I...I did it. I finally did it! I killed that SOB! Thought I wouldn't overcome you? Hope you're pleased Eileen, because that was one of the toughest fights in the game for me.
Blades of Mercy are a lot of fun. I'm grinding blood so I can buy everything off the shop now. Only have
left to defeat and then I can move on to the final boss.
See, it's not that bad isn't it?
Oh it's not that bad really. By the time you get to meet them your character should comparatively stronger and you have access to purchasable Sedatives and Bolt Paper.
It's just that the rather tight place you find them in, and the fact that you need to fight two of them at the same time, can be tricky (well you can run through them but devilishly enough FROM put one of the best offensive gems you can find in the main game nearby those two sooo if you want it.... lol)
I'll add you tonight.
Seems to me that I still need to learn a few things that I'm not sure of. Are there specific locations that you should ring the bell? At times I ring the bell and wait/play for over 10-15 minutes and no one shows up, not even Alfred.
Also, can you stun bosses with your gun and do a visceral attack on them? What about stunning BSB?
There are only two areas and bosses where you are allowed to summon NPCs: Father Gascoigne in Central Yharnam (whom you can bring to fight against Cleric Beast) and Alfred in Old Yharnam (whom you can bring to fight against Blood-Starved Beast). To do so you must use the summoning bell at pre-destined circle of light (at the fountain/near the shortcut to Central Yharnam lamp for the 1st one and for Alfred the circle of light near the bridge that leads towards the BsB area (look behind you when you're facing the entrance to BsB)
Other bosses if you want Coop you must rely on online partners. There are limitations calculated by your current level: generally speaking you can't summon those with a level difference higher than 10 levels + 10% of your current level, so if you are too low or too high than the "general consensus" of a particular area you might have difficulties finding people to play together with.
However as per the latest patch if you set up password this overrides the level limitations. You can, if you want, invite someone playing a level 200 character to join your level 10 game, for example.
As for your second question; yes, all bosses with very few exceptions (I can only think of two, probably three, in the main story) can be put into a state where they can be visceraled. As a general rule *all* humanoid enemies you encounter, including bosses, you can stun them with a gun for a visceral, just like regular mooks. For BsB in particular you can do this as well, but *only* with some of her attacks, while some of her other attacks you just need to evade.
Some bosses (I can think of two) you need to concentrate damage to a single limb (typically their heads) before they are downed. LARGE bosses you can't stun them with a gun to visceral them, but you CAN and you SHOULD target their weakness (most of the time, their heads/limbs) before you can visceral them by attacking at a specific point (their heads) during their downed position.
Ah yea, but I wanted the rune too

Oh well....
Ehhh, not that important really
Off the top of my head, discounting enemy drops, you can find 1 Blood Chunk in Forbidden Woods (guarded by three snake guys), 5 Blood Chunks in Cainhurst, and 2 in Nightmare Frontier (this last one requires a bit of luck to get), so that's 8, so yeah, you can get a +8 weapon just by going through these areas.