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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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topsyturvy said:
to add to this OT discussion, transformers was produced by spielberg, released on hddvd exlusively......indy 4 is safe to say hddvd exclusive for the time being... :/

Transformers was produced by Spielberg; Indy 4 was (or will be? or is?) directed by him. Big difference.

If the studios had any control over Spielberg's movies don't you think that Universal would have released the likes of Jaws and ET on HD DVD by now? Also Paramount with Saving Private Ryan et al?


TTP said:
Let me recap this thread

1- Warner goes Blu-Ray only
2- OMG Blu-Ray wins!
3- Who cares. DD ftw
4- HD and SD look the same anyway
5- and stuff

Thanks you saved me time in bothering to look through this thread. >_>


Mojovonio said:
They already said they would make one if the consumer's wanted it.

Just because MS made the codec for HD-DVD (I think) it doesn't mean they'll negate blu-ray.

Hell, Sony didn't make their own OS for their Vaio's.

Actually both formats use the same codecs, MPEG 4, H264 and VC1 (MS codec, a bastard child of WMV)


itsgreen said:
Actually both formats use the same codecs, MPEG 4, H264 and VC1 (MS codec, a bastard child of WMV)

I just got that from a HD-DVD commercial that mentioned some MS codec or tech, whatever.

Hopefully people will stop making a paralell from the format war to the system war now. It was fucking annoying.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Honestly, reactions from people like yourself would seem like the strongest indication that it might at least theoretically work in favor of the PS3.
no, no its not. tell me, why would this launch ps3 in to orbit? I mean, isn't this the only gaming discussion in this thread? Why else is it still here in the gaming discussion?


Mojovonio said:
I just got that from a HD-DVD commercial that mentioned some MS codec or tech, whatever.

Hopefully people will stop making a paralell from the format war to the system war now. It was fucking annoying.

Well to be fair, I believe the experts opion is that VC1 is the superior codec generally. On both platforms that is ;)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
topsyturvy said:
no, no its not. tell me, why would this launch ps3 in to orbit? I mean, isn't this the only gaming discussion in this thread? Why else is it still here in the gaming discussion?

No one is saying so. But this is clearly good news for the system.
To return the topic to "gaming" since it does happen to dwell currently in Gaming Discussion, how will this affect the PS3? I think that Bluray dominating could actually have some detrimental side-effects - mainly that more BR players will become more common and cheaper than PS3 - so that the people who buy a PS3 just for a BR player will be looking elsewhere for their HD goodness.
On the other hand, this means that the PS3 game tie ratio will increase.


Post Count: 9999
Open Source said:
Sure, but the only point in using blu-ray instead of another high-capacity drive is to play blu-ray movies, and I don't think the ability to play blu-ray movies will sell enough units to convince MS to support one of their biggest competitors in the video game arena.

I think the most likely possibility is that neither blu-ray nor HD-DVD will be widely adopted enough for the adoption rate of disc format to be a big concern in the next generation of consoles. They'll want something that's cheap, big, and fast, and blu-ray probably won't be the most ideal candidate, especially when you factor in that they would have to pay royalties to Sony every time they sell a console.

MS wants downloads to win out over disc formats, anyway, because they aren't in the disc-based movie business.


As for a new format, assuming BD does do well ... there won't be a competing format next-gen that works financially. To get prices down, you need high levels of fabbing. That ain't gonna happen on a competing format in time for next gen.

As for licensing costs ... MS already pays Sony for a couple of IP's, so what's the difference? Stick with DVD so Sony gets a smaller license fee? I don't think it makes sense to completely cripple a console just to give a competitor less (not none) of a licensing fee.

As to digital downloads, :lol That ain't happening next gen. And if MS releases a system that does that only ... I can't wait to watch the carnage as it fails like no system has before.


Deputy Moonman said:
Wasn't VHS a more expensive format also? When the DVD format took over, DVD's weren't 2-3 times as expensive as VHS. But going from the DVD format to HD is not something that the average consumer is going to jump all over because HD is so expensive. I still do not have an HD player and I don't plan on getting one for quite a while. And the DVD's that are in the low price bin are not exactly new releases, nor blockbuster hits.

VHS Tapes were so expensive because they were priced for rental. When DVDs came out, the studios (Well, actually Warner Bros) approached Blockbuster and tried to make the same deal, but they refused, so studios started pricing DVDs for sales to the general public.



Mrbob said:
Been posted already.

The fact Warner is still selling HD DVD through May 2008 makes it sound like they are honoring their current committment to the platform.

as long as they honor the contract, they can't get in trouble. Which is IMO a good move.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Honestly, reactions from people like yourself would seem like the strongest indication that it might at least theoretically work in favor of the PS3.

