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BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II |OT| The Sequel Blue Me Away


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Fugu said:
Fantastic. It's got a few issues (it's still way too easy to drop from a game that's already been decided and not allowing players to disconnect before the match starts seems silly) but it's mostly just peachy.

The former is bullshit. I should have my "win one ranked online" trophy, damn it. Fucking "teh-moe" screwing me out of it JUST AS THE RESULTS were being decided. :|

The later, yes. That's the biggest issue with rank matches. I'm level 1 and playing a level 20. Uh... no? I don't want to have my ass kicked to the moon by someone playing longer than me? Not fair?


TheSeks said:
The former is bullshit. I should have my "win one ranked online" trophy, damn it. Fucking "teh-moe" screwing me out of it JUST AS THE RESULTS were being decided. :|

The later, yes. That's the biggest issue with rank matches. I'm level 1 and playing a level 20. Uh... no? I don't want to have my ass kicked to the moon by someone playing longer than me? Not fair?

Wow, you can't back out of ranked matches? I've stuck to player matches for the most part, but that's ridiculous. Not only for the level difference that could happen, but also connection quality. What if the dude you're matched to has a shit connection?
Fugu said:
Fantastic. It's got a few issues (it's still way too easy to drop from a game that's already been decided and not allowing players to disconnect before the match starts seems silly) but it's mostly just peachy.
The real treat in online is the player match function anyway. People take the game way too seriously on ranked while player matches are almost always fun and respectful.
Dreavus said:
Wow, you can't back out of ranked matches? I've stuck to player matches for the most part, but that's ridiculous. Not only for the level difference that could happen, but also connection quality. What if the dude you're matched to has a shit connection?
Yeah, it's horrible. I hate playing against people with shitty connections or people who are obviously way above my level AND annoying. I also hate playing the same players five or six times in a row with no option to go back.

I'd rather stick to player matches now.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Dreavus said:
Wow, you can't back out of ranked matches? I've stuck to player matches for the most part, but that's ridiculous. Not only for the level difference that could happen, but also connection quality. What if the dude you're matched to has a shit connection?

I haven't ran into anything too laggy in ranked matches. But the level/PSR difference is the issue.

And you can back out... if you quit to dashboard/XMB. Otherwise LOL NOPE.AVI

It's honestly the biggest issue I have with Blazblue's ranked mode. You can't back out before a match is started once you see that your matched with a person that has been playing longer/better than you. It's like the match is already decided before you start. Sure, you may be able to kick their ass... but 9/10 the time? Yeah, no. :/

Edit: And player matches I've ran into is lag city. Maybe because I can't read the 0/1/2/3/4 connection status thing right. Whatever the fuck that means. Is it so hard for Japanese AND Western developers to use the tried and true ping three digit number status for letting me know about lag? 600+ ping probably isn't a good idea for a fighter like Blazblue, so I should avoid that match.


Looking for meaning in GAF
TheSeks said:

"teh-moe" is a sore loser and couldn't let me have my "win one ranked match" achievement/trophy. SMH.

Facing left: Lambada rush 214C->214C->214C->6CCCCCCCC2C->214C->6CCCCCC->214214D (BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM)6CCCCCC WIN

repeat again.

Winner Lambad--
"Your opponent has disconnected."

Wow, as if the SF4 ragequit community wasn't bad enough, I deal with it in ranked BB matches now. :lol

back C mash? Don't you mean 5C? I don't think Lambda has a back C move.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Akuun said:
back C mash? Don't you mean 5C? I don't think Lambda has a back C move.

Back C is the sword spammy move. Basically it went rush C attack, throw dude in air, down C for crossing swords to juggle him. back CCCCCCCC for swords, down C to throw in air. He lands. Before wake up, dashC attack to throw him in the air again.

Basically, he didn't burst or try to break my pressure. So I'm PISSED that my win didn't give me the trophy despite me winning both rounds. It should've unlocked as soon as the second round was decided.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Umm 5C is the sword spammy move. You don't have to press a direction for it.

By the way if you land 236C (assuming you're facing right) you can combo by dashing forward, 5C mash, 6C for another wallbounce, 236C again, and then 2DD jump j.DD airjump j2DD j.214D. Replace j.DD with j.2DD to adjust for spacing.


SolarPowered said:
The real treat in online is the player match function anyway. People take the game way too seriously on ranked while player matches are almost always fun and respectful.

Yeah, it's horrible. I hate playing against people with shitty connections or people who are obviously way above my level AND annoying. I also hate playing the same players five or six times in a row with no option to go back.

