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Bloodborne was released 9 years ago today. Tell us about your experience with the game


Some people got skillchecked by CPUs itt.

I always laugh when people say they want smarter AI in their next-gen games but then also ask for easy modes in FROM games.

Bloodborne is the greatest PS4 game. Top 10 of all time. A true video game through and through. Soundtrack is incredible. Level design is incredible. Art design is incredible. I should really go through the chalice dungeons. Elden Ring is good but it does not feel as cohesive and realized as Bloodborne.


Its great, a bit overrated but I really enjoy the rally mechanic and like alot of the new lore and enemy/designs. Its tied in quality for me personally with DS3 and Ac6 which are at the bottom of the incredible modern from software titles but its still great. Old Hunters did major work for how much I enjoyed the game, thats the best dlc From has done so far.
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Got it free on PS+, tried making a character, it was hideous so I lost interest and deleted it shortly after.
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Completed it at launch.

Although I have finished Dark Souls, Dark Souls III, Demons Souls Remake and have put 40 hours into Elden Ring I still think Bloodborne is the best game FROM / Miyazaki have made.

I think I loved it so much because of it’s more linear design especially now open World games have become so stale. ER’s World is definitely up there with the GTA V, RDRII, The Witcher 3, BotW and TotK open Worlds though.
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I mean, I bought a PS4 for that game alone, and I wasn't disappointed. Got a platinum. Except Bloodborne the other game I ever owned for PS4 was DS3


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I got my hands on Bloodborne a few days early. Game released Tuesday and i got it Friday the week before.
There were no guides, no nothing. I played with friends who i told " i think that game will be insane " We started playing friday evening until like 3-4 am.
To continue at noon on saturday. Then at Saturday evening the game bugged. The elevators could be activated if you fall on them, without activating them before.
To have nobody cheat that way, if you do that, the game would not let u use that elevator anymore. So i said to my friend, go home. When u come tomorrow noon, i will be again at this point with
a working elevator. This was my first souls game. What we did in like 20 Hours i redid in like 7 hours. Did sleep a few hours and then we continued to play all day on Sunday. He left early on Sunday and i made it
to Mergo's Wet Nurse. After a few tries i knew i was to tired. Finished the Game on Monday. Didnt knew how much i missed in the game. Still havent seen all of it. Hopefully a remake / remamster comes ...

When the DLC arrived i played through it and Ludwig just kicked my ass for hours. While Orphan of Kos wasnt that difficult for me.
I never killed Laurence. I tried a few times but lost interest, since the aoe hitbox for his 2nd phase just seemed stupid to me.
Lady Maria was a one shot. Probably the most beautifull fight in the game, actually wouldve loved it if i didnt kill her that easily.
Never played the DLC again, maybe i just got "lucky".

God damn, please a PS5 Pro 4k/120 Version ... my favorite PS5 Game. God of War (2018) the only other one coming close to beating it.
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Rage quit the game at the hide and seek boss.
Really got annoyed by having to run after that guy.

Months later, a friend of mine who was playing the game hardcore said he'd do it for me if I'd summon him ingame.
Somehow, he kept dying, so I was so fed up I said I'd do it myself and just smashed him easily by just going yolo on him.

Then I quit again at the final boss and I still haven't returned.

I love the Souls-games for what they are, but I'm wayy too impatient for those games.
Boring setting. Some really bad bosses. Maybe the worse boss in any modern from game, actually. Good DLC. Dark Souls 3 is superior in every way.
Absolutely incredible game!! Affective tone, soundtrack, level design!!
To this day I still watch videos about it on youtube.


Gold Member
Overwhelming sense of dread, sweaty palms, surreal and grotesque imagery.

Incredible experience how the game slowly evolves from hunting men-turned-beasts in the streets to cosmic horror beyond comprehension. The deeper you go, the more bizarre things become. The more insight you accumulate, the more you see the world for what it really it - a horrific nightmare filled with otherworldly beings hiding in plain sight.

Even after all this time I still can't believe Miyazaki came up with this story. Lore-wise it is his magnum opus, for sure.

It is a great game but I think it's a bit overrated by the community. It has some great changes that do make it different to Dark Souls, but ultimately the formula is very familiar. The very last boss is a cunt to defeat and probably one of the hardest of any From game from what I remember of it.

I would 100% play it and the expansion again on Steam Deck though if it was released on PC. It's the only souls game I've played once and I do have fond memories of it.


The lovecraftian lore combined with Souls gameplay was perfect.

I still can hear the Orphan of Kos scream in my (hunter) nightmares.


