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Bomba? Mirror's Edge Catalyst PS4/XB1 $40 ($32 with GCU) at Best Buy, $42 at Amazon


This is ridiculous.

I finished it. The game got more frustrating over time with the forced combat sections, trial and error traversal, and tacked on collectibles and side missions.
You like it? Great. Others like it? Awesome. But hand waving valid criticisms with "people must not have finished it"? Why don't you just add that the people criticizing it just aren't good at the game or maybe aren't smart enough for it?

There are around 3 or 4 forced combat sections totalling maybe 10 minutes of play... The rest can be ran through.

The traversal only has an element of trail and error if you play with no runner vision and even then if you take half a second to look at the map before setting off on a run you should be absolutely fine. If you have either type of runner vision enabled then there's actually a trail along the map showing you the way so you have no excuse for trial and error.

The collectables are rubbish but they're also completely ignorable, your experience will be no worse if you just past every single one.

The idea that the side missions are tacked on or filler is also rubbish. The gridnodes for example are extremely well designed puzzle platform sections. The rest for the most part are different variations of time trials. Saying time trails in Mirror's Edge is filler is like saying point to point races in Forza are filler, you're just wrong.

The thing is that so many of the criticisms are just invalid. Yeah the story is meh but the idea that the open world is just checklists and filler is just straight up bullshit.
Started playing last night. I'm impressed with how fluid the controls are and how the environment is suited for you to move so effortlessly. Having a lot of fun with if so far! Reminds me of what made me love the 1st game so much.


This game has an upgrade tree? That seems so unnecessary for a game all about running.

It's pretty much a nothing upgrade tree. You have everything you need after an hour or so.

Its basically a way to make people look at what moves do. The majority of players don't even look at a game's movelist so wouldn't know you can 180-turn, etc, unless they had to unlock it.
I have absolutely nothing to back this up, but I have a feeling that EA's greenlighting of this game was on the condition that it be open world. EA doesn't have any open world franchises, and even if Mirror's Edge doesn't sell, at least the engine work is done and can be used for future titles.

Or, maybe it was purely DICE's decision and I'm full of it. I'm just surprised we got a new Mirror's Edge game at all when the first one underperformed, and I could see EA having some say in the direction in order for it to get made.

If you read that big piece Polygon did on Catalyst's development, it sounds like the whole process of pitching ideas and beginning development was done internally within DICE. I suppose that could be PR crap but I'm inclined to believe it.
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