I'd rather stick to player matches now.
You're supposed to use the filter functions to prevent being matched with a bad connection. They're quite effective when they're employed.

I've played something like 1200 ranked matches and the vast majority of them have been good experiences. I've gotten some hate mail and some stupid shit has happened (a player with 11 wins, 0 losses and 10 disconnects who picked beginner Mu accused me of "spamming" and threatened to drop the game if I continued; of course, he did after he lost the second round), but it's mostly been very enjoyable. I don't have a mic so I'm frequently kicked from player matches because of that; I'm also level 55 and that gets me kicked sometimes too. Sometimes you get kicked if you win, sometimes you get kicked if you lose... For me, it's often not worth the effort to find a decent lobby.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
TheSeks said:
Gah, why can I perform Noel's Astral? I know I'm putting the command in right, but no dice.

Edit: Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Just landed it. Forget that Astrals want 35% HP left. :/

That said, I can't pull Lambada's 632146D distro drive off for the life of me. Ugh. :/
You're not alone. I'm still trying to adjust to the nerf on that... Before I could just laugh as the invincible frames made all attacks against me futile but now I'm forced to IB before attempting it - even then, it doesn't feel 'right'.

Btw, I ended up keeing BBCS - sold MW2 and Record of Agarest War instead.

Sloth, I'll add you on XBL so you can catch up with us next time we start up a player lobby. I've been real busy lately.

And for fucks sake people Create your own player lobbies

El Sloth

DY_nasty said:
You're not alone. I'm still trying to adjust to the nerf on that... Before I could just laugh as the invincible frames made all attacks against me futile but now I'm forced to IB before attempting it - even then, it doesn't feel 'right'.

Btw, I ended up keeing BBCS - sold MW2 and Record of Agarest War instead.

Sloth, I'll add you on XBL so you can catch up with us next time we start up a player lobby. I've been real busy lately.

And for fucks sake people Create your own player lobbies

Well, I only have 48 hours of XBL...:lol

Found a two year old 48-hour trial in my brothers copy of crackdown.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ah, well I'm always pressing back and CCCCCC so I assumed it was back CCCCC now neutral CCCCC. :/

That said, I'm still sad/pissed at the dude ragequitting despite me winning and us getting into the "LAMBADA WINS" screen (which should've given me the trophy so I don't have to play ranked mode ever again. RAGE). ;___;

And for fucks sake people Create your own player lobbies

But why should I do that when I can watch other people?

"I like to watch" trophy unlocked

I'm more pissed about the shitty ranked options. Yeah, using custom gives you a lag free option, but searching by "same psr average" gives me high level people 9/10 of the time. :|


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
TheSeks said:
Back C is the sword spammy move. Basically it went rush C attack, throw dude in air, down C for crossing swords to juggle him. back CCCCCCCC for swords, down C to throw in air. He lands. Before wake up, dashC attack to throw him in the air again.

Basically, he didn't burst or try to break my pressure. So I'm PISSED that my win didn't give me the trophy despite me winning both rounds. It should've unlocked as soon as the second round was decided.
There are tons of gimmicks you can throw out after 5C. If you're close enough and you've got your opponent trained to block, 5CCCCCC then 4B. Guys usually block the first dagger, then immediately focus on blocking low to avoid the typical 3C followup but the 4B is a nice two hit move that'll connect if your opponent isn't standing during the 2nd hit. Best part about it is that it launches - and thats what you start stylin on em.

Safest combo is jC > 2C > jC > 2C > 214D of course, but there's plenty more damaging, more advanced combos you can nail someone with. All depending on preference and the character you're facing.

edit: Sloth :(

Its 2010, buy some XBL man!

El Sloth

DY_nasty said:
edit: Sloth :(

Its 2010, buy some XBL man!

Poor college student, bad economy, yadda yadda etc.

Although now that my FAFSA money has come through I may have enough left over to justify getting LIVE.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
TheSeks said:
But why should I do that when I can watch other people?

"I like to watch" trophy unlocked

I'm more pissed about the shitty ranked options. Yeah, using custom gives you a lag free option, but searching by "same psr average" gives me high level people 9/10 of the time. :|
What? You want to beat up on scrubs all day and then get on GAF and tell people how mad your skillz are? :D

You know you can set connection speed parameters on player lobbies right? And it is VERY satisfying kicking people. I feel like a young bish at times...

