???Is there something I need to do to get that elevator near the bottom of Yahargul (sp?) to work? Is it glitched? I can only remember it working on like one of my playthroughs...
After the red moon appears, it should be at the bottom.
Yep, doesn't work. When I step on it it doesn't do anything, and like I said, has only worked for me once.
So... Chalice Dungeons have become pretty terrifying. :\
Spiders that one shot me hiding around corners. Swarms of enemies from ass hole bell maidens. Some of the rooms are so damn dark I can't see a thing.
Have you applied the most recent patch? It should fix elevator bugs. You can go to the top/bottom of Yahar'gul and pull the lever on the other side of the elevator. to try and fix it.
So... Chalice Dungeons have become pretty terrifying. :\
Spiders that one shot me hiding around corners. Swarms of enemies from ass hole bell maidens. Some of the rooms are so damn dark I can't see a thing.
So... Chalice Dungeons have become pretty terrifying. :\
Spiders that one shot me hiding around corners. Swarms of enemies from ass hole bell maidens. Some of the rooms are so damn dark I can't see a thing.
lol I just noticed they changed the name to just "Third Umbilical Cord".
Great story man. Its one all of us know too well![]()
There are lots of optional areas and bosses. The game only has 7 (kinda 8) required bosses. there are more than double that available in the game. (Where have you been so far? that will help us tell you where to go next.)
I just realised I never activated the shortcut at the bottom of the Healing Church because I got snatched.
How the hell did I get to the Great Cathedral.
Yep, doesn't work. When I step on it it doesn't do anything, and like I said, has only worked for me once.
How do you get to the Defiled Chalice?
Holy fuck at NFightmareI thought things would get easier once I took down the Bell Woman, but the Madmen, holy shit!rontier
Speaking of which, is there some immune to poison thing I'm missing or am I going to have to deal with poison frenzy combo.
Holy fuck at NFightmareI thought things would get easier once I took down the Bell Woman, but the Madmen, holy shit!rontier
Speaking of which, is there some immune to poison thing I'm missing or am I going to have to deal with poison frenzy combo.
Holy fuck at NFightmareI thought things would get easier once I took down the Bell Woman, but the Madmen, holy shit!rontier
Speaking of which, is there some immune to poison thing I'm missing or am I going to have to deal with poison frenzy combo.
FROM can reeeeaaaaaallyyyy go fuck themselves with this mat farming bullshit.
30 mins farming, with eyes rune, only 1 tomb mould 5. I still need 9. Fuck this.
So, I heard you can't do certain things after you beat.--------Rom------
My only other options at this point (I think) are...
-Beating-Messing around inDarkbeast Paarl in Hypogean GaolNightmare Frontier
Do I need to get any of those things done before I beat? I'm assuming it's mainly the sidequests that get locked off after that point.--------Rom------
Blade of Mercy Vs Burial Blade Vs Chikage. Which is great for PvP?
NG + has been interesting. I was able to 1 shot the first few bosses, which was a huge improvement from my first run, but damn, some enemies are so much stronger! Just beat. Here I comeShadows of Yarnam!Rom
Alright, good to know. Thank you.You don't need to do those now, it's the sidequests you need to be worried about (or not, if you plan on doing a second playthrough you can just miss stuff the first time around and complete everything second time around).
You can go back down through the healing church and avoid the snatcher or you can buy an item from the echoes shop that will open a gate in Cathedral District.
No, I've finished the game, and I did neither.
I have no idea what I did.
Both the shortcut gate and front door are locked?
Well no, that's what's weird. Cathedral Ward is completely open and I'm pretty sure I didn't open the Healing Church shortcut. I am certain I didn't buy the Hunter Chief Emblem.
Maybe I'm just a forgetful idiot.
No, I've finished the game, and I did neither.
I have no idea what I did.
Yoshino tweeted this out today. Not sure if it had been posted yet. I love when PvP duels are executed with honor.
Yoshino tweeted this out today. Not sure if it had been posted yet. I love when PvP duels are executed with honor.
Yoshino tweeted this out today. Not sure if it had been posted yet. I love when PvP duels are executed with honor.
Yoshino tweeted this out today. Not sure if it had been posted yet. I love when PvP duels are executed with honor.
Those homing skulls...tempting to get 5 more arcane for them. That seems pretty nice.
This is a great video on the use of Shaman Blades:
Miyazaki's favorite boss is Rom?? *snaps disc in half*