Share your dungeon with me, and I'll help you. You need to help me back tho. Same thing.
I can tonight if you're able.
Share your dungeon with me, and I'll help you. You need to help me back tho. Same thing.
I never figured out how to get this item up on this ledge
Where is that accessed from?
Speed runners take about 30 seconds using beast blood pellets and bolt. And that's low level.ENB obliterating Ebrietas in under 1 minute:
I've finished all of the Souls games but Bloodborne is the first I got a platinum in. I just couldn't tear away from it, the game just consumed my mind since the day it released. Now I think about playing other games and they all just seem so lacking...
I've finished all of the Souls games but Bloodborne is the first I got a platinum in. I just couldn't tear away from it, the game just consumed my mind since the day it released. Now I think about playing other games and they all just seem so lacking...
ENB obliterating Ebrietas in under 1 minute:
How do I get theThird Umbilical Cord from Iosefka?
How do I get theThird Umbilical Cord from Iosefka?
So I'm stuck on last boss of the game, but hesitant to follow through to NG+.
Does NG+ have a similar incentive like DS2 did (new weapons/armor)?
Excellent thanks guys. I never did that my first playthrough.
Also on NG+ I don't see the one I got fromin my inventory. Is it gone when I start the game again?Mergo's wet nurse
I finished. First 'Souls' game I've ever finished, and then I went straight into NG+, love it.
I got a 'bad' ending I think:I only consumed 2 umbilicals, chose not to die at the tree and then once Gehrman was dead, the Moon presence came down and embraced me, I became the Gerhman's replacement in the wheelchair and the hunt started again
I quite liked that ending actually. A pleasing circularity to it. Off to the lore thread now to get some more thoughts.
I sort of blitzed the last few bosses in a couple of hours session, ran around clearing up all the little loose ends I was able to clear - had to summon for a few in the end, I just couldn't do them:
Mergot's Wetnurse - solo
Martyr Logarius - summon
Amygdala - solo
Ebrietas - summon
Gehrman - summon
Holy shit at thefight though, I died maybe 30 times there, used all my vials. I could have banged my head against that fight for the next year and never done it. I applaud any of you who did it solo (lots of you I know), to me it was almost impossible. The camera would just go utterly mental at times. I had to summon 5 times too before finding someone who could assist, my summons kept dying first.Gehrman
Pleased I've finished it. I'm going to have to look at a guide though, I want to try and get the stuff I missed (didn't do Eileen's quest first time for example). Reached the Cleric Beast in about 15 minutes, hilarious to me as it took me maybe 3 hours to creep my way there first time around. Problem is his HP is a bit massive now, so I going to have to fight him a bit more clever than I did last time when I got a bit lucky.
So you know thesketchy dude in bandages near the windmill in the Forbidden Woods. Should I sent him to Iosefka's clinic?
So I'm stuck on last boss of the game, but hesitant to follow through to NG+.
Does NG+ have a similar incentive like DS2 did (new weapons/armor)?
Yeah or just leave him there at the mill.
So you know thesketchy dude in bandages near the windmill in the Forbidden Woods. Should I sent him to Iosefka's clinic?
Yeah or just leave him there at the mill.
My Bloodborne save data got corrupted.... 50 hours down the drain.
Yeah I'm trying that now, but it's been on the please wait screen for 5 minutes now. Does it always take this long?Tried restoring from the cloud backup?
My Bloodborne save data got corrupted.... 50 hours down the drain.
I just started chalices...there's 5 of them right?
Yeah I'm trying that now, but it's been on the please wait screen for 5 minutes now. Does it always take this long?
More than 5
Though there are 4 "families" of Chalices: Pthumeru, Hintertombs, Loran, and Isz, each family has multiple chalices.
it finally loaded up and I got my save back. What a relief.No idea, never did it.
True, but I'm on Micolash on ng+ and halfway through the chalice dungeons.... Would have sucked to just lose that much progress.Only 50? Could be worse.
I'd advise attacking him, he's clearly too suspicious to leave unchecked.
How many people does it take to beat Micolash? Apparently more than 3 cuz my 2 summons died on his first form and then i died on his final from instant death arcane spell. He's so easy i don't understand why this is happening.
To reach thelast queen, what do i actually need to do?
You'll find her in. Check out the link in my previous post on how to access that dungeon.Great Phtumeru Ihyll Chalice Dungeon
will do, on those 5 statues i can lit different chalices?
crap this is pissing me off , the reddit guide says once you make a chalice you can use glyphs to go to any of those types without consuming materials, but what if I removed the chalices? after I finished them? Should I have left them in?
Also whats a good way to get certain materials, like I have no chalices open and I have finished 3 or 4 but I have no materials to start a new one... the stuff you buy only opens crappy starting ones i think.... it doesn' add to my supply of materials to open like a sinister hintertomb or anything?
The last chunk of the game is a bitch. I don't remember either DeS or DaS having such a steep jump in difficulty towards the end, unless you area talking about Tomb of Giants, which wasn't that difficult once you realize what to do. Bloodborne in the other hand has a significant spike in difficulty.
I fucking hate Bloodborne. It honestly feels like my dozens of hours with this game have been ruined by the goddamned defiled chalice. Jesus Christ... it even took all the joy out of finishing the main game. After countless tries I've finally beaten wbut now I have to throw myself against another boss with one-hit kill attacks and a ton of health... I mean, Aatchdogisn't even as hard as wmygdalabut I'm just sick of having to redo an overlong fight just because this bitch jumped on me with only a fifth of health left. That's just an exercise in frustration. I hate that this means I don't even get to fight all the bosses. I've have never been this frustrated playing a game in my entire life. Good job Bloodborne, you've beaten me. I hope you feel good about yourself... you fucking dick.atchdog
I did that as well for my first playthrough... went full 2hand mode first with the Kirkhammer and later with Ludwig's. I did it mostly because tradition, I'm a fan of two handers in the souls series.
Now I'm doing a skill/tinge run and ofc I'm parrying the fuck outta everything, but there's a certain... purity in the dodge/hit dance.
Even if you remove the chalice you could do a dungeon search for the same non-root chalice and get access to it for free. Not sure how it's handled offline. There's a bit of a hidden progression with the chalices since you get mats for the next level of chalice from other chalices. I remember having to go all the way up through the Isz chalices before I had enough mats to do the final Pthumeru chalice.
Yeah at this point it expects you to have a firm grasp of the mechanics and also wants to throw you off pretty significantly.
The Defiled Chalice is basically the gravity chamber Goku and Vegetta use.
Its hard as hell and demands excruciating discipline and commitment but once done the main quest is easy train.
Also use this strat for Amy: