Is there anyway to open that damn gate to the right of the big bonfire in the opening area? Beat the game and I still don't know if there is.
Gonna repost this for help cause I feel like an idiot it it can be opened...
Gonna repost this for help cause I feel like an idiot it it can be opened...
Gonna repost this for help cause I feel like an idiot it it can be opened...
the one in clinic?
Go to Forbidden Forrest, there is a hidden cave near a place where you see a lot of dogs
I'm at the end game zone and depth 4 chalice and I'm still not getting any rating 15 bloodgem to drop =(
Is there any good spot to farm for the trophy?
If you keep doing the chalice dungeons, going further, you'll start to pick them up naturally. I got it from one of the bosses there, the wolf/pyro thing.I'm at the end game zone and depth 4 chalice and I'm still not getting any rating 15 bloodgem to drop =(
Is there any good spot to farm for the trophy?
I'm at the end game zone and depth 4 chalice and I'm still not getting any rating 15 bloodgem to drop =(
Is there any good spot to farm for the trophy?
I'm suprised at how easy Bwas in the Ailing Loran chalice dungeon. All i did was parry him the entire time, which is odd since i could never parry the story mode version and always needed a cooperator.lood-Starved Beast
Gonna repost this for help cause I feel like an idiot it it can be opened...
No, he's talking about by the big bonfirein Central where the giant is banging on the door
Give this a shot - it's a glyph for a dungeon that has it: link
you can get 1 from first layer boss in Ailing loran
If you keep doing the chalice dungeons, going further, you'll start to pick them up naturally. I got it from one of the bosses there, the wolf/pyro thing.
Give this a shot - it's a glyph for a dungeon that has it: link
If we get DLC for Bloodborne, do you think it will be more like Dark Souls/Artorias or more like DS2/the three Kings? Personally I'm hoping for the latter, just because I want as much Bloodborne as possible. I'd really like to see some more weapons, as well as something useful for Arcane builds.
Who here didnt cheese the fight aainst dude that? After 2 tries and i saw the damage her slash and pistol does to me i knew i gotta cheese him/her... Aint nobody got blood vials fo that.mortally woudned Eileen
Who here didnt cheese the fight aainst dude that? After 2 tries and i saw the damage her slash and pistol does to me i knew i gotta cheese him/her... Aint nobody got blood vials fo that.mortally woudned Eileen
Sweet! Bloodborne has my favorite soundtrack of any Miyazaki game.Hail the Nightmare! OST get!
Hail the Nightmare! OST get!
How many tracks does it have? I heard it has less than the Collector's Edition one.
What the heck? In the main game I could just stand still and maintain a viewpoint in thefight when he uses his ranged arcane attack but this doesn't work in the chalice version. Weird.Rom
How many does the CE have?
The only disappointing thing about it is the cover. I'm kinda getting sick of it seeing it everywhere. They could go with an original art.
I'm pvp ing in that reddit chalice now. Lot of fun!
so i'm at the end game here. if i beat the game and go new game +, will the chalice dungeons scale, get tougher? if they do i might as well just dive into all that on this game.
What the heck? In the main game I could just stand still and maintain a viewpoint in thefight when he uses his ranged arcane attack but this doesn't work in the chalice version. Weird.Rom
Just stand still behind a pillar.
Nope. Chalices do not scale.
Loran Darkbeast is probably the main bane of my existence in this game, ugh.Any suggestions?
I'm pvp ing in that reddit chalice now. Lot of fun!
I'm at the end game zone and depth 4 chalice and I'm still not getting any rating 15 bloodgem to drop =(
Is there any good spot to farm for the trophy?
I didn't. I was in NG++ too. He took me two tries, though I had him to a sliver when I died the first time, haha.Who here didnt cheese the fight aainst dude that ? After 2 tries and i saw the damage her slash and pistol does to me i knew i gotta cheese him/her... Aint nobody got blood vials fo that.
Can you link me to said chalice?
Who here didnt cheese the fight aainst dude that? After 2 tries and i saw the damage her slash and pistol does to me i knew i gotta cheese him/her... Aint nobody got blood vials fo that.mortally woudned Eileen
Can you link me to said chalice?
Uploaded some Arcane Rifle Spear PvP, this shit is completely broken. I'm mostly just mashing L2, feels so dirty. Someone making a proper build with this thing would be a nightmare:
Nerf pls.
Thanks mate will try it out tonight!
Know the level range?