My only problem with Ranked is that sometimes you can get matched up against the same person a bunch of times in a row. 10+ times over an hour if you're playing late night


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
DY_nasty said:
What? You want to beat up on scrubs all day and then get on GAF and tell people how mad your skillz are? :D

:lol Something like that. No, I just want the "win one ranked round" trophy/achievement so I don't have to get nervous and down when I suck against higher level players going for the 100 matches played trophy.

You know you can set connection speed parameters on player lobbies right? And it is VERY satisfying kicking people. I feel like a young bish at times...

:lol :lol :lol

My only problem with Ranked is that sometimes you can get matched up against the same person a bunch of times in a row. 10+ times over an hour if you're playing late night

Yeah, I got matched up against the ragequitter again and I'm like "pffft. no. You costed my a trophy, bitch! *quit to XMB*"


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Nothings worse than getting your win streak and whole night ruined by a guy who just beats your ass non-stop.

I remember I was rolling through asses a week ago until I played this Hazama who was just impervious to attacks. Of course Ranked would match me up with him 9 times over the next 30 minutes and smash whatever confidence I'd built up til that point.

Bob White

Fugu said:
Fantastic. It's got a few issues (it's still way too easy to drop from a game that's already been decided and not allowing players to disconnect before the match starts seems silly) but it's mostly just peachy.

Coolies. Thanks


DY_nasty said:
Nothings worse than getting your win streak and whole night ruined by a guy who just beats your ass non-stop.

I remember I was rolling through asses a week ago until I played this Hazama who was just impervious to attacks. Of course Ranked would match me up with him 9 times over the next 30 minutes and smash whatever confidence I'd built up til that point.

Wait you are bitching about this? I fucking love when this happens, playing shitty people I can stomp all day doesnt do shit to improve your game

DY_nasty said:
What? You want to beat up on scrubs all day and then get on GAF and tell people how mad your skillz are? :D
:lol :lol :lol


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
In any of the patch notes does it say anything about heat gain nerfs/buffs?

Hazama's 3 gtfo boots per round needs to come to an end...


DY_nasty said:
In any of the patch notes does it say anything about heat gain nerfs/buffs?

Hazama's 3 gtfo boots per round needs to come to an end...

So you want to nerf his only way of doing real damage? Sure is good that you don't balance the game.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
QisTopTier said:
Wait you are bitching about this? I fucking love when this happens, playing shitty people I can stomp all day doesnt do shit to improve your game
When will you get off my nuts? :lol

I played a good guy on ranked and he kicked my ass over and over. Does that post resemble anything TIGHT? If I get beat in ranked, I'd like to move on to someone else. No point in playing the same guy for half an hour. I play ranked for variety that I just don't get in player lobbies (unless I'm in the mood to kick people every 2 minutes). If I'm in a player match, I got all night to try crazy shit that'll probably never work in a tournament or serious matches.

One day I'm gonna jump in and finally catch Papercuts with a 214D Fatal and rapid into a bayonetta combo. Until then, I'll happily go 0-11 trying.
QisTopTier said:
So you want to nerf his only way of doing real damage? Sure is good that you don't balance the game.
Hazama's heat gain is retarded and you know it, come the fuck on...
QisTopTier said:
:lol :lol :lol
Wait, when did I saw I was the GOAT? I don't remember talking shit in here. (Other than that time I 2C'd TTOB out of DD)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Finally. Got my trophy. Now I can play ranked matches and have my ass beaten badly and not have to worry about ragequitters. Yay.

Thanks to a "shadowking92" for staying after I won the round.


in the current game, ragna, and litchi both gain meter faster than him if I remember right and they both do good dmg while doing so.


QisTopTier said:
in the current game, ragna, and litchi both gain meter faster than him if I remember right and they both do good dmg while doing so.
Litchi's meter gain is such that any good hit (any hit with 5B[m], 2C[m], 3C[m] or 6A[m], as well as a counter hit with any of the aforementioned moves plus j.C[m] and 6B[m]) will lead to at least 50 heat, do at least 3k (and up past 5k with certain hits), and lead to corner knock down with DD oki. Complaining about Hazama's meter gain when there's this shit in the game is a little strange.

My crappy I-don't-want-to-execute-anything-difficult combo does 4.3k off of 5B[m] (a fast attack with good range), gives 51 heat, and sets up for koukushi oki.
DY_nasty said:
All the more reason to fix the shit don't you think?

That's his gameplay. Funny you should say that when you don't mention Ragna. You know Ragna has 150% heat combos, right? Do you know how that works? He starts at 100%, but during the combo, he gains 50%. He does 5-6K+ dmg.

