Dont expect people to read the op.
Its probably has more to do with the fact that its almost impossible to read that if your on the white theme especially if you quote it.
Dont expect people to read the op.
I've seen people mentioning this before... are people not seeing the images at the top of the OP?
This one:
I didn't see that gaf image as well. I ended up seaeching through multiple pages to find the server. Maybe the image host is odd or something, or maybe it was easy to miss with that font and those colors.
Someone should edit their post on the front page with server info in text.
Anyone know how much piercing a blade dancer should balance with their crit? I know crit is the focus but not sure at what value piercing starts to out weigh crit
Your local lottery might be your best bet.
spent the evening farming Kaari essences while playing fifa. grabbed 60. went to the wheel. 1st roll outfit. 2nd roll mask. what wheel should i try tomorrow?
Cool I kinda figured it was this but it felt wrong haha ThanksPretty sure it never does, because piercing caps at whatever armor you're piercing, and in the current content it's not very high. The only stat that seems to be important, later on that is, is Accuracy, of which you need 110-120% depending on the content you're doing, but it's mostly lvl 50 content(Blackwyrm does need accuracy in our version I believe though).
There might be a point where piercing is more important than crit until x, but we don't have that content yet afaik. Right now, you just stack crit on everything.
post your characters
post your characters
which gauntlets are those?
Razortusk for appearance swapwhich gauntlets are those?
I've seen people mentioning this before... are people not seeing the images at the top of the OP?
This one:
Do outfits get saved in the wardrobe for free folks, or do I have to keep my storage packed full of them manually?
It keeps saying I need to abandon dailies, but my dailies list is only getting smaller.
This morning, I had twice the amount of dailies on the list, but sometimes I'd have to abandon 2 to accept 1 daily...
I believe you can store them but you can't take them out.
You can only do 40daillies a day, there's a counter at the top that shows how many you've done/how many left. It counts the ones you have in your log against the limit, so if you have say 5daillies left that day and 4 in your log, you can only take 1 more.
post your characters
34 rolls/kills and no butt window outfit fml
Just saw someone changed the loot when boss was on low heal, on the bright side drop was shit and someone else picked it up. NCsoft fix this shit plz.
34 rolls/kills and no butt window outfit fml
im still tweaking things but i also realised ambient occlusion being forced by nvidia inspector isnt a good idea lol
You are not near that level yet. Later on as stated before accuracy will be a thing but crit is still king.Anyone know how much piercing a blade dancer should balance with their crit? I know crit is the focus but not sure at what value piercing starts to out weigh crit
Seeing some nice reshade presets, however, they are never posted with the HUD on. Mind sharing a screen with your latest tweaks and UI visible? I've heard it usually makes text really hard to read and skill icons overly bright/dark.
Debating on whether I should cave in and get an xbone controller or not. I'm using a DS4 and keep getting mixed up on inputs. Although I think me getting messed up on input would still continue on a xbone pad because my confusion isn't from the ds4 layout but because I grew up on the nintendo layout which is mirrored.
Right when I make 10 moonwater transformation stones, the price falls off a cliff