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Blood Will Tell/Dororo - Gamespot Review




At the end of the day, Blood Will Tell is a game that falls short of greatness by a fair margin. The visuals look quite dated, some of the character animations (check out Dororo's jump) are strange to say the least, and the gameplay can get so repetitive and dull in the early stages that you might find getting to the better stuff later on to be a test of your patience. The game's audio, on the other hand, is quite impressive. The English translation and voice acting are both of a high standard, the narration during many of the cutscenes is excellent, the sound effects are adequate, and, while the effect isn't subtle in the slightest, the way that the soundtrack changes to reflect the onscreen action is appropriate.

Osamu Tezuka's storyline alone makes Blood Will Tell worth playing, and while the game has its fair share of problems, none of them are so severe that they should dissuade you from checking the game out if you have any sort of interest in the subject matter.


hyperbolically metafictive
i need to go buy this. but i should probably wait until best buy gets it in stock...i've got a $10 gift card sitting around, plus there's the $5 gamers' gift card discount.


One of the first body parts you'll retrieve, for example, is his left eye--which allows you to see the game in color for the first time. Other missing body parts worthy of note include: ears, which improve balance and allow you to land on your feet after you're attacked; the left leg, which grants you the dash ability; and the nose, which causes the PlayStation 2 controller to rumble when Hyakkimaru senses that one of the 48 fiends is nearby.



hyperbolically metafictive
1up gave it a six, but even their review is encouraging. sounds like a game of considerable style and ingenuity with an assortment of technical and mechanical failings. games like that need to be loved. i don't even know if i can wait for best buy.
While ignoring technical and mechanical failings of more hyped up games with companies that have some clout (ie, you better have a good reason to diss an EA game or risk being blacklisted).

Besides, it's much harder to make an all out action game in 3D than it is to make an adventure game or some other slower paced game that does not push the camera to its limits, or taxes the control, responsiveness and AI. Part of the reason why I think reviewers should be rewarding those games that can minimize problems fast action can do to an engine. Gotta love the code words these reviewers use to diss action games like repetitive, as if searching for shit in 3D worlds (or unlocking moves, characters, etc) for no purpose other than to pad the game's length isn't boring enough (scam gameplay).

Imaginine the catch 22, can't make a game hard enough to make you use different techniques to get thru the game, at the same time can't make the game too easy that you blow thru the game in a rental period. People should have more respect for developers who have to operate with this bullshit criteria.

I don't own a PS2 myself, but I might have to think of snapping up a few titles like this before they become hard to get, cause this sucker has no hype, won't get good reviews, and will be underordered like crazy. Sad that one cannot really gauge how good the game is by reading the review. Completely worthless.


This and Katamari are my two most anticipated PS2 titles.

Obviously, EB and Gamestop don't give a shit about me.


hyperbolically metafictive
i just picked it up, but i can't actually play it cos the goddamn savefile takes up 620kb, and there's nothing left on my ps2 memory card that i could comfortably delete. bleh. i guess i'll go buy another memory card...i've been putting this off too long anyway.
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