Well, I didn't think it was going to happen after hearing horror stories on this board about him but I finally beat W
in the Defiled Chalice last night after about 10-15 tries!!! Here's video of it if anyone wants to see that it
CAN be done by a normal skilled player, lol
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu5KVHne4QE I watched some other people's video and strategies, but they were all waaaay more profiecient about not getting hit than I am & that coupled with the half-health in the defiled chalice made this fight
VERY difficult. I was level 112 when I beat him, with full Bone Ash armor, two Health Runes + 1 Fire damage resist rune as well if that helps anyone.
By far the best feeling of accomplishment I've had in Bloodborne, or really any video game for quite some while. Feels good man!!