I'm very happy with last night's progress, beat:
- Watchdog of the Old Lords
- Defiled Amygdala
Now just need to find some red jelly and I'm off to kill the queen!
You are exactly doing what Im doing but with more success, I cant kill the damn dog lol.
Has the DLC ever been on sale? Took a break from the game after getting the platinum, but I'm starting to think it could be fun to play now, before Dark Souls 3 is out.
I'm very happy with last night's progress, beat:
- Watchdog of the Old Lords
- Defiled Amygdala
Now just need to find some red jelly and I'm off to kill the queen!
I'm very happy with last night's progress, beat:
- Watchdog of the Old Lords
- Defiled Amygdala
Now just need to find some red jelly and I'm off to kill the queen!
You get two red jellies from Lower Loran.I also beat Defiled Amygdala last night. Still missing a couple of red jellies, will probably farm them through Isz tonight. I'm getting so close to the Platinum trophy, I can smell it!
I have the final boss left to play. I initiated Eileen's quest line in Central Yharnam in the beginning, but never bothered with her afterwards. Can I still do her quest line? God knows where she might be now.
Equip some Frenzy resist armor and rune and kill them. That's the only advice I can give you since there's more than one in that area. Also bring sedatives.Ok peeps,
I need a blood rock and I've found the area in the nightmare of mensis to get it. The problem is that I can't seem to get around these giant brain creatures to get to it. Any tips?
The barriers for entry for collating the information presented in Bloodborne and a professorship in Astrophysics are so completely at odds that there are no functional similarities between the two. Anyone with a PS4 and the ability to read/listen/write can do the former. The latter requires much more.
Just in case: that's not meant to come across nearly as aggressive as they might read!
Ok peeps,
I need a blood rock and I've found the area in the nightmare of mensis to get it. The problem is that I can't seem to get around these giant brain creatures to get to it. Any tips?
Ok peeps,
I need a blood rock and I've found the area in the nightmare of mensis to get it. The problem is that I can't seem to get around these giant brain creatures to get to it. Any tips?
First, let me point out that the argument wasn't acquiring a professorship in astrophysics. When we said "become like NDT" we weren't referring to his jobs, but his knowledge. The latter is far easier to require.
Now, the practical knowledge of doing those things probably helps in further mastery of his subject, but broadly speaking, he wouldn't need to learn the things he'd need to run experiments if all he was going to do is read about experiments. He just needs to understand them, and there is a difference.
Second, see my post to Dahbomb. An analogy essentially functions on saying one thing is similar to another in functions, but not features, and severity is a feature. The statement being made by it is that "If a person dedicates the time to it, then they can become an expert in it. However, not everyone has the luxury to do that."
That is the argument, and it applies to anybody who wants to study Bloodborne, or Astrophysics, or Poker, or Dog Training, or anything. The point was that BB was relatively difficult to decipher enough that doing so would require more patience and effort than some could afford, so shrugging off people who miss it as simply 'not paying attention' is somewhat dismissive.
From that function, the analogy applies, and the severity aspect of it is nonwithstanding. Want proof? Then lets move beyond this and use other analogies. "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." "Friends and family are like butt cheeks: shit might separate them, but they always come back together." "Friends are like trees: they fall down when you hit them multiple times with an axe." But going through life is a significantly more complicated process, while all you need to do on a bike is keep pushing pedals! But friends and family can be separated by larger distance, more difficult problems, while buttcheeks are only away by a couple inches the whole time. But trees require so many more hits with an Ax than friends!
If severity was an issue, it would actually invalidate most analogies period. Think of analogies you've used, or look up more of them, and you'll find that they have a difference of severity while keeping to the same function.
Actually, the distinction you made was "a master level like NDT". What is a Professorship but an academic acknowledgement of one's 'mastery' over a subject? How else does one make the distinction of being a 'master' of the subject without the acknowledgement or comparison to others?
I think that's a fairly bold assumption to make.![]()
Life isn't an America Underdog movie. Time and effort are not all that are required to master subjects or disciplines.
I think the premise "anyone can master anything given time and effort" is a gross oversimplification and fundamentally wrong. Especially so when you're talking about a subject that requires (even at a text book reading level) an understanding of multiple branches of physics, chemistry, mathematics and mechanics at a degree level (at least) to begin to "master [it] like NDT".
Video games, even niche ones like the Souls series, are inherently egalitarian, albeit to varying degrees of 'severity'. The barrier for entry requires no pre-knowledge whatsoever, merely the ability to read and to push buttons.
The analogy is flawed because the fundamental assumption ("anyone can do anything given enough time and effort") is flawed, thus any supposed "functional" similarities don't hold water: Not anyone can "master [astrophysics] like NDT". However, anyone CAN (by design and by the very nature of video games) play Bloodborne and "understand" the lore. Miyazaki himself has said there are no correct interpretations to Bloodborne's lore/narrative, so the barrier for entry is ridiculously low.
