed to kill the chopper? I blew it up with the laser guns secondary fire.

Also, I checked to see what I missed. Haha, good thing I did, it was a new weapon in that room lol.
I disagree that marines are exactly like the original. Damage? Sure. Reaction speed? No way. They're so quick to react and insanely accurate over a long distance that it changes the flow of combat. Half-Life marine battles were comfortably played at high speed. You can't really do that here due to how accurate and damaging they are. Instead it plays slower and more exploitive, keeping distance to land precise shots while peeking out of cover. Get too close and you're torn to ribbons in literally a couple of seconds.

There's a lot of little flaws like this in the combat. Both the Vortigaunt and Houndeye charge up times seem significantly decreased, again shaping the combat towards 'quick draw' style gameplay versus proper, up close running and gunning.

It's the one major part of the mod that I feel deviates a little too much from the original *cough* source.

I agree with this. The Soldier AI's reaction time is to fast and their accuracy is pretty insane. I get one in your line of sight and they can snipe you down with ease from almost any distance. This really does change the flow of the game, as you have said. It makes you really plan everything out before running and gunning in. I find that I have been using the regular grenades to lure soldiers over to planted trip grenades just to get an advantage. I suppose some people might like this style of play, but I prefer the slightly more forgiving soldiers of HL1. I hope they make some tweaks to the AI in later versions.

The Vorticon feel completely nerfed from their HL1 counterparts. Not sure what else to say here . But most of the time these guys can easily be dealt with using your shotgun, no problem.

The Hound Eyes on the her hand, feel like they have gotten harder. they seem to be much more aggressive than their HL1 counterparts and can be a bitch to fight when they are in larger numbers.

The Headcrab Zombies more or less feel like the HL2 Zombies to me. Same with the Headcrabs, their AI feels identical to the HL2 AI. That's not really a bad thing though.

the Bullsquids have very accurate long range attacks, but are very easy to take down in close combat. I guess they are similar to their HL1 counterparts.

The Barnacles are really amusing in this one. I love how they will just pick up any random crap that gets thrown in their direction.... metal carts, corpses, whatever.

Still though, the changes in the AI don;t really deter my enjoyment of this remake. The combat is clearly different here though, but I am still enjoying myself on this play through. Though I do prefer the soldier AI combat of the original game more.


Doing another playthrough and I set it to Normal this time. Just finished Power Up, I'm enjoying the combat much more and I don't find the soldier AI to be as big of an issue. They're perhaps on the easy side actually because they go down in one shot to the magnum. I'm also actually finding the MP5 to be useful. The key is to aim for the head, do short bursts and not go full auto. So yeah, if you're annoyed with the soldiers try dropping the difficulty down.

Playing BM just reinforces my belief that HL1 is actually Valve's best game, though the mod isn't up to Valve standards in terms of polish and subtle signposting in the level design. It's still super enjoyable though and the combat is way more fun than HL2.
Finished it just about an hour ago. Really, really enjoyed it. More than I enjoyed half-life 2 even (though I was pretty young when that came out and might not have appreciated it fully at the time). Can't wait for them to add the finale.


You were pretty much perpetually at 50 health and no armor in the original game too, but helicopters only took one shot charged with about 15+ ammo. Not 6 rockets and 2 charged shots.

Oh, that's a bummer.. I haven't made it that far yet but it does sound kind of unfair. The first chopper when you initially hit the surface in "We Got Hostiles!" was hard enough.


Doing another playthrough and I set it to Normal this time. Just finished Power Up, I'm enjoying the combat much more and I don't find the soldier AI to be as big of an issue. They're perhaps on the easy side actually because they go down in one shot to the magnum. I'm also actually finding the MP5 to be useful. The key is to aim for the head, do short bursts and not go full auto. So yeah, if you're annoyed with the soldiers try dropping the difficulty down.

Playing BM just reinforces my belief that HL1 is actually Valve's best game, though the mod isn't up to Valve standards in terms of polish and subtle signposting in the level design. It's still super enjoyable though and the combat is way more fun than HL2.

Are you head-shotting with the magnum, because I haven't dropped too many marines with one shot on normal.

