Relaxed Muscle
oh yea i did. that's strange.. i need to watch that cutscene again!
no need, just go to the guy and he will just open the door once you watched the cutscene
oh yea i did. that's strange.. i need to watch that cutscene again!
I did it!!I believe you should try to be more agressive, the more far from him you are, the more advantage he will have. Lock on him at least to evade his swipes, rolling has less iframes and you will get hit.
I think everyone will answer the first question differently based on their individual experiences. For me, I thought Dark Souls wasn't quite as hard, however I was very high level at the end of my first playthrough so I am not sure it's valid. Overall it's probably similarly challenging. Bloodborne is much more about being aggressive in the way you play, whereas Dark Souls was much slower paced combat (the way I played anyway, making use of the shield a lot!).
As for performance, I think the game runs great and keeps to 30fps mass majority of the time. There are frame pacing issues with the game resulting in stuttering, but I honestly think not everyone will notice that. There isn't anything like the slowdown in DkS1.
BB is a fantastic fucking action(rpg) game and an absolute beauty to play. Maybe borrow it off a friend first if you aren't sure?
Every time I watch gameplay I want to play it, and it looks fun but if it's so hard I'm just flopping all the time I won't like it, I don't enjoy games that are so hard they stop being a relaxing pastime.
ok game, you got me. i'm completely stumped. beatVicar Amelia, Witch of Hemwick and Darkbeast Paarl... and none of them lead anywhere? wtf.
for two nights i've played and just wandered around areas i've been to a million times and there just isn't anywhere to go.. i must be missing something really obvious and i'll feel like an idiot soon.
someone give me a subtle hint or something. i'm at my wit's end here.
Decided to fire up the game again after the latest patch looking to co-op some chalice dungeons. Set a password, rang the bell and had a friend try to connect with the short ritual root chalice. Sat there for over 10 minutes, removed the password and tried again for a few more and was unable to summon them into the game. Looks like I'm done with this again until they fix summoning in these dungeons.
The good thing about BB is that the harder bosses (and areas) are optional. If you just want to finish the game I'd say is on par with DkS.
Getting the best ending involves facing more areas and bosses, some of which are considerably harder.
Getting the plat involves facing the hardest content in any souls games.
But seriously, if you feel overwhelmed at worst you just can use co-op and at absolutly worst you can overlevel and finish the game.
I'm reading up on the Lore and are the chalice dungeons actually supposed to be part of the plot? Are they the "old labyrinth"?
If so I find it confusing that the Chalice dungeons are canon since story bosses show up in them, right?
Also it is pretty annoying the game forces new game+
Kind of interested in doing the chalice dungeons but it's too late now that I've beat the game.
You can chalice it up whenever you want, progress there is completely independent of your main story progress, NG, NG+, etc.
Well, according to some theories,I'm reading up on the Lore and are the chalice dungeons actually supposed to be part of the plot? Are they the "old labyrinth"?
If so I find it confusing that the Chalice dungeons are canon since story bosses show up in them, right?
Also it is pretty annoying the game forces new game+
Kind of interested in doing the chalice dungeons but it's too late now that I've beat the game.
is such a pain in the ass, I don't know how I'm having so much trouble with him when he's so simple but I keep managing to screw up every time.Micolash
The Password. The Password.
Well, according to some theories,I don't know, it gets very confusing.the Old Ones don't actually have physical bodies (or something). Killing them in the story world is kinda like killing a doppelganger. Their true form isn't physical.
The most annoying thing about that fight is [SPOILER
I don't know,doesn't patches shows concern and shock when you kill Amy? Maybe they can resurrect themselves but those are probably their real bodies. Of course I haven't beaten the true final boss so maybe there's some lore missing from me.
Patches was shocked because he worshiped Amygdala as a god. A lot of figures in the game worship the Great Ones without really knowing much about them.
For some reason, Eileen is my favorite character in the game.
She's fucking awesome.
Decided to fire up the game again after the latest patch looking to co-op some chalice dungeons. Set a password, rang the bell and had a friend try to connect with the short ritual root chalice. Sat there for over 10 minutes, removed the password and tried again for a few more and was unable to summon them into the game. Looks like I'm done with this again until they fix summoning in these dungeons.
BeatGold trophy gettu.Yharnam
My my, what an arduous journey it has been.
Is Amgydala really this hard or am I severely under levelled? Rocking cane+7 and am lvl 66. It's like a war of attrition but I'm not hitting hard enough to winSummoned two co-ops who are worse than me.......I can stay alive and generally swat around her tail and legs, and dodge most of her attacks but law of averages says she will get some in and I've just depleted all health vials. Pissed off.
The only other place I have to pursue is Yarghul chapel onwards but both seem kinda spiked in difficulty here in terms of mob health. Should I be completing Yarghul before Amygdala?
Is Amgydala really this hard or am I severely under levelled? Rocking cane+7 and am lvl 66. It's like a war of attrition but I'm not hitting hard enough to winSummoned two co-ops who are worse than me.......I can stay alive and generally swat around her tail and legs, and dodge most of her attacks but law of averages says she will get some in and I've just depleted all health vials. Pissed off.
Maaaaaaybe?Nice work! Just about to face Cursed 3 bossAmygdala
So did you then do Lower Loran, then the final dungeon? And skipped the Great Iz one (I don't think that is required but might be wrong).
I beat Amygdala on my first try immediately after I got the tonsil stone. Felt so good. I died a million times in the frontier though. Extended saw blade seemed to work wonders on that boss.
Don't worry, there's a much much harder version of her.
Platinum gett-o! Thanks for bearing with me, GAF. My 20th Plat. I can think of no other game more deserving of this milestone.
I don't remember and I'm not pulling your leg. You'll have to excuse me as the Chalice experience just blended together and I started zoning out. I even muted the sound and turned up GameGrumps playthrough of Sonic '06.
I can tell you I skipped one or two Layer 3s but I'm not sure aim was only to get the materials necessary for Ihyll.
Is Amgydala really this hard or am I severely under levelled? Rocking cane+7 and am lvl 66. It's like a war of attrition but I'm not hitting hard enough to winSummoned two co-ops who are worse than me.......I can stay alive and generally swat around her tail and legs, and dodge most of her attacks but law of averages says she will get some in and I've just depleted all health vials. Pissed off.
The only other place I have to pursue is Yarghul chapel onwards but both seem kinda spiked in difficulty here in terms of mob health. Should I be completing Yarghul before Amygdala?
After Defiled, everything in life should be a breeze.Was the final dungeon tough? Should be hitting it tonight, maaaybe!![]()
Want me to help with Amygdala? I am available if you want.
You still about? I can fire it up in like 5 mins - got frustrated with her and then the one reborn.....
Hmm, blood vials low as well :/
cool, on my way, password is helpmegaf
Yeah me too - by the fog
Wait I'll change my Rune since I was summoned as an adversary hahaha.
I'm back, ringing my bell/
Cheers man- you wrecked her!!
Where is the best place to farm Insight? Running low :/
Probably the easiest guaranteed way is to plow through a Depth 1 chalice a few times.Where is the best place to farm Insight? Running low :/
Cheers guys.
Maybe joining people's co-op calls is the most efficient way at this point.
It's not.
It's the most FUN way, but not the most efficient. The reason I say this is because people tend to die in coop and you won't get your insight point if the boss doesn't die.
Run through Pthumeru 1 one or two times and that should pick you back up.
The very first chalice dungeon, and its first layer? Do you just get them as you play through it then? I can't remember now!