PS Those example analogies you included in your post are terrible too! Funny, sure, but terrible.
They're funny because they are drawing comparisons between disparate elements through wordplay. They don't survive any kind of meaningful scrutiny and are thus not actually "good" analogies. A good analogy is made up of something familiar being reframed to represent something else. The functional similarity between the two things need to be as maximal as possible, which the features of your Astrophysics to Bloodborne most certainly aren't.
Analogical reasoning begins with the understanding that it is a practice where one compares two objects or systems (called analogs) and tries to find in which ways they are similar through comparison. Analogical inferences can be made by reasoning that if they are similar in one aspect, they may be similar in another aspect. One analog, which is familiar and understood by the reasoner, is termed the source or base as it provides the basis for the inference. The unknown analog is the target. And the alignment of elements made between them is the mapping. (Holyoak & Morrison, 2012, p. 234)
Generally speaking, proper computing of the analogue relies on relational or structural mapping between the analogs, rather than the similarities. The latter instead simply observes the perceptual features that the analogs share, or low order relations, the association between something, at best. The former uses, appropriately enough, relations and structures that the analogs share in the procedure of mapping them. Specifically, higher order relations are used, where they do not merely observe the association between two objects, but also the cause for that association. “Relations between relations” as the book puts it. (Holyoak & Morrison, 2012, p. 238) It is the difference between understanding that the cat is drinking milk and a cat drinking milk because it enjoys the taste of milk. And this is why relational similarities are considered to have a severe advantage over surface similarities. By having a cause embedded within the source analog, there is explanatory power for the target analog, and that leads to understanding it better than comparing its mere features would.
To use Gentner and Toupin’s (1986) example, it is possible to map the principles heat transfer to the fall of water. A structural analysis of both will reveal the mechanical structure of how they operate are similar. When water moves from a higher elevation to a lower elevation, its motion is similar to how energy is transferred from one body to the next. However, supposing that a reasoner attempted to map these two objects according to only perceptual features, they’d more than likely arrive at the erroneous conclusion that heat is wet or water is energy or something similar.
From the same study, we also learn that the benefit of focusing on relational similarities is the added benefit of having a check that self corrects analogies as they happen. This is illustrated using the example Gentner and Toupin (1986) provide. Suppose we have a person who is well versed in the Solar System, but knows very little about the structure of the atom. So you explain to him that the atom is like that of the Solar System. In this analogy, there are two mappings to me made. One of the objects is more massive than the other. And one revolves around the other. But suppose there was an error made, and while he managed to get the first mapping right (Sun/Nucleus is more massive than the Planets/Electrons), he got the second mapping wrong (Planet/Nucleus revolves around the Sun/Electrons). Based purely on lower-order relations there is no contradiction to be noticed. But if the person also remembers the cause of why planets revolve around the sun, he will notice that the nucleus revolving around the electron makes no sense. If the structure of the atom is that there is a revolution of one object to another, and one of those objects is massively larger than the other, it follows that the object of small mass revolves around the object of large mass, not the other way around.
Should I want to do go to NG+ if I want to do the dungeons still? I feel like I'm moving on to NG+ way too fast.
Professorship is a job, defined by teaching a subject to others. Simply because you are a master of something doesn't necessarily imply you do anything with it. You don't have to teach it, you don't have to experiment with it, etc. It just means you know it.
Just studied the field enough to know what all the words mean.
So, if you want to master Astrophysics, you do that. You're not really making an argument for why I or anyone else can't learn these things. You're just pointing out why it'd be tough as balls to do so.
Heh, sorry, but that's not true at all. Tell you what, get your dad or grandfather to play a video game. They can read and push buttons right? See how that turns out.
Again, first off, you're kind of ignoring my argument about how analogies work.
Second, this simply isn't the case. I don't just say that as a life coach sort of advice, there have been studies that look at skill acquisition and not in any single one of them has there been an instance of people who can't do something.
Death of the author, if you will.
As well as being a job it is also considered the highest academic 'rank' in university and post-secondary institutions. Professors are deemed experts in their fields by their peers. The Paleblood writer isn't, he's a good writer.
Hmm. Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect...?![]()
Why is that?
I used to be a teacher (English Literature/Media Studies). I would see students - no matter the opportunities, the support given, the effort they put it, or their drive to excel - fail because they simply did not have the mind/body for their chosen subject.
It's that simple.
More people with time and effort CAN play video games to a certain standard, I didn't dispute that. However, relative to astrophysics, video games are absolutely egalitarian. They are designed specifically to be accessible to large groups of people, even when they are niche.
I'm not ignoring it. I don't think it's a case of severity/scale, I believe they are fundamentally different.
But we're talking about "mastery", remember?
Your analogy basically puts The Paleblood writer as a "master" of Bloodborne lore. This is implicit due to the comparison with NDT, who is a master in his field. That isn't the case. The barrier of entry to Bloodborne is functionally different to Astrophysics (the former being specifically designed to appeal to a wide audience). To grasp the game as The Paleblood writer has doesn't require years of study in multiple disciplines or even that you be an expert at the game's mechanics, it requires the ability to read. To be a "master", in the terms of your analogy, requires you to read all the text/environmental clues and see all the cutscenes in the game. My Dad and Grandad could absolutely do that.
