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Bloodborne was released 9 years ago today. Tell us about your experience with the game


Level 544


Would do it all over again in a remaster / remake.


Work of art in terms of lore, characters, enemy design, setting, soundtrack(specially this one) and ambience.
Now about balancing? Not so much, alot of weird and stupid ideas throwed to make this game more difficult than it supposed to be(fake difficult).
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I like the game quite a bit. I got it on release even though I wasn't a big dark souls guy at the time.

I def. Don't hold it up in reverence like some people do because it's got its own issues but overall it gets so many things right. It's such a cool fucking aesthetic and I love how rewarding exploration is.


Gold Member
Felt like one of those moments where you escape from reality and you just live in the game.

I had my copy preloaded and played until the late night. It’s one of my most played PS4 games and I have the Platinum for it. It’s one of my favorite games of all time.
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Gold Member
Is like a good wine. Old really well. Elden Ring improve loads of things, but still have an unique charm.

Was a gold age for Sony.

Hunter 99

First from game I played and learning to master the mechanics and progress in this game felt amazing.
I love the setting,atmosphere and music.been hooked on soulsborne games since.
Bloodborne has yet to be topped by FROM in my opinion.although I would place sekiro and demons souls in 2nd and 3rd place for me.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
My experience:

Buy game for $60 because everyone says it's great. Play for a few hours. Give up after being frustrated by not getting anywhere.


Gold Member
Bought a PS4 for this game the day it came out. PLayed through it the first time with a buddy...this was the ONLY Soulsborne game I've ever done this with. Played through all the others blind (no guides, not looking anything up for the first playthrough) and solo.

I remember really enjoying the combat, though I felt the game lacked the variety in customization I became accustomed to in Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2. What really broke my heart was the ability to avoid invasions as long you killed the bellmaiden. I remember after a time played it took so long to invade someone and that made the game less for me as I live for PVP in Souls. I did not like the magic system...I also hated the Chalice Dungeons.

Therefore, while it's a great game, I can't say it's my favorite Souls game. That is reserved for Dark Souls 3. I will say Bloodborne had the best bosses of any Soulsgame, even Elden Ring. The setting was absolutely perfect and the combat still kept the feeling of needing to time your strikes while still making the game faster. It made it so that speed was actually a useful tactic, which was a nice change of pace (pun intended?)

Hunter 99

Beating orphan of kos and lorgariaus was pure adrenaline rush.man what experiences those bosses were..
Like others have said the map is brilliant and the locations are just stunning to look at.
If anyone played this as their first FROM game then you know exactly why it gets the praise it does.10/10 for me personally
First time around I got massacred by a giant werewolf after being chased by other werewolfs through a victorian English city thinking I would find sanctuary inside a church in the background. It only got worse from there until I accidently stumbled upon the Riflespear in Old Yahrnam. It was love at first bayonet charge. After I finally beat the Blood-Starved Beast I ventured into the Chalice Dungeons and the unique bosses and loot eventually made them addictive. Those dungeons not only made me stronger, but they also made me damn near impervious to the rest of the game's enemies. That said, Hunter's Nightmare kicked my ass hard. The Living Failures and Maria made me learn to parry and test the rest of my arsenal. That opened my eyes to the variety of gameplay options available in the game. After that I was really gung-ho about planning different builds in the game with associated personalities. Some of them fizzled out quickly, some made the game a cakewalk, and others I simply could not get myself to do with the horrible 30fps, chromatic abberation filled, poorly antialiased assets weighing more heavily on me every run. I sincerely hope that a competent remaster is inbound but am content enough to wait for the game to be emulated to do those runs and others.

Kings Field

was hyped when it came out and sunk tons of time into it. My favorite game of all time and could arguably be the best FROM game ever.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Try again.
Nah, I'm good. After dumping almost 80 hours into Elden Ring, and it still not "clicking" with me, I realized that these types of games just aren't for me.


