It's weird that you seem to value boss difficulty and movesets but then go on to say Demon's Souls bosses are the best. Demon's Souls has the easiest bosses in the series as a whole. The only bosses that could be considered difficult are Flamelurker and Maneaters. Demon's Souls was my first Souls game and I killed most of the bosses on the first try, including Allant. With a horrible build using a Sharp Secret Dagger. OoK is vastly more interesting than any Demon's Souls boss. I'm starting to think you've got some serious rose-tinted goggles for Demon's Souls.
It's also weird that you say you don't give a shit about interconnectedness, but claim that you love the DS2 DLC areas. Interconnectedness is the only reason the DS2 DLC areas are considered to be good. The enemy placement is just as bad as the main game if not worse. The NPC invasions are horrible. The bosses are hit or miss. Fume Knight, Sinh, and Allone are great. Burnt Ivory King's arena is cool, but the fight is pretty easy and boring. The rest are pretty mediocre.
As for the Frigid Outskirts, you're literally the first person I've ever seen express anything but hate for it. It's easily the worst area in Soulsborne. By a huge margin.
Finally, Maria > Doll > Maiden in Black for waifu.
Firstly, like I said, back when the DLC first came out, a ton of people were divided on that area in the Dark Souls 2 OT. Obviously, I was one of the people that liked it. Really love the area.
Secondly, the Dark Souls 2 DLCs are the same isolated levels that all the other DLCs are? I mean yes it's a contiguous level but it's not like they're forcing the area to fit somewhere in the core game. The Sunken King is a giant puzzle labyrinth in a ziggurat. What's not to love?
Lastly, the Demon's Souls bosses are more than just standard enemy fights. That's my whole point about them. I think it's commendable and awesome that they are all mostly gimmick fights and I prefer it that way. Starting with Dark Souls, most (in practice all but two or three) just had you slug it out with a single enemy like you would any standard mob. Yes, of course, fighting Asylum Demon, Taurus Demon, and many of the other bosses aren't just a hollow dreg, but you are still approaching them with the mindset of a combatant in that way.
But Demon's Souls bosses are so much more than that and it's awesome. You've got Fool's Idol which is a tricks and traps boss. The pacing of that fight is completely different from Armor Spider that has you running back and forth in a tunnel which is completely different from the pacing in Maiden Astraea's fight which is extremely personal and intimate (and thus in extreme opposition and juxtaposition with the entirety of the Valley of Defilement).
When I'm talking about OoK movesets and any of the Hunter battles in Bloodborne or any of the standard typical boss fights in Dark Souls, I'm thinking of them from the perspective of fights like Flamelurker and Allant and Allone and Fume Knight and (now) the actual Hunters in Bloodborne which are the exceptional top tier "slug it out with a dude" boss fights in the series.