Death of the Author isn't really a philosophy, it's (simply put) more a method for criticising works isolated from the author's intention. It has its uses but it isn't the be all and end all the internet seems to think it is.
My point in bringing the interpretation of the lore up and Miyazaki's views on it, was to highlight that the Paleblood writer's analysis and interpretation is no more valuable than anyone else's, so implicitly drawing comparisons with NDT is just another area where the analogy falls apart (NDT's views being held - rightly or wrongly, more or less - in higher regard by the community).
Yeah, we're totally derailing this thread, like you said. I think your analogy was poor, it doesn't match up well because the relationship between the objects (Bloodborne/Astrophysics, NDT/PB Writer) is misrepresented and it doesn't give any more insight (pun!) into the situation it's supposedly representing, relationally or otherwise. Sorry. We can PM, if you like.![]()
Did you get falcon pawnched off the stage? I think when I beat Defiled Amygdala I used like 7 vials, so that must've been a good fight for you. For the last phase I just spammed Black Sky Eye at him.Defiled Amygdala is done baby!!
What Im more proud of this fight is this:
Notice I only used 3 vials lol, and thats because I got nervous at the last phase of the fight, I basically died like 30 times before I got the entire thing sequence locked down, I went no hurt till the last phase in wich I got myself stepped down a couple of times hence my vials usage.
Now I needed to go and kill Ebrietas for that Isz chalice so I can farm those red jellys so I can create the Ihyll chalice, Im close now fo those damn Gems!!
Also the other day I was fighting the Bloodletting Beast and that bastard knocked me off the damn stage lol, I was about to one shot him and this happens, this is the below the floor by the way.
No, since you need to go into the Ailing Loran dungeon to get the beast claws.I haven't done any of the defiled dungeons yet. I'm about to embark on fighting the final boss(es). I think I have the three important npc specific badges for the weapons. My question is: Can I, at this point & without going into the dungeons, collect all weapons and collect all hunter tools? I mainly want to get the trophies.
No, since you need to go into the Ailing Loran dungeon to get the beast claws.
I don't remember, but I think the hunter tools are all in the main game, it's been awhile since I looked for them. After I platinumed the game they're really not too much of a priority though you should look for a video on getting the Messengers Gift, that one can easily be missed.Thanks. Any other weapon that I must acquire in a dungeon? And what about the Hunter tools?
I don't remember, but I think the hunter tools are all in the main game, it's been awhile since I looked for them. After I platinumed the game they're really not too much of a priority though you should look for a video on getting the Messengers Gift, that one can easily be missed.
You can easily finish NF without getting it though since that's what I did the first time, I didn't get it till my NG+ run. It's in that asshole poison swamp section guarded by a winter lantern.Messensgers gift is in the Nightmare Frontier, but that can be grabbed on the way to Amygdala and the materials cause thats a must to get the Ailing Loran Chalice in order to get the Claws.
Kill two birds one stone kinda of a deal![]()
You can easily finish NF without getting it though since that's what I did the first time, I didn't get it till my NG+ run. It's in that asshole poison swamp section guarded by a winter lantern.
The first time I completely avoided that scenario, the second time was a pain cause it was in NG+ I had dealt with that another time and found out how to just get to that area quicker at the beginning of the level.I got it by accident becausePatches threw me there and I ran to that way without knowing what was there lol.
Can I prevent going to NG+ if Iconsume all three Umbilical Cords (I have four lol), Fight Gehrman, "refuse" (whatever this means, apparently I have to refuse something), die to Moon Essence, so I can basically still do whatever and then go back to Moon Essence?
Yeah you need the ritual materials. You need to beat the last boss of the Pthumeru Ihyll dungeon for a trophy. You will have to go through the other dungeons to obtain the materials needed to make it. Most notably the red jellies. You get two of those from Lower Loran. And if you don't have the other two you get them from a chest in the lecture building.If I want to go for Platinum I have to beat some of the chalice bosses, right?
Where to I have to start? Do I have to make ALL THE BORING chalices again with my current char?
for the second and third ending.On my last run, I declined gehrman, kill him and used a bold hunter to warp away.
When you seeSo I can do this in this run I think,so I refuse, kill him and the bold hunter? is there a particular time in wich I bold hunter away?
So I can do this in this run I think,so I refuse, kill him and the bold hunter? is there a particular time in wich I bold hunter away?
You know, all this could be solved with a boss rush mode.
And maybe throw in a model viewer while you're at it. I love examining character models, and BB has some of the best. It annoys me I can't get a good, steady look at some of the bosses.
And maybe throw in a model viewer while you're at it. I love examining character models, and BB has some of the best. It annoys me I can't get a good, steady look at some of the bosses.