Not positive,why avoid kneeling earlier?
the guide I glanced at kinda made it sound like getting her badge might disrupt Alfred's quest.
Not positive,why avoid kneeling earlier?
Cainhurst/questing question:
If I want to get all the weapons in one playthrough, it seems like I should just take the summons to Alfred, let him kill the queen, get his stuff from him and his dead body, then revive the queen and only then kneel to her and get the Vileblood thing. Is that right?
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is goldReally heart-warming moment caught on film here. Thought I'd share with you guys.
Blood Chunks literally start appearing after Rom. Also, you really shouldn't need either a +7 or up weapon or to be so over leveled to bet Rom.Also, the blood chunks to upgrade weapons past +6, wtf? I'm trying to beatcurrently and so I'm fairly far and have only found one single, solitary, lonely little chunk! I grind a ton, too. I'm almost level 77!Rom
"Approval" is the best gesture in the game, would not want to miss out.
Fuck. I justin NG+ not realizing you get the 3rd moon rune from it. Is there anyway to get it without having to go there in NG++?killed the big brain thing
Edit: Praise the moon for PS+ save!!!! I was able to revert to before I did the previous statement.DDDD
For my music class. A lot of my classmates chose their own songs so I wanted to do something from Bloodborne since I enjoy the track. The presentation has to be 8-10 minutes so I'll be discussing the tone, melody, instruments and all of that jazz. So I was wondering what would be good to show to other people. It's a college class so it shouldn't be so bad.
I might go first hunter since it's so beautiful. But I wanted to play the One Reborn. I love that track.
Anyone know the name of the track that plays when you fight the?Bloodletting Beast
was there a suggested level cap at around 100 or so where i should stop levelling up to keep coop and invasions going?
I think that's the suggested pvp range but I still find regular coop and invasions in NG+ even at lvl 150. I'd imagine it's more active the closer you are to a 100 or 120 though simply because of Souls players habits tell them to stop there. I only lvled up to 150 to help do the chalice dungeons to get the platinum though or I would have stopped at 120.
Gotcha, thanks!
Currently speedrunning through NG+ to find all the bosses i missed out on my normal run. Want to be as powerful as possible but still be able to get coop buddies to help clear out mandatory bosses on the way faster![]()
So, guys, I can't keep up with this thread so I do beg your pardon for asking something likely asked a zillion times already.
If you had to choose one, would you go with a Ludwig's Holy Blade +6 or a Tonitrus +6? I really enjoy both, but that durability on the Tonitrus is a REAL bitch. Ludwig's is ace as hell, but pretty slow and I don't care for the 1-handed variant. They're both fine weapons but if you have a preference I'd like to hear it.
Also, the blood chunks to upgrade weapons past +6, wtf? I'm trying to beatcurrently and so I'm fairly far and have only found one single, solitary, lonely little chunk! I grind a ton, too. I'm almost level 77!Rom
You finished the whole game without this? O_OOh, one more thing to do in NG+.....learn to parry with the guns and do visceral attacks. I never used them on the first run through, maybe once at the start, found I couldn't get the timing reliably down and then never used my gun again.
ENB obliterating Ebrietas in under 1 minute:
You finished the whole game without this? O_O
Whoa... So your NG was basically NG++++ for your. Meta.![]()
You'll still have trouble finding people for Rom though, although i think that's just because people don't like that fight.
You finished the whole game without this? O_O
Whoa... So your NG was basically NG++++ for you. Meta.![]()
Any good tips for Abhorrent Beast in Ailing Loran? Can't figure out how to get near him without taking damage. Please don't suggest this bone ash + cheese shooting method. I don't have the bloodtinge for that to work anyways.
This blew my mind, when I saw it yesterday. Especially considering its the only boss that has taken me 10+ attempts to slaughter. AENB obliterating Ebrietas in under 1 minute:
Cool thanks. I was trying to roll into him but wasn't successful. I'll work on my timing.
I love how when you're setting up the game, it tries to trick you into using brightness settings that are obviously wayyyy too dark.All of my trophy screenshots show the gesture menu, lol.
How dark are everyone's settings? Mine are on the lowest as per the set up screen, but when I see footage online it's all much brighter, which would make for an easier game imo.
Thinking of bumping mine up, Old Yarnham is incredibly dark in some places and I have to use the lantern+torch.
You finished the whole game without this? O_O
Whoa... So your NG was basically NG++++ for you. Meta.![]()
I never figured out how to get this item up on this ledge
Where is that accessed from?
After you kill BSB door should open in Cathedral Ward. That leads toand you go to bottom of it via dropping on those wooden beams. Then just go through that area and you should come across to elevator which takes you to that ledge. This is the intended route to open up the path to VA and the Cathedral Courtyard.Healing Church Workshop
I never explored that area how rad.
I am doing Eileens quest for the first time. So bad ass
So I killedlast night and started theMicolash and Wet Nursefight.Gehrman
He's one tough fight.
Think I'm going to go finish Eileen quest and UCW before I kill him.
You also get tofrom there. It is little tricky to drop down to it though but you should definitely check it.Abandoned Workshop