Oh wow look at that I haven't looked it up in a while and it's out and rolling! When did it come out! Now I got another mod to install when I get home. Sweet!

4.2.1 came out in August, added bots to the mix and several ui changes.


Are you head-shotting with the magnum, because I haven't dropped too many marines with one shot on normal.

He is. It's a 1 shot head shot only if you have auto aim disabled. If you have auto aim on, it gives you enough leeway that you can shoot their upper body too.


Is it just me or is it that every time I have to jump on something I have to crouch jump? It feels weird having to do every time.
Just finished it, and I think they really delivered. The environments were fantastic, and I can't say that any of the level changes were for the worse. The voice acting (Eli aside) was really good all things considered, it sounded close to the source while adding a lot of its own (though that roflcopter mention was dumb). Most of the regular weaponry sounded a bit off IMO, the 9mm, MP5 and shotgun in particular, but the Gluon Gun came out of this a winner, that thing is glorious. I found most of the music bad, unfortunately. I mean I don't really care for Half-Life's music generally but I found it to be clashing in Black Mesa aside from some of the tracks later on.

I'll agree that the combat is a different beast altogether, with AI being pretty ruthless. It didn't bother me too much, but it would be nice if there was more wiggle room with the marines so that you can actually get combat scenarios going that didn't revolve around juking from the corner and taking shots. That said, fuck the Apache; especially when you've nearly finished it off and it starts pelting you with hyper accurate gunfire and several rockets all while you're trying to make a mad dash to the slow opening rocket crate and back to shelter. Didn't help that the game crashed a couple times during that encounter to compact the shittiness of it.


Are you head-shotting with the magnum, because I haven't dropped too many marines with one shot on normal.

That's funny, I tested it and it turns out you're right, it doesn't 1-shot them anywhere on the body. I must've been on a crazy roll because stuff like this happened. I just assumed I was getting some body shots. (not my first time playing that so I knew where they would be :p)


That's funny, I tested it and it turns out you're right, it doesn't 1-shot them anywhere on the body. I must've been on a crazy roll because stuff like this happened. I just assumed I was getting some body shots. (not my first time playing that so I knew where they would be :p)

No, that's auto aim there. Turn it off in the settings. (See my post above)
Is it just me or is it that every time I have to jump on something I have to crouch jump? It feels weird having to do every time.

Nope, there is a file a couple posts up that you can use to change the jump height. I've just got used to it. I just didn't remember having to CJ all the time, and I replayed HL1 a few months ago. I remember having to crouch jump, just wasn't every single time.


Oh they removed the tentacle and the second helicopter encounter from Surface Tension =( Also too much bloom ruins Surface Tension looks and the colors look too saturated or its just me?


You were pretty much perpetually at 50 health and no armor in the original game too, but helicopters only took one shot charged with about 15+ ammo. Not 6 rockets and 2 charged shots.

From what I remember the devs said they wanted to drive people to cover as soon as the chopper comes out, much like in HL2.

Also too much bloom ruins Surface Tension looks and the colors look too saturated or its just me?

You can change the bloom settings in the Options menu.


Surface Tension was kinda bad. Had to drop the difficulty down for the helicopter battle. The bit right after with the tank is bad too. Same for the part with the troop transport. Seemed nigh impossible on normal.

I'm really impressed with it otherwise, but those parts are just way too difficult.


I was also kind of bummed to see the intro interrupted by three (?) loading screens. That's Source being Source, right? Or am I just remembering it wrong.


But Half-Life in general loaded a lot faster than Half-Life 2, even at launch. That streaming tech can't come soon enough.
I miss leeches :(

I really want to know why they cut them. They're pretty harmless, if not slightly annoying and now it makes for a weird change from BM->HL2 where Leeches are very much in game.


Can I get some help please. I'm in the lambda lab. I'm in one of the off branches where you go into the blue pits to make the flood gates open. I got the darker side done with 2 sections done with. I'm on the other side now, and I can't get it to do anything. Clicking the flood gate switch brings it up for 20 seconds, then it goes back down. I assume I'm supposed to click a switch or something but I cannot for the life of me find it.

Edit: I got it. I'm dumb.
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