Hazama is fine... That's his basic gameplay. Also... if you fix his only way to keep him competitive means to make him useless?


My PS3 YLOD right when I finally started to get into playing online. It'll probably be a while before I can repair or buy another PS3 also.

Too bad, I was actually enjoying it winning or losing.
Fugu said:
You're supposed to use the filter functions to prevent being matched with a bad connection. They're quite effective when they're employed.

I've played something like 1200 ranked matches and the vast majority of them have been good experiences. I've gotten some hate mail and some stupid shit has happened (a player with 11 wins, 0 losses and 10 disconnects who picked beginner Mu accused me of "spamming" and threatened to drop the game if I continued; of course, he did after he lost the second round), but it's mostly been very enjoyable. I don't have a mic so I'm frequently kicked from player matches because of that; I'm also level 55 and that gets me kicked sometimes too. Sometimes you get kicked if you win, sometimes you get kicked if you lose... For me, it's often not worth the effort to find a decent lobby.
I use the connection options most of the time and it works well enough, but I hate having to play the same people over and over. I've got over 250 ranked matches and the pool of people is getting kind of small. Your player match experiences are pretty different from mine though. I usually don't have a mic on and I rarely see anyone getting kicked on because of their level. Xbox 360 player lobbies are all about good, clean fun. I'd also be hard pressed to find the same lobbies over and over without looking for them.

I wish we had cross platform multiplayer. :(
SolarPowered said:
I use the connection options most of the time and it works well enough, but I hate having to play the same people over and over. I've got over 250 ranked matches and the pool of people is getting kind of small. Your player match experiences are pretty different from mine though. I usually don't have a mic on and I rarely see anyone getting kicked on because of their level. Xbox 360 player lobbies are all about good, clean fun. I'd also be hard pressed to find the same lobbies over and over without looking for them.

I wish we had cross platform multiplayer. :(

I don't mind playing the same people over and over. In fact, in CT, when I got into higher level players, I was playing with the same 7-10 people everyday. The thing is, I never thought about playing other players because those players are the ones that gave me a challenge. I might be in the minority, but I like playing the same players, especially when I'm learning something from them. The only exception has been in BBCS where it got frustrating that Tsubaki would get beaten by everything even when I was expecting it... And the fact that she's pretty gimmicky at this point, so most players learn how to avoid her attacks.

Anyway, can't wait for Valkenhayn next week. Hopefully US will get it the same week as JPN :D
TheSeks said:
The former is bullshit. I should have my "win one ranked online" trophy, damn it. Fucking "teh-moe" screwing me out of it JUST AS THE RESULTS were being decided. :|

The later, yes. That's the biggest issue with rank matches. I'm level 1 and playing a level 20. Uh... no? I don't want to have my ass kicked to the moon by someone playing longer than me? Not fair?

Don't let the numbers mess with your head.

I'm, uhhhh - I think level 25+ or maybe 30 with Tager and I suck with him. It's completely arbitrary and in my experience rarely indicative of the player skill.


you guys are way hardcore to answer to my pleas huh? I'll try again

playing as Noel, does any one knows if you can do a combo of forward a , diagonal jump, a, b, a, b and quarter circle c with out the help of the wall at the end screen? been trying to do that and its giving me a hell of a time...

also, how the hell to you combine forward c with other attacks? i see other people do it on youtube, but it seems impossible unless you cancle or something

Thanks people.


Lostconfused said:
Its pretty much the only thing keeping him competitive.
He's the 3rd best character in the game and a nerf would "make him uncompetitive?"

What planet do you live on?

That's not to say other characters are more deserving of a nerf though.


LOL he's not that good, ragna, carl and hakumen are better than him overall.

Hazama is the very definition of mid nothing to bullshit, but nothing shitty.
kensk said:
He's the 3rd best character in the game and a nerf would "make him uncompetitive?"

What planet do you live on?

That's not to say other characters are more deserving of a nerf though.

hmm? He's not the 3rd best character. Not even close.

I'd say the top 4 is Bang, Litchi, Ragna, Carl respectively... Sometimes Bang and Litchi switched.

Ragna is a distant 3rd even though he's still awesome (that's how good the top 2 is) and Carl is really good only if you learn how to use him (Dio and Zong_One).

You need to know how to play Hazama to do well too (like Buppa), but even then, he's still not the best. Don't get me wrong, he's still really good, but he's a character that doesn't really need tinkering at this point.

