BruceLeeRoy made a great writeup about the history of From Software leading to Bloodborne:
edit: banned and closed, wth.
edit: banned and closed, wth.
Annnnnnndddd he's banned.BruceLeeRoy made a great writeup about the history of From Software leading to Bloodborne:
BruceLeeRoy made a great writeup about the history of From Software leading to Bloodborne:
edit: banned and closed, wth.
Good news is that they don't respawn so each time you kill one the fight gets easier.
For me poison knives did the trick to take out the first guy.
BruceLeeRoy made a great writeup about the history of From Software leading to Bloodborne:
edit: banned and closed, wth.
BruceLeeRoy made a great writeup about the history of From Software leading to Bloodborne:
edit: banned and closed, wth.
Bruce should've just posted it here instead.
Oh well, at least we can still read it even though it's locked.
I'm guessing it's seen as advertising/stanning.i see him putting a lot of effort into it so its understandable that he want his own thread. wonder what content in that thread deserves a lock though?
I don't see what was the problem with the first thread, but creating another one was not a good idea I think.
Sometimes after reading a note left by a player a phantom appears over it and does a gesture. How do you add a gesture to notes?
i see him putting a lot of effort into it so its understandable that he want his own thread. wonder what content in that thread deserves a lock though?
Nope. The cheese methods from the YouTube videos don't work. Just get some coop help.Fuck it. Is there any way to cheese? I'm overleveled (90) and still can't beat her.Ebrietas
Did you try the werewolves in upper cathedral ward? Best place for chucks to drop...even tho its like 4%..The gargoyles in Cainhurst have a 1.5% drop rate.
I speculated that the issue with the first was that it was a general praise thread for BB, which isn't really appropriate when the game is so new.
I didn't understand what was wrong with the second until I got to the end of his post, which is largely copy-pasted from the first thread.
King's Field sounds pretty legit though. What was Miyazaki's role in it?
I've got over the bells. Now I just put my character in the pray position and wait for someone. Usually just browse GAF while I do so. Don't have to be cautious of any invaders or anything. Basically the game gives me free breaks. Currently lvl 56 if someone can help.
EDIT: still waiting as of 1921 EST
I'm glad I had someone to coop with because waiting for the matchmaking was never a great time. I miss the signs because I at least had a good idea of what was there, and I could window shop for the coolest looking people to summon!
The Bell system is great they said, better than the soul signs they said.
This system has dragged down an otherwise decent game.
I've been hearing quite a few people stating that Dark Souls can't be played the same way Bloodborne is played. Maybe Dark Souls 2 can't be played like bloodborne, BUT the original Dark Souls can certainly be played with no shield and dodging. In fact that's how I originally played the game. Just dodging with zero use of a shield. I just hope people who say they only like Bloodborne will go back and at least give the original Dark Souls a try without shield.
I have given up trying to parry. I just can't figure it out and I always get owned when I try it.Parrying is also doable in Dark Souls like it is in Bloodbourne (parrying was made a lot harder in DS2, so I find parrying more similar to Dark Souls in Bloodbourne despite lack of shields.)
Nope. The cheese methods from the YouTube videos don't work. Just get some coop help.
And now my hunt is over.
Fuck it. Is there any way to cheese? I'm overleveled (90) and still can't beat her.Ebrietas
Yeah I get that, but his first thread got closed so he should've bowed out and posted it here instead.
I took her down on my first try.
What is your setup?
FYI, I used an Axe + Cannon + Bolt Paper. I forgot at what level I fought her but definitely much lower than you; around 70-ish or so.
My strategy was to just stick close to her ass all the time, quick stepping on her back *every time* she turned around trying to face me and pounded her back. Worked quite well.
I used that Cannon+6 for shooting her head at the beginning and somewhat middle of the fight, powered with Bone Marrow Ash of course; both shots took quite a significant amount of health away from her, and it opened her up for a Visceral.
For runes I used Clawmark, stamina, communion, and Eileen's stamina rune. I used blood bullet first before I engaged her so I can shoot twice with the Cannon.
She tried to use her laser attack two or three times but none of them hit me since I was so close to her. For me personally it seems like engaging her at long/medium range was a much more dangerous tactic to use considering it prods her to use her charge/laser attack more.
I'm switching off between the Axe and Ludwig's Holy Blade, and using Bolt Paper.
For the runes I'm using Visceral attack +20%, defense from all dmg 4%, and arcane damage 5%
I was at med/long range and kept getting killed by either the charge attack or the lasers.
I always fuck up trying to bait the head slam.
I feel like there's something obvious I'm missing and once I figure it out the fight will be stupid easy since I'm so overleveled.
I think so. Only two fights have offline summons. Just another minor gripe about NPCs. There's not that many meaningful ones.So did they just take out being able to summon people offline? Have only seen one sign, while DKS had basically one for every boss.
After completing a chalice dungeon, do i just remove it?