Gold Member
Beat the first boss one shot so i was feeling pretty good.
Got gank on the bridge by the two werewolves.

Tried again once. Same results.

Moral of the story :
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Starting the DLC late in the evening next to a warm fireplace and storm howling outside was such a great experience.
One if not the best game ever made.

Played, finished and liked it a lot a first.

Then I watched the Lets Play from EpicNameBro. It was the first LetsPlay I ever watched I think. That got me intrigued with the lore of the game.

Then I read the whole Paleblood Hunt. Got me hooked sooooo bad.

Then, with all that knowledge, I relayed the game and surmised it is the best piece of art ever created.


Never bothered with it unfortunately. I was pretty down around that time after a 9 year relationship collapsed. Games just weren't holding my attention at the time.

Pity, cos I'd love to play it now but I just can't stand the frame pacing issues it has.
There is a moment where, after beating Rom, you are back in Yharnam. Other than the sky being red, and the enemies tougher, everything seems the same. But then you see what was responsible for lifting you up into the sky and killing you. Then you realise you have more Insight than you had when you were last here, and that hanging off nearly every spire is an unspeakable eldritch horror, and it knows you know. Before you can react it opens it's mouth and shoots a big fucking laser that kills the enemies before you and sweeps up towards you, instant death if you don't run away in time.

It's my favourite moment in a modern game, and it was all in-game. Not a cutscene, not a video clip, just FROM relying on what they do best to give the best possible experience.

I fucking LOVE Bloodborne.
Saved PS4 gaming for me. Playing it reminded me when I was first playing videogames and why. The perfect game.

It's my favourite moment in a modern game, and it was all in-game. Not a cutscene, not a video clip, just FROM relying on what they do best to give the best possible experience.

This is really important. This is what a videogame should be / aim for.
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The fact I endured hundreds of hours of its sub-HD jittery 30-ish fps with frame-pacing bullshit is a testament to its greatness, because if it wasn't as good as it was I'd have dropped it even before getting to Father G. Best game From has ever put out, and one of gaming's all-time greats. Playing through it right now for the Return to Yharnam event.


Bought on release but like all souls games I don't have the patience to grind so I fell off after the 3rd or 4th boss.

I do want to go back to it one day but kept hearing about a remaster so held off, but obviously that never happened lol.

Original game feels pretty bad on PS5 nowadays


Wouldnt say it's a 10/10. Would change many little things about it.

Still, it's a masterpiece and FROM's best game
Bought it in 2015 because it is critically acclaimed and FOMO. Left it on shelf for 9 years because I don't really like hard games. Then Elden Ring came out and after playing that I realised these Souls games are really good and I can progress in them so I started playing Bloodborne a few months ago, finishing it a few weeks ago. I'm still not a great player, had to grind to get through the bosses, finishing at Level 121 after about 71 hours.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
SJRB SJRB said it very well. The Cosmic Horror storyline with the increasing Insight giving you more and more detail, is just fucking genius level game design and writing. I've been a HP Lovecraft/CH fan since I first started reading books as a wee lad, and Bloodborne does it all masterfully.

I bought the game on launch, and played it non-stop like I do with most all From releases, until I finished it. And then the Old Hunters came out, I remember reading about how hard Orphan of Kos was but I managed to beat it, somehow, on my 2nd try. I guess I was just so in the zone or something, but I've rarely felt such an adrenaline rush + moment of victory like that in a game.

Bloodborne is a masterpiece in every sense of the word and one of my favorite games of all time. This thread makes me want to start all over again and platinum it again.


Turned into one of my all time favourites. Took me a while to man up and go through the spiders hanging from the ceiling.


I’m not a From fan though I like their games, but need to get into a certain mindset for them. But this game? I think I last played it about 8 years ago but I feel like that I still remember almost everything about it, that good an experience it was. It’s a shame I haven’t replayed it but there is too many games to play, but I would be crazy excited for a remake or a sequel.
Simply said, one of the best games ever, even as a non-fan of From.


I gave it a fair shake but ultimately found it boring and dropped it. Got to a boss that you have to a chase around a building i think. Save is long gone anyhow and I have 0 interest in revisiting, it just wasn't that great in my opinion.

I also dropped Elden Ring after a few hours 🤷‍♂️, just dont find the genius in them.

The one fromsoft game I truly loved was Armored Core 6 last year.


I lent my copy to my brother after he got his PS4. The same day, he calls me up, angry on the phone:

"How the fuck do you get past that damn bonfire?!!!"

