It is because they don't want the helper to be able to tank everything and beat the boss for the host easily. Micolash is pretty tricky to coop as I've had bunch of situations where it looked like he was concentrating on the host and not me and once I attack he manages to oneshot me with a counter hit. Much easier to solo IMO. Much rather go for MWN as it is much easier and you get way more echoes from it.
Hey guys, I'm sure you've been asked this a lot, but seeing all the love for Bloodborne in the Gaf GOTY thread, I'm very interested in picking it up. My question is: just how hard is it? Obviously I've heard a lot about the Dark Souls and Demon Souls games being infuriatingly hard, but I've also heard this is easier.
Hey guys, I'm sure you've been asked this a lot, but seeing all the love for Bloodborne in the Gaf GOTY thread, I'm very interested in picking it up. My question is: just how hard is it? Obviously I've heard a lot about the Dark Souls and Demon Souls games being infuriatingly hard, but I've also heard this is easier.
These games have a high learning curve as you learn the mechanics and many of these things aren't spelled out to you so you learn some things through experience which means dying a lot. Once you have the grip on the structure and flow of the games then they become easier over time. If you can survive the first couple hours and bosses of BB then you can beat the game after that.
There are less infuriating deaths in BB than in previous Souls games. Less ways to fall off a cliff, less traps in the enviroments, no chests that attack you when you try to open them, no ambushes behind closed doors etc.
At 25, then at 50. The Burial Blade, Threaded Cane and other pages in the wiki are good examples on how it declines.
In short, contribution to attack per point seems to be half as much after 25 than before. Then after 50 it drops again, to one tenth as much as pre-25 (or one fifth as much 25-50).
For random players there is still a level range. It is summoners level * 0,1 +- 10. so for example lvl 50 has range from 35-65. If you use password it removes the level range requirement.
At 25, then at 50. The Burial Blade, Threaded Cane and other pages in the wiki are good examples on how it declines.
In short, contribution to attack per point seems to be half as much after 25 than before. Then after 50 it drops again, to one tenth as much as pre-25 (or one fifth as much 25-50).
I ended up buying this today and there is a 9 GB patch. It's downloading really slow and I am itching to play. Is there any downside to starting an unpatched game offline while I wait for the patch to download?
I ended up buying this today and there is a 9 GB patch. It's downloading really slow and I am itching to play. Is there any downside to starting an unpatched game offline while I wait for the patch to download?
I'm having some problems with Micolash where he pretty much insta-kills me with his magic tentacle/ball attacks. Am I doing something wrong, or are those attacks supposed to take away 1/2 health? (Level 65)
It doesn't help that I use all my blood vials, so each time I need to do a Central Yharnam run to get more vials. :/
NVM beat him just by spamming attacks; it does seem cheap that he does 1/2 health damage, so either he actually is cheap, or i'm doing something wrong in terms of loadout/defense. :/
Can anyone recommend an armor set for just after you kill Vicar Amelia? I'm getting my shit rocked in the Forbidden Woods. I haven't found/purchased anything new since getting the Yharnam Hunter set..
Can anyone recommend an armor set for just after you kill Vicar Amelia? I'm getting my shit rocked in the Forbidden Woods. I haven't found/purchased anything new since getting the Yharnam Hunter set..
You can go to the Insight shop right above the other shop next to the window and buy the Gasgione set. Useful against some poison enemies in that area.
So I've done everything there is to do in the 'campaign' of sorts now, and I've seen all 3 endings... The only stuff I haven't touched is the chalice dungeons. my relationship with this game has been a week-long kinda oppressive thing.. and i worry that if i start the CDs I'll get burned out quick. Also, how long are they relative to the game? How difficult?
So I've done everything there is to do in the 'campaign' of sorts now, and I've seen all 3 endings... The only stuff I haven't touched is the chalice dungeons. my relationship with this game has been a week-long kinda oppressive thing.. and i worry that if i start the CDs I'll get burned out quick. Also, how long are they relative to the game? How difficult?
I woudl have highly recommended you going through the chalices dungeons as you go, because the starter ones are basically too easy for you now and the loot at the start worthless. You probabaly have great gems by now but the chalices provide some good gems early on. Unfortunately, you will have to beat them all to get the harder ones lower down as the materials required are always found in the preceeding dungeons. They can be a bit grindy but have some unique bosses that you really cant jsut miss out on so em.
Can anyone recommend an armor set for just after you kill Vicar Amelia? I'm getting my shit rocked in the Forbidden Woods. I haven't found/purchased anything new since getting the Yharnam Hunter set..
You get the white church set with its high poison resist not too far into the woods. It might be better to level up your weapon and main skill stat some just so you can kill the guys faster. That zone got much easier when I could one or two the stuff until the snake area, then the Hunter Axe spin move came in super handy.
