Tip:Finally crossed roads with the Blood Letting Beast.
Oh boy.
Finally crossed roads with the Blood Letting Beast.
Oh boy.
I can't use the Beckoning Bell anywhere between the Cathedral Ward andon NG+.Vicar Amelia
Is this by design?
Abhorrent Beast is one of the my favorite fights in the game. Absolutely great fun.
Is suposed to be that hard to help someone, or is that no one plays online..?
100% agree with you. The "Darkbeast" soundtrack is incredible for this fight. Fast and aggressive and satisfying if you beat him without cheesing.Abhorrent Beast is one of the my favorite fights in the game. Absolutely great fun.
Was even better atthe windmill in the woods. Loved the way he talked to you during the fight, very atmospheric.
How do you get into old Yarnam from the back?
thats probably why I never use it lol. Riflespear and blades for life... looking forward to that last skill weapon too
How do you get into old Yarnam from the back?
I need to find a good avatar for the Abhorrent Beast. I love the fight.The last two Boss battles I've had have been some of the most fun I've had with bosses in Souls games, especially the Abhorrent Beast fight.
Here are the two battles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa8A4OxKoxI
I'm level 91 in these fights. I'm not the best, but man, so much fun.
Both Ailing Loran versions:
Blood Starved Beast - A tough fight because he's so aggressive and to get a parry in you have to be close enough to get hit. Throw in poison later in the fight and him being even more aggressive, things get tense!
Abhorrent Beast (starts at 6:16 of the vid) - This guy has deceptively long range, and he charges when you try to heal! Definitely the closest fight I've had! Used up all vials, one hit away from death he swipes at me, and well, somehow "Victory Achieved" pops up. Such and awesome fight for me!
Bonus 'cinematic' version (atleast watch the Abhorrent Beast battle in the vid linked above, because you can't see the health bars in this one!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVcvptqNP5g
Go to Hypogean Gaol, kill Darkbeast Pearl, unlock the gate to Old Yarnam
Okay thanks. Is there a place to find the kidnapper? What do I have to do first?
FROM should unlook th 10 level difference between players or change it to 20 -30 level atn least for COOP , its ok for invasion but why no a 80 level can help a 20 one?
For people with 250 level is hard to find coop....
So, I finally beat the game. Haven't had much time to play it since I have been so busy at work lately, but I was able to get theending and beatnon-umbilical cordon my first try (level 97 I think--never did any grinding, and I beat all the optional bosses and areas). If you die, do you get the opportunity to fight him again or is it "game over"?Gerhman
I then went and beat the beast on the bridge (forgot its name) on my first try and Father G. on my second attempt. I was surprised how much stronger the regular enemies are in NG+. I used to kill all the guys in the first area with 1 or 2 hits using my Saw Spear +10, but now it takes 5-6 hits. This is just the beginning of the game, so I imagine the difficulty scaling gets even worse without being able to level up my weapon anymore.
Take the BSB shortcut and walk backward, or Praal.How do you get into old Yarnam from the back?
Im pretty sure you cant do that.The bagmen dont show up unless you kill the BSB so you cant get kidnapped to get to Paarl early. You have to beat Rom, then go through Unseen Village to fight Paarl. Then you can unlock the shortcut.
I really hated fighting Pthumerian Descendant. He is the hardest boss in the Ihyll chalice in my opinion. Since you suck at parrying him like me, improvise. Roll into his attacks and you end up behind him or the side. Took half of his health doing this. His bullshit phase requires patience and awareness so you don't end up getting stuck.Can I say just what a fucking awful boss the Pthumerian Descendant is?
Like it's not even that he's hard, it's that fighting him is no fucking fun because his attacks are so obscenely fast that there's no reacting to them (I just dodge right and hope for the best) and half the time I get dicked by the terrain which he can magically throw his blades through because fuck me he's Superman.
People complain about Abhorrent Beast, but Abhorrent Beast is a fair boss. Pthumerian Descendant is not fair, he's bullshit of the highest caliber to the point that cheesing him with parrying is pretty much the only way to enjoy that fight.
