Did I just get lucky becausethe caster didn't summon a single snake the entire battle and I'm pretty sure I took them out last as well.
Shoot him!!! Anytime he's going to do a physical attack pop a cap. I beat him my second try this way.
Im on Amgydala and I keep running out of patience and dying.
Im on Amgydala and I keep running out of patience and dying.
We community now, huh.
Definitely if you're talking about the normal versions.
Defiled Chalice will be tricky at your level.
Must have taken me 15 tries or so but finally got those asshat.Shadows of Yharnam
I was getting theorder wrong. By leaving the caster to last you can just pound her to death without taking any damage or letting her summon the huge snakes.
Feels good man.
It seems to me that theyonly summon snakes when two of them are dead, so you probably just prevented the caster summoning when she was the only one left.
So NG+ doesn't affect the Chalice difficulty, but does it alter the exp received per enemy?
Well if you've already beaten Watchdog you should have all the patience in the world. The tough part is over.
Not if you have some Bone Marrow Ash handy.The last part of Amy needs way more patience than Watchdog IMO.
Well if you've already beaten Watchdog you should have all the patience in the world. The tough part is over.
NG+ and the Chalice dungeons are not linked in any way. But yes, NG+ increase the echoes you gain per enemy.So NG+ doesn't affect the Chalice difficulty, but does it alter the exp received per enemy?
Not if you have some Bone Marrow Ash handy.![]()
FROM can reeeeaaaaaallyyyy go fuck themselves with this mat farming bullshit.
30 mins farming, with eyes rune, only 1 tomb mould 5. I still need 9. Fuck this.
If you know the moves it's pretty easy to time your shots so that they hit. I am a little biased as a Bloodtinge guy, though. You're right about it being expensive but I tend to use excess echoes on BMA to keep a decent supply.Well maybe then not but there is high probablity to miss the head. Staying behind her is much more reliable and she won't most likely hit you. Also Bone Marrow Ash is stupidly expensive.
How do you know when you finish a chalice dungeon? I just did the very first pthumeru one, got to layer 3, beat a dog boss, and can't find a way to a layer 4. Am I done? How do I move on?
If you know the moves it's pretty easy to time your shots so that they hit. I am a little biased as a Bloodtinge guy, though. You're right about it being expensive but I tend to use excess echoes on BMA to keep a decent supply.
I'm sure staying behind her is a solid strategy as well but it takes more patience. Plenty of ways to get the job done with all of the bosses!
Had some good runs the past few days.
So now I'm on NG+. Which is pretty damn easy. This time around though I triggered Bloodletting in the Forbidden Woods. He is chalice dungeon strength in NG+ and really annoying. Falling off the roof due to the small arena was frustrating. Then I found you can cheese him in the doorway. His loss, not worth my time considering I beat him a bunch of times already. On a bad note, I killed Pearl right away due to habit, didn't trigger the lamp, and now I have to wait on Hypogean Gaol. Oh well.
- Farmed enough blood chunks to have Burial Blade upgraded from the start of NG+ and to finish up to other +9s (thank the heavens that is over).
- Got two blood rocks from root dungeons (offline). I have one more out there if needed.
- Got best ending. The end bosses were too easy though since I was way too beefed up from chalice dungeons.
Burial Blade is amazing. For cane fans, it is my favorite weapon to move to. You get to experience the two hand system (with its OP R2 charge) and it fights close to the cane whip. Maybe I'll try another weapon, who knows. But I gave this one +10 after finding how much fun it is. Ludwig's is a snore in comparison. Not sure what other weapons I want to try, firearms included...
I'm actually really glad I didn't do any chalice dungeons on my first two playthroughs. I feel like it really screws up the balance of the game when you bring in that many more blood echoes. Fighting the final boss at level 100+ just seems kind of silly to me.
If you help out a few people in coop you'll end up at level 100 anyway. But you are right, the later chalices give a ridiculous amount of echoes.I'm actually really glad I didn't do any chalice dungeons on my first two playthroughs. I feel like it really screws up the balance of the game when you bring in that many more blood echoes. Fighting the final boss at level 100+ just seems kind of silly to me.
PoorYou mean my 140 level guy with LHB +10 that has three 20%+ phys damage gems are too much for the final boss? Yeah it was really stupid. Going to try with reasonable levels next time.
The last part of Amy needs way more patience than Watchdog IMO.
I know that feel. I never even knew Living String was a thing until I started looking into the platinum requirements.Ah damnit.
I shouldn't have done NG+ yet.
I didn't have any Living String.
What are the best tips on defeating?The One Reborn
What are the best tips on defeating?The One Reborn
What are the best tips on defeating?The One Reborn
Hey, am I still on course for friendly Djura? I killed the (boss spoiler) [/spoiler]BSB[/spoiler] and got killed to awake in Hypogeon Gaol. Kind of a bit lost. I also picked something up called 'Moon' and a rune trophy popped, but it's not in my inventory?? Not seen any info about runes etc.
Kind of don't know what I should be doing next though?
There areHow many Covenants are in the game? So far i've just found one:, but i'm not sure which is the best one to jointhe Vilebloods
Hey, am I still on course for friendly Djura? I killed the (boss spoiler) [/spoiler]BSB[/spoiler] and got killed to awake in Hypogeon Gaol. Kind of a bit lost. I also picked something up called 'Moon' and a rune trophy popped, but it's not in my inventory?? Not seen any info about runes etc.
Kind of don't know what I should be doing next though?
Okay goodNope. Early dungeons give you very few echoes to the point that you will probably be able to buy only few vials. Later dungeons give over 100k in no time though.
I assume you mean outside of chalices then, that's to be expectedNG+ and the Chalice dungeons are not linked in any way. But yes, NG+ increase the echoes you gain per enemy.
First go upstairs and kill all of the magic users. I then went below, sprinted behind him, attacked a few times until he switches sides, backed off, then sprinted to behind him again. I managed to beat him in one try, so I didn't really learn his pattern, but that worked for me. I think I've also heard baiting him to the stairs then doing a drop attack works, but I'm not sure about that strategy.
Kill the witches (stairs at the end of the arena) and just keep attacking him until he dies.
One video I saw had him down in about 30 seconds after the witches were dead.
Hope that helps!Run past him and you will see two entryways leading to staircases (one on the right, one on the left). Go up the stairs and kill all six of the bell ringers so they don't bother you during the fight. After that you just want to stay close and underneath TOR. I have had more success hitting him from the front and back (whichever is raised up) than the sides where he will constantly swipe at you with his feet.
There are. Joining and leaving is as simple as equipping and unequipping the respective Rune so there's no harm in joining for now.three
What are the best tips on defeating?The One Reborn
Poornever stood a chance!Gehrman
It's kind of a weird issue with the game, I'm not sure how they could have balanced it better. It's one of those things you run into with a ton of optional content, I suppose.
I found that to be the easier part. One the arms are gone, you can hang out near the feet pretty safely.
Yep. Most Chalice Dungeons are 3 levels, though there's at least one exception. Defeating the final boss of most chalices will unlock the next chalice (so defeating the hot dog in the Pthumeru Chalice gives you the next chalice, the Central Pthumeru Chalice).So is there only 3 layers to the chalice dungeon you get from BSB?