Why do people talk shit about the Threaded Cane? I just owned house on Shadow of Yarnham with the fucking thing. Granted I'm level 63 with 30 points in skill with a +6 cane, but god damn this thing is no joke.
Cause they are crazy. The range and crowd control of the whip make the cane make up for its low damage. You just have to be ready for longer fights but more fun overall.
The best idea for balancing this out I can think of is giving the hypothetical midrange parry weapon big cooldown lag, effectively shunting the risk from the moment of the parry to the time after it.
You don't want to adjust cool-downs for mid-range. It will damage the flow of the game. And I'm not sure you are understanding my proposed design. By making mid-range parries have a slower start-up (which is pretty much equivalent to BB) and slower shots, you remove the ability to parry quick attacks. This makes mid-range less advantageous. However, you don't have to play cat & mouse, making battles twice as long due to losing parrying ability. You can choose to use close-range weapons which can parry anything but you raise the risk/reward.
Long range weapons seem redundant unless they're the only way of parrying healing, and if that's the case it would probably just make for awkward moments of the player intending to heal dancing in and out of range to try to get the aggressor to switch weapons, and the aggressor having to deal with awkward weapon switching. Probably better to just let every weapon have the ability to parry healing.
Long range attacks would be for punishing large enemies and crumpling them if timed right. They would not be redundant. You could make short & mid-range lose parries (the game already has no parryable enemies) on these enemies, making gun choice more emphasized.
Crumpling large bosses isn't done by parrying them, it's done by dealing damage to them or a certain part of them, so that's not a factor in this discussion.
I said enemies, not bosses.
I'm confused by you describing the current mechanics of parrying as forgiving. I think it's actually mostly overly unforgiving, with slow parries squishing you into ridiculous timing windows, with the big exception of when you're parrying from outside the enemy's attack range.
It is a very forgiving system. Large parrying windows, multiple ranges, and a lot of possible attacks to counter. It makes parrying systems in other action games look impossible.
IA playstyle without parrying sounds dull to me honestly, parrying brings much needed spice to the combat system and makes taking on threats that would wreck you under other circumstances more feasible if you're skilled enough.
It's my personal preference to mess around with this play style, it's not mandated or even efficient. I'm also running 170 physical protection as opposed to close to 300. Which could be called foolish.
These games aren't as good at getting you to use your full arsenal of melee attacks as they should be to begin with, and I hate when fights devolve into dodge, light attack, dodge, light attack, maybe a strong attack somewhere in there, repeat until someone dies. Is the game more challenging this way? I wouldn't say so, but it's certainly more tedious.
Give it a shot. It is far more challenging, especially using difficult to handle weapons like the cane or BoM. It's certainly not efficient or safe.
Parrying way too late and still getting a hit with the shot is only possible because parrying at range is possible, but it has such minimal impact as to be an afterthought (literally!)
That's not true. You can trade up close or at mid-range.
I'm sorry, but changing trades to lockups is a really bad idea.
It isn't and your theory that you could trigger these trades often, making parrying less of a risk isn't right either. Try to chain trades in any fight and capture it. It just won't happen. Trading is much rarer then a proper parry or miss. It's basically a just input. And it isn't better nor worse then a partial trade system. To me partial trades don't make much sense as the only result and you could also combine the two, it's just a change in animation. Or you could go further having true trades cancel as well as advantage to quicker strikes. That would require 60fps.
I believe most of your ideas make a game you want to play but the only way to play it. Many people want to play the game how they like and options are never bad. I like having the ability to do what some would call silly, nerfing a bunch of options. I also like being able to abuse parrying or not use it at all. I see a lot of people doing higher NG runs just buffing weapons with abusable items, chain parrying, and whacking with silly long range weapons. Is that a way I enjoy playing? No, but I don't have to. You want to remove these people's play-style and not make compromises to different designs. Every action game that is great always have great options. I believe BB to be a great game because it satisfies this idea. I wouldn't buy into your narrow definition of how to play the game, constraining the design, since it hurts replay-ability for me personally. There are always ways to design a combat system that everyone will enjoy.
Playing through the main game for the fourth time, this time focusing on a Blade of Mercy build. Holy hell, Ebrietas is an absolute nightmare with the BoM.
Blades of Mercy are great for Ebrietas, assuming you have the Blades quite upgraded and with good gems. But in this case you shouldn't try to bait the hhead attack. Just go behind her and attack her. Keep very close to her and keep dodging and running into her back.
Baiting her head attack works just fine with BoM. You can beat her just exploiting head attacks and countering her charge. I did this in NG++ with BoM, no problem.