El Sloth

MrMephistoX said:
Is there a Gaf Chat running for Blazblue? Tried searching through online matchup and didn't find anything. Just ogt the game.

Don't know about a Gaf Chat, but you're looking for a game I'm down.


So this game is releasing in Europe in a month, is it safe to buy this game or will an update be released within a year. Also how is the online community compared to SSFIV


KAL2006 said:
So this game is releasing in Europe in a month, is it safe to buy this game or will an update be released within a year.

No new blazblue for a while. As said by the creators, they are just gonna do a balance patch every 6 months
Prototype-03 said:
I don't mind playing the same people over and over. In fact, in CT, when I got into higher level players, I was playing with the same 7-10 people everyday. The thing is, I never thought about playing other players because those players are the ones that gave me a challenge. I might be in the minority, but I like playing the same players, especially when I'm learning something from them. The only exception has been in BBCS where it got frustrating that Tsubaki would get beaten by everything even when I was expecting it... And the fact that she's pretty gimmicky at this point, so most players learn how to avoid her attacks.

Anyway, can't wait for Valkenhayn next week. Hopefully US will get it the same week as JPN :D
I get the same experience from player matches without win percentages and the RAGE. Oh, and speaking of Valkehayn...

I'm kind of pissed off at myself for wanting to try him. I've had my fingers crossed on some sort of DLC character pack that would be somewhat cheaper. :(

faridmon said:
you guys are way hardcore to answer to my pleas huh? I'll try again

playing as Noel, does any one knows if you can do a combo of forward a , diagonal jump, a, b, a, b and quarter circle c with out the help of the wall at the end screen? been trying to do that and its giving me a hell of a time...

also, how the hell to you combine forward c with other attacks? i see other people do it on youtube, but it seems impossible unless you cancle or something

Thanks people.
I pulled it off easy as pie just now. Noel also has other air combos that are even more elaborate if I recall correctly.
QisTopTier said:
No new blazblue for a while. As said by the creators, they are just gonna do a balance patch every 6 months
I did not know this. I guess there is a chance that we might get two balance patches throughout this game's lifetime if CSII takes more than a year to arrive in the west.


SolarPowered said:
I use the connection options most of the time and it works well enough, but I hate having to play the same people over and over. I've got over 250 ranked matches and the pool of people is getting kind of small. Your player match experiences are pretty different from mine though. I usually don't have a mic on and I rarely see anyone getting kicked on because of their level. Xbox 360 player lobbies are all about good, clean fun. I'd also be hard pressed to find the same lobbies over and over without looking for them.

I wish we had cross platform multiplayer. :(
Because I imported, I was high level when the game was coming out in the Americas; although it's not so common anymore, I was getting kicked a lot around then for my level.


QisTopTier said:
LOL he's not that good, ragna, carl and hakumen are better than him overall.

Hazama is the very definition of mid nothing to bullshit, but nothing shitty.
Yeah okay, that's why the Japanese and the top Hazama in the US both agree he's 3rd.

Ragna is mid tier now by the way (well high mid or low top), once you learn to instant block (and block overheads) he has no offense without risk or meter.


kensk said:
Yeah okay, that's why the Japanese and the top Hazama in the US both agree he's 3rd.

Ragna is mid tier now by the way, once you learn to instant block (and block overheads) he has no offense without risk or meter.

And Q is top tier too :D

btw everyone has risk once ib's come into play for the most part.

Kuroda rapes with Q does that mean Q is top tier? Dora raped with bang in ct does that mean bang is top tier in ct :lol


SolarPowered said:
I pulled it off easy as pie just now. Noel also has other air combos that are even more elaborate if I recall correctly.
sigh, I suck at this game....

any tips about a starter combos?
Also, i think the 360 controller i one of the reason for my suckage...

what does J.D stand for? cancellation of Drive attacks?
faridmon said:
sigh, I suck at this game....

any tips about a starter combos?
Also, i think the 360 controller i one of the reason for my suckage...

what does J.D stand for? cancellation of Drive attacks?
Jumping Drive attack.

Anyways, yeah I think the 360 controller would be to blame. That d-pad certainly isn't helping you with the inputs. But then again I keep being told that some people can to really well with controllers, so I dunno. Its not like an arcade stick is a magical cure all, you will still have to learn how to use it and will probably screw up inputs for a good while.

As for combos, check out dustloop.

Edit: Jumps Cancels are either JC/jc however you like to write them. j.A j.B j.C are all attacks that are made in the air.
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