You all know that bit. It's the huge difficulty spike right at the beginning :D
Boring setting. Some really bad bosses. Maybe the worse boss in any modern from game, actually. Good DLC. Dark Souls 3 is superior in every way.
Lmao no it isn't. Dark Souls 3 is just Bloodborne for Xbox owners. The enemy AI and phase system from Bloodborne carries over into Dark Souls 3 but the game mechanics for the player don't match up, entire game is lopsided garbage that's even more of a straight line than Bloodborne.


I played it years ago when I still had a PS4 but it was my first souls game and it didn't really click with me and didn't get too far. Sold my PS4 shortly after that (not cuz of bloodborne specifically lol, just in general).

Fast forward a couple years, and I did really get into souls games, beating all of them I had access to.

Anyways, my buddy still has a PS4 pro and was going to sell it so I asked him to borrow it for a few weeks to revisit bloodborne, which I'm currently playing thru right now. Currently just before gherman having just beat mergos wet nurse.

I love the atmosphere, I like the weapons, I like the lore. But the bosses, man they gotta be towards the bottom in terms of other from soft games. Camera doesn't help the cause either. And honestly, I probably had more fun playing most other fromsoft souls games than this.

And before anyone calls me bad or something (based on a couple replies I've seen in this thread), the only boss I've died to more than once so far was ebriatas. That laser beam she has caught me off guard a few times. Just based on YouTube/random internet chatter, I was looking forward to logarius since it was a humanoid boss. But yeah, kind of a let down how easy it was. Dodge skulls + parry = easy first try. For whatever reason, I don't get that "accomplished" type feeling while going thru this game like I have with every other fromsoft game. Idk maybe everyone saying bloodborne is the best one got me a little too hyped?

Perhaps going thru the dlc will change my opinion, but 90% of the bosses in the game are just beasts/big monsters. Which makes sense given the lore but they all feel pretty samey. I am really looking forward to lady maria though.

My rank in terms of fun:
1) sekiro
2) elden ring
3) ds3
4) bb
5) ds1
6) ds2
7) demons souls
The first big event I remember being part of on this forum was the Project Beast leak. Everyone was so fucking hyped about it even though I didn’t see what the big deal was. From Software and Souls meant nothing to me at the time. I got caught up in the hype and when the trailer and title were revealed it looked cool.

I had a shiny new PS4, and the game drought at the time was insane. So by the time it was releasing I was incredibly excited to play and see what the fuss was about.

I almost quit in the first 20 minutes, I couldn't even find out how to equip my stupid weapon. After a very grueling baptism by fire, by the the end of my first play session I had a religious experience fighting Cleric Beast, and FROM had a fan for life. Took me a long time to finally get to the end. But today I consider it a top 3 game of all time and the one I am most looking forward to replaying.


Got it from a a bunch of people saying it was the best ever. I was disappointed. Some really good ideas but a bunch of things felt half-baked.


Gold Member
Easily one of the most important and impactful games I ever played, it greatly changed my taste and my attitude towards challenge.

I was super late to the party and for the longest time, I didn't see the appeal. I played it for an hour when it came to PS+ in 2018 and I hated it.
Getting destroyed by basic bitch Yharnam mobs. Losing XP on death? What the actual fuck? This is impossible.

Then I remember playing GoW 2018 and fighting Sigrun, beat my ass so hard... and I liked it. How about a whole game with that vibe, an actual challenge all the way? Hmmm that FROM soft RPG I didn't like, gonna give it another go.

By the end of 2019 I had all of Dark Souls platinumed and was failing at speedrunning Sekiro.

Praise the sun!



Its absolutely incredible. story spoiler
but I still kinda hate it ended up being "aliens"
. That said, few games wormed into my consciousness like this game did.


Played for two hours on PS4. It oozed style and was fun but ran kind of choppy so waited for the PS5, and it ran even worse! I'm waiting on the remake and will enjoy it for the first time then.


Masterfully crafted world with sublime art direction, the game's visuals ascend beyond their many obvious technical limitations and flaws creating some of the best tone setting atmosphere only mired by the aggressive chromatic aberration. The world alone tells a story. For me gameplay was a slow burn of frustration and repetition with progression painfully trudging along for hours and then it suddenly clicked as if there were a sharp and distinct boundary between seemingly meandering and convoluted mechanics and zenful mastery which isn't necessarily a good thing mostly alluding to shallow mechanics. It was a very binary act of sucking then not; after hitting that threshold the game was dare i say kinda easy at times. Regardless, the encounters were fun and hectic and exploration was thrilling. I think it may be FROM's best work pre Elden Ring.
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