Gold Member
Bloodborne launched with 45+ second load times and frequent framedrops, sometimes to the high teens. I think the first time it was really egregious was against Vicar Amelia with the hair flopping around when you got close, the game at launch ran like shit. When fast-paced dodging and aggressiveness is critical to your success, having the framerate drop so often was awful.

When dying is constant, waiting almost a minute after every death was agonizing. Combined with them not using the estus flask system and having to constantly farm blood vials, I eventually had enough and moved on. Didn’t pick it back up until the PS4 Pro shipped. Was much better to play with consistent 30 fps.

I hope a remake occurs someday with 60 fps support, and the original artstyle intact.


Gold Member
I played it. The gameplay that mattered was so repetitive and frustrating that I decided it wasn't worth the effort to get good. I never picked it up again.


Gold Member
That’s part of the gameplay. You’re suppose to die. What if you were super OP? I respect your opinion. I’m just curious.

If I were super OP then I think the point of the game would be lost. I'm not saying that there is a problem with Bloodborne. I'm saying Bloodborne isn't for me. Sames for Souls, Elden Ring, etc. Not every game is for everyone.


Gold Member
Idk, maybe there is some reason Sony hasn't updated the game. Maybe From Software would frown on that without their input or maybe a big remake is coming. If not, fuck them for leaving this game in the state it's in.
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What time is it?
It's the Souls-like I've finished the most, one co-op playthrough recently in fact. No matter my intention, I always pick the Hunter Axe which is rare as I've always used dexterity weapons in other Souls-like games. It has my favorite setting in any of From's games and though it probably has the least build variety from a stats standpoint, I think it benefits from the focus. It's one of my favorite games ever.

Mr Moose

I think I bought it day one, played it a bit and thought it was too hard and shit so stopped playing for ages. Then played it again because everyone on GAF seemed to love it, and after a while it "clicked". Platinumed it.
I am still shit at parrying.
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My experience is I wish I had $1 for everytime someone suggested/wanted a 60 FPS upgrade or patch for this game on GAF.
Seems like a not a day goes by without it.

PS: Amazing setting.
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Masterpiece, it actually made me a better gamer (was my first souls/borne game) and gave me more sticktoitiveness, possibly even for real life?

Though I'll admit it's hard to get back into its frame pacing horror now and a remaster for PS5 would be great
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People in here shitting up the thread.

Was my first Miyazaki game. I said I wouldn't play Dark Souls because I already read Berserk when I was 16, I knew about the gradual transition of American Werewolf in Yharnam to The Mountains of Madness and it really grabbed me. Got it in 2016 or 2017 can't remember, got it from a now closed down Cash Generator hidden amongst all the FIFA copies for £20. Played it like it was Monster Hunter, didn't use the targeting system and dodge rolled like crazy. I beat Cleric Beast and Gascoigne this way, took a while. Properly learned the game by the time I got to Vicar Amelia and fell in love.

The game is just an incredible gothic industrial masterpiece with the very best monster design FromSoft has ever crafted with such a bleak and depressing universe. Traditional horror classics merged with Cosmic Horror is something no one asked for but it just is amazing
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Gold Member
Tried starting a playthrough twice. Always got put off by constant sub-30 fps drops and horrible framepacing, as well as input lag, not to mention my general distaste for playing on TV. Will wait for a pc version or emulation.
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Look at my name. Nuff said.
Great name and great avatar. You my good sir, have great taste.

BB was seriously an awesome game though. Doesn't even feel like 9 years ago. I really wanna jump in and play it again but knowing my luck, there will be a remake announced as soon as I do that.
I actually gave it a solid effort a few months back. I really like it though it's definitely not my favorite From game in terms of combat, I absolutely enjoy the combat in BB though. It's easily the most difficult Souls game that I've ever played.

I still need to finish it, probably 50% done.
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One of my favorite games of all time, and possibly my favorite From game. I love the gameplay, the aesthetics, and the Lovecraft vibe. I love the cool mysteries, like jumping into the lake to fight Rom; that kind of stuff feels like if Simon’s Quest was modernized in the best way possible.
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