Thanks, I just beat him. I feel like parties are the only way to consistently take down the bullshit phase.I really hated fighting Pthumerian Descendant. He is the hardest boss in the Ihyll chalice in my opinion. Since you suck at parrying him like me, improvise. Roll into his attacks and you end up behind him or the side. Took half of his health doing this. His bullshit phase requires patience and awareness so you don't end up getting stuck.
Im pretty sure you cant do that.The bagmen dont show up unless you kill the BSB so you cant get kidnapped to get to Paarl early. You have to beat Rom, then go through Unseen Village to fight Paarl. Then you can unlock the shortcut.
GAFHUNT please help! I have been stuck at the Byrgenwerth Hunter for the last two weeks. I've tried all the tips. I cannot beat this asshole. Just when I get into a rhythm I run out of bullets and die. The few times I've managed to summon anyone in this area they're useless. I'll be on waiting for a helper in the area for the next hour.
I tried this and it didn't work! Though I did it before killing any other boss after BSB so that might be it.Take the BSB shortcut and walk backward, or Praal.
Can anyone give me some tips on how to beat?Cursed Defiled Chalice Amygdala
My best weapons are a +9 Hunter's Axe and a +10 Ludwig's Holy Blade, I was stuck on it for so long that I decided to just take a break and try to complete NG++
I really wanna get that platinum, just one trophy left to go, it's taunting me so much!
Can anyone give me some tips on how to beat?Cursed Defiled Chalice Amygdala
My best weapons are a +9 Hunter's Axe and a +10 Ludwig's Holy Blade, I was stuck on it for so long that I decided to just take a break and try to complete NG++
I really wanna get that platinum, just one trophy left to go, it's taunting me so much!
GAFHUNT please help! I have been stuck at the Byrgenwerth Hunter for the last two weeks. I've tried all the tips. I cannot beat this asshole. Just when I get into a rhythm I run out of bullets and die. The few times I've managed to summon anyone in this area they're useless. I'll be on waiting for a helper in the area for the next hour.
GAFHUNT please help! I have been stuck at the Byrgenwerth Hunter for the last two weeks. I've tried all the tips. I cannot beat this asshole. Just when I get into a rhythm I run out of bullets and die. The few times I've managed to summon anyone in this area they're useless. I'll be on waiting for a helper in the area for the next hour.
FROM should unlook th 10 level difference between players or change it to 20 -30 level atn least for COOP , its ok for invasion but why no a 80 level can help a 20 one?
For people with 250 level is hard to find coop....
If you get directly behind it's tail, it'll jump into the air. Stand still and it'll land on top of you but won't hurt you. Turn 180 in place and hit it's head once and move back behind the tail (You can take a few stabs at it's tail during this for a little more damage on it). Repeat that over and over.
When it hits the next phase, it'll jump to a random spot instead of on top of you. At that point I just slowly took it's health down by using overhead smashes with the L2 on the Holy Blade on it's tail.
Just remember that if you aren't directly behind the tail it's hands can still hit you, and you want to be a few feet away from the tail to trigger it's jumps.
And yes I know it's kind of a cheese strat, but it gets the job done.
I LOVE YOU BOTH.Stay at a longer range and wait for an attack that brings the head down before running in and hitting the head. When Amygdala jumps, stand still and you won't get hit; you can usually get an attack on the head right after a jump. After Amygdala rips off the arms, switch strategies and start attacking the tail. It won't do much damage, but you're safe from all attacks but the easy to avoid stomps. When Amygdala jumps, it will only jump away from you, so just run up and start attacking its butt again.
GAFHUNT please help! I have been stuck at the Byrgenwerth Hunter for the last two weeks. I've tried all the tips. I cannot beat this asshole. Just when I get into a rhythm I run out of bullets and die. The few times I've managed to summon anyone in this area they're useless. I'll be on waiting for a helper in the area for the next hour.