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Bloodborne was released 9 years ago today. Tell us about your experience with the game


Amazing game, Oozes atmosphere. First couple of checkpoints were super hard but then it became alot more easier, found it easier than Elden Ring though.
Right below the first Dark Souls for me. It's one of my favorite gaming experiences. One of those very rare "did they tap straight into my brain and translate all the shit I like!?" moments.

My big issue is that since I've become shockingly picky in regards to performance. I've become basically used to 60fps by now and going back to it recently was fucking painful and I couldn't do it. The game itself remains incredible.

I'd easily drop money for a patch even.
This is one of those special games that is utter magic. It took me roughly 3/4 years to plat it and master it. After so so so many hours I keep going back for more. The DLC kicked my ass big time. But that boss music. Nothing. Beats. It.
Right below the first Dark Souls for me.
really enjoyed bloodborne, but DS1 gave me the best "i have no idea whats going on, or where this is going" vibe.

also, fog doors didnt always lead to bosses. sometimes they'd just lead to new environments.
i really really miss that aspect of not knowing what a fog door would give you.


Gold Member
Was (and still am) a big Demon's Souls and Dark Souls fan. Being huge into dark fantasy, horror, and action games, Bloodborne felt crafted just for me.

Absolutely zoomed through it and it's all I could think about.

A few years later, I finally whittled my friend down and he tried it. He beat it in a weekend and it was the first game to enter his top 10 in a decade.

One for the ages and will forever live in the pantheon of all-time greats.


Played it launch day, platted it within a couple of weeks. Ludwig’s Holy Blade was da bomb. The chalice dungeons were ok, but the difficulty spike on Watchdog of the Old Lords was pretty out of the blue, even for a From game.

That’s all I can really remember, it was 9 years ago after all. 10/10 game, best exclusive on the PS4.

Mr Hyde

Probably my all time favorite game. I have close to 800 hours under my belt. Never had so much fun with a game as when this released, uncovering all the secrets and fighting all the monsters and bosses. It was so mysterious, so unique, so different from Souls and just dripping with atmosphere. It also renewed my love for HP Lovecraft and since Bloodborne I've read up on all his stories and watched almost all the movies based on his writings. BB is a modern art masterpiece and it's a shame Sony or From Software hasn't done anything with the IP, either with a sequel or a remaster for PS5.


Was kinda burned out on games in general when this came along. Borrowed the game from a friend, and suddenly my passion for games was back.
This game gave me a combination of the old skool-vibes I was missing in many games at the time, and something completely new.
The atmopshere was (and still is) the best i've ever experienced in a video game.
I was totally hooked, and still grateful to get that fantastic expeience at a time when it was indeed needed.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Super choppy, beat one or two bosses... I stopped after I beat that weirdo that you fight in a graveyard and never went back. Sometimes I think about maybe trying Dark Souls on PC (which I already own) or just going full retard and buying Elden Ring but these games might just not be for me.



Good times.


Wouldnt say it's a 10/10. Would change many little things about it.

Still, it's a masterpiece and FROM's best game

Neither would I. It's a very respectable 8/10 (on my not hyper exaggerated rating scale that most people use that pushes most games to 7).

The biggest flaw holding the experience back like an anchor is the baffling decision to not let blood vials replenish for free on death. I'm sure that allot of better players than me can manage or just farm vials or w/e but I didn't find that particularly viable outside of Central Yharnam for one and for two the nagging feeling in the back of my mind as to how to approach a boss battle when considering my vials is just terrible and unnecessary. I remember one time deliberately stopping to farm to max out my vials for one boss and forcing the idea out of my mind, and the boss fight was so much better for it.

Second thing would probably be a little more variety to the boss variety. Encounters like Shadows of Yharnam are really fun and different or like Rom which is really memorable. Too many giant, flailing beasts you can't see the whole bodies of when up close in the game. And just not different like Micolash because that fight sucks.

Third thing might be redistributing some of the trick weapons. There are allot of cool weapons in the Old Hunters DLC but that's all late-game content (what I'm really saying is that I want access to the Whirligig Saw earlier).


I'm playing this game but I'm puzzled about the game design. Why make this games so... annoying? They are not hard, they are just annoying. Most of the time you can just run thru all the enemies and go straight to the boss avoiding all fights. So why not spam at the boss in the first place? Repeating the same shit 100 times is not chalenging or fun, it's just boring. It's a shame, really, because the art direction is just...wow, incredible. I want to play the game just to look at the environments but I'm not sure I will have the patience.

As a side note I've played and beaten Demon Souls.
P.S. who thought would be a good and fun idea to take a 30 seconds elevator to fight a boss? After 60 times you have lost 30 minutes of your life. Worse then a loading screen, at least there's an excuse for that.


Neo Member
Tried it, died roughly 30 times, hated it, uninstalled it

Discussed it, got bullied with "get gud pleb", haven't returned because PTSD


Didn't click the first time, imported the GOTY Edition on Amazon back in 2020 and HOLY SHIT the best souls game period.


I've ranted about this game on my last post, but wtf. Why the hell can't I let go this games? I've been playing this non stop...
And I have to talk again about the environments. The detail is just crazy. There isn't one single boring square inch, unbelievable. Thinking this is a 9 year old game and it looks like this...


One of my all time favorites. Absolute masterpiece. If I were forced to choose one game that has given me the best gaming experience ever, I would likely say Bloodborne.


A pretty basic action game. No need to switch up tactics, no need to switch up weapons or gear, easy bosses, some die on the first try. Cool art design I guess, though nothing mind-blowing.


The Male Lewinsky
Tried 3 times over 3 years to get into but just didn’t click. Tried again a few years ago when I’d got into souls and immediately loved it.
All things considered it might just be the greatest game ever created.


Best game of all the time. I finished the second time after the Old Hunter expansion came out. Best DLC of all time too.
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People in here shitting up the thread.

Was my first Miyazaki game. I said I wouldn't play Dark Souls because I already read Berserk when I was 16, I knew about the gradual transition of American Werewolf in Yharnam to The Mountains of Madness and it really grabbed me. Got it in 2016 or 2017 can't remember, got it from a now closed down Cash Generator hidden amongst all the FIFA copies for £20. Played it like it was Monster Hunter, didn't use the targeting system and dodge rolled like crazy. I beat Cleric Beast and Gascoigne this way, took a while. Properly learned the game by the time I got to Vicar Amelia and fell in love.

The game is just an incredible gothic industrial masterpiece with the very best monster design FromSoft has ever crafted with such a bleak and depressing universe. Traditional horror classics merged with Cosmic Horror is something no one asked for but it just is amazing
Out of curiosity, what are the similarities between Beserk and Dark Souls? I watched the Redux movies and even though I thought they were great I didn't really notice much in the way of overlap with Dark Souls. Did I miss something or is this more based on the original manga?

EDIT: On topic, paid £50 for Bloodborne on launch day as a long-term Souls fan. Initially thought it wasn't for me at all, and I really struggled without having a shield. Having paid £50 for it though I was determined to play on, and then lo and behold it clicked after about 5 or 6 hours. I'd say it's my joint favourite but I would also include Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Elden Ring (all 10/10 games) in that group, so it's quite a big 'joint favourite' group! By comparison, DS2/3 are 'only' 9.5/10 games for me.
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