Oh my goodness. Kill me.
So I'm playing through the game and I'm quite near the end, at Martyr Logarius, only Upper Cathedral, DLC and end-bosses left. Martyr Logarius has a ton of hp. Incomparably. I'm doing terrible damage and I've been somewhat stuck on him. Learning the fight, slowly progressing, but still my confidence and enjoyment dwindling.
I played the entire game with Saw Cleaver so today I got broken and I decided to check out the famed Ludwig's Holy Blade. I buy the weapon, gem it up, skill it up, go at Logarius. And it's doing shit damage. Just totally shit damage. To at least try training I change to Saw Cleaver, this time without gems and wow it's doing a ton of damage. An absolute ton. Without gems.
And it hit me. That third slot gem with Bolt Atk up? I thought it adds the magical effect to the weapon, not replaces it. And it now scales with Arcane, which I didn't level a single time throughout the game.
I played through majority of Bloodborne with a huge completely self-imposed handica[.
I've been stuck on him due to a number of reasons, Zero Time Dilemma release, vacation, lot of real-life and some work stuff, for nearly month and a half due to completely arbitrary reasons. And now I tore through him on my first attempt like it was nothing, totally trashed him. To add to that, the game isn't too hard any more, because I'm actually totally overpowered.
Cool game tho.