I'd do Nightmare frontier first, then it's kind of a toss up between the other two depending on which one you find easier. If you find the latter two too hard, consider going through the chalice dungeons, any chalice in depth 1 or 2 will be easier than them.
At 66, you could do either one of these, but Nightmare Frontier boss would be easiest, imo. Apart from the frustrating Poison, that area would be pretty easy for you.
Castle Cainhurst is amazing! I love that area and it has a badass boss, but you should be fine, so long as you know how to parry. If you don't then it might get a little hairy.
Unseen Village might be the most difficult of the three for you right now, so I'd advise you to do the other two in any order you fancy and then go to Unseen Village.
Awesome, thanks. Can't wait to get back to playing.