I've the game for a while made little progress (got to Cleric Beast a bit of the surrounding areas) and put it aside.
Got back into it today and killed Cleric Beast and Father Gascoigne (took me a fair number of tries on both), and now I'm in the mood.
I don't feel like reading Wiki and start spoiling stuff but are there any general tips you could advice? Is there anything that works significantly different from DeS/DS? Can I take liberties with weapon upgrades or can it be a pain sometimes like in Souls?
Pressing dodge while you're knocked down can make you roll out of the way and get up sooner.
I think in some cases, mashing buttons during a grab animation will end it sooner.
L1 is a attack that transforms your weapon in the process, if pressed after a dodge or another attack. L2 is an additional attack for two-handed weapons.
str = str, skill = dex.
Armor can't be upgraded. Only weapons can. Physical defense is fairly similar between armor sets so you can freely wear almost whatever you think looks good without seriously gimping yourself, but dressing yourself towards certain damage type/elemental/status resistances can help a lot for certain bosses or areas.
Backstabs aren't instant like in Souls games. You have to do a fully charged R2 attack to make someone vulnerable to a backstab, then R1 when you're behind to follow up with a visceral.
For the most part, treat gunshots like shield parries. You can build certain stats to get more gunshot damage though, and some guns are especially good for damage.
Pressing up (not entirely sure of the button) will turn some of your health into bullets.
There's no mana bar, but some special skills and spells use bullets.
Blood gems (you slot them into your weapons after you upgrade them) are extremely useful and can make a world of difference in your weapon's performance. Gems are kind of ho-hum early on in the game, but ones that you find later on can boost damage significantly.
Weapon upgrades items are pretty plentiful up to around +6, relatively rare up to +9 (but can be farmed), but the item to get a weapon from +9 to +10 is very rare and hard to get. You can probably +10 maybe 2 or 3 weapons in one playthrough, not including the DLC.
Chalice dungeons are entirely optional content but can be good farming. Some bosses are also only found in chalice dungeons.