Is Rom weak to VS Kin? The wikis all contradict each other. The guide says she isn't, but there must be a reason for some wikis not following the guide, right?
Use attire with strong frenzy resistance, and a rune. Keep your insight low. Also it helps if you can parry and kill them with just one visceral attack.
Is Rom weak to VS Kin? The wikis all contradict each other. The guide says she isn't, but there must be a reason for some wikis not following the guide, right?
Well I finished Bloodborne completely blind. After a quick check of guides and this thread it looks like I missed a shitload.
I took the following boss order: Spoilered in case any one else is interested in playing blind.
Cleric Beast
Blood Starved Beast
Darkbeast Paarl
Vicar Amelia
The Witch of Hemwick
Shadows of Yharnam
The One Reborn
Mergo's Wet Nurse
I missed the
Gerhman Fight and the Moon Presence fight
. I went in one chalice dungeon and fought the Undead Beast boss? I never found out how to get to the top of Oedon's tomb, couldn't get in the old workshop. Never found a Blood Rock to get a +10 weapon. Basically, I missed about 1/2 the game. That being said I don't think I'll go back to it. On the last boss fight I almost had a heart attack and don't need anymore of that stress in my life. I found the bosses much easier than the trip to get to them as well. I still died plenty of times to the bosses but the fight I had the most trouble with was the 3 Dark Hunter ambush before you get to the Advent Plaza.
I never got good at fighting AI hunters. I still don't have the parry timing down and basically got lucky with vicerals. Since they didn't respawn when I died I was able to take them down one by one eventually. That fight and the Frenzy BS in the Nightmare of Mensis were the two most frustrating experiences I had in the game. The bosses all felt fair while being very powerful. Out of the bosses I fought I think I died most to
It was a fun game but I think my time with it is done. I'd go back and clean stuff up but I don't want to play through NG+ to do it.
I'm having some problems with Micolash where he pretty much insta-kills me with his magic tentacle/ball attacks. Am I doing something wrong, or are those attacks supposed to take away 1/2 health? (Level 65)
It doesn't help that I use all my blood vials, so each time I need to do a Central Yharnam run to get more vials. :/
NVM beat him just by spamming attacks; it does seem cheap that he does 1/2 health damage, so either he actually is cheap, or i'm doing something wrong in terms of loadout/defense. :/
Ouch, man. You missed much more than that. For one you skipped Cainhurst Castle, one of the most beautiful locations in the game, and home to my favorite weapon, the Chikage. You also skipped the entire Upper Cathedral Ward and the Orphanage. These locations alone total three more bosses.
The good (?) news is that you think you are done with the game, but the game isn't done with you. Unbeknownst to you, playing the game has infected you with the Souls virus. You will soon start feeling its symptoms, including an utter lack of enjoyment from games that seemed perfectly fine until now. In time, you'll come to realize there is only way to sate this new craving. See you soon.
A Call Beyond isn't too bad and everything scales passed 50 when it comes to arcane spells. I will admit that I should use the spells more. I still haven't used Accursed Brew yet.
Winter Lanterns are incredibly easy, but the game doesn't let you deck out different runes on the fly. But with Frenzy resist runes (which you should almost never use), they are hardly a problem. Strafe around them as they do their slow ass grab. and thrust in the back for a visceral. A visceral cancels the frenzy bar. Parry works too but tbh I never really get the timing down. They drop the best non-chalice gems I think.
Augur of Ebrietas is absolutely murderous. You can pop it at the end of your combo while you recharge stamina, it has insane priority, knocks down humanoid bosses, and if that wasn't enough a recent patch makes it parry.
Just last night I discovered that Luwig's holy blade has 3 rune slots. I thought it only had 1!! Managed to totally wreck Logarius with it. (Just kidding I went through all of my blood vials and it was really close)
Just last night I discovered that Luwig's holy blade has 3 rune slots. I thought it only had 1!! Managed to totally wreck Logarius with it. (Just kidding I went through all of my blood vials and it was really close)
You have to upgrade any weapon to unlock the other slots, there is also different version of the same weapon, Lost and Uncanny with the same base damage but different runes slots types on the Root version of chalices
I'd do Nightmare frontier first, then it's kind of a toss up between the other two depending on which one you find easier. If you find the latter two too hard, consider going through the chalice dungeons, any chalice in depth 1 or 2 will be easier than them.
At 66, you could do either one of these, but Nightmare Frontier boss would be easiest, imo. Apart from the frustrating Poison, that area would be pretty easy for you.
Castle Cainhurst is amazing! I love that area and it has a badass boss, but you should be fine, so long as you know how to parry. If you don't then it might get a little hairy.
Unseen Village might be the most difficult of the three for you right now, so I'd advise you to do the other two in any order you fancy and then go to Unseen Village.