Agreed. While there are many hyping this way over the top in favour of the PS3, there's simply no arguing that going into Xmas 08, Blu Ray will have both the Harry Potter franchise (which will have a new movie out in November BTW) and Disney back catalogue exclusively.

Whether it's a boon or a mere fringe benefit. It's a positive for the Blu Ray format and as such, PS3. There can surely be no serious argument against that?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
topsyturvy said:
BOON TO THE PS3....in thread title. :/

English is not my first language so I dunno how "Boon" should be interpreted. AFAIK it means something like "advantage". Which is pretty much what this Warner news means.


Warner Home Video will continue to release its titles in standard DVD format and Blu-ray. After a short window following their standard DVD and Blu-ray releases, all new titles will continue to be released in HD DVD until the end of May 2008.

This statement confuses me......what are they saying ?
TTP said:
English is not my first language so I dunno how "Boon" should be interpreted. AFAIK it means something like "advantage". Which is pretty much what this Warner news means.

Webster Dictionary:

BOON : a timely benefit

Ummm yeah, obviously that's wrong/and or is the same as 'launch into orbit'. :lol


XonoX said:
This statement confuses me......what are they saying ?

They're saying they will still release HD-DVD titles until their contract expires (May). From then on DVD/BRD only.


Spidey approves of this decision...



XonoX said:
This statement confuses me......what are they saying ?

Blu Ray day and date with DVD releases. HD DVD a few weeks later until May 2008 when they are done with HD DVD.


Busty said:
Agreed. While there are many hyping this way over the top in favour of the PS3, there's simply no arguing that going into Xmas 08, Blu Ray will have both the Harry Potter franchise (which will have a new movie out in November BTW) and Disney back catalogue exclusively.

Whether it's a boon or a mere fringe benefit. It's a positive for the Blu Ray format and as such, PS3. There can surely be no serious argument against that?

Maybe by xmas 08, you'll be able to get a 200$ BR player.

It won't hurt the PS3, but I wouldn't start betting on its reign just yet. Its still a game machine, and 90% of people will buy it to play games.


LJ11 said:
A good OTA broadcast is pretty close.

Anyone whose watched LOST in HD vs SD, and doesn't see the difference is either blind, delusional, or not watching an HD feed.

Yeah, there's so many different factors out there. Sometimes I'll watch high definition movies (on HD-DVD or BRD) and be pretty impressed and other times I'll wonder where the difference is compared to SD DVD. What frustrates me is the inconsistency. Whether it be the film's transfer on the disc or compression due to the Cable/Satellite/Network when watching HD on TV you can have some stuff looking great and other stuff really underwhelming.

And some transfers on standard DVDs look pretty darn good. My SD Lord of the Rings discs are on par with a lot of the stuff I view on HD now. But when something is done really well in HD, like it should be, it looks fantastic.


Mojovonio said:
Maybe by xmas 08, you'll be able to get a 200$ BR player.

It won't hurt the PS3, but I wouldn't start betting on its reign just yet. Its still a game machine, and 90% of people will buy it to play games.

I agree. I thought that's what I said?


Post Count: 9999
GenericPseudonym said:
That's funny. I understand HD is far better than SD, but the hyperbole here is incredible.


It isn't hyperbole ... its by far the largest leap that has occurred in A/V for home media. There has never been a more dramatic leap between platforms.


Post Count: 9999
Innotech said:
It was a game on Fox.
My uncle has a really big hdtv in his living room with HD programming and a sdtv in the kitchen. So I was able to compare them.

Fox is barely HD most of the time.

IQ is awful ... especially in their sports coverage.

Regardless, IQ between HD broadcasts and HDM is decent. From Fox to HDM is huge.


Onix said:

It isn't hyperbole ... its by far the largest leap that has occurred in A/V for home media. There has never been a more dramatic leap between platforms.

I think VHS --> DVD was/and still is larger
TTP said:
English is not my first language so I dunno how "Boon" should be interpreted. AFAIK it means something like "advantage". Which is pretty much what this Warner news means.
i guess, but whatever, this is stupid, xbox owners was saying the same thing when paramount jump ship to hd-dvd. I don't see hd-dvd going anywhere for the foreseeable future no matter how you guys a making things and the same for bluray. This is just making the war easier on the original dvd.


Onix said:

It isn't hyperbole ... its by far the largest leap that has occurred in A/V for home media. There has never been a more dramatic leap between platforms.

You've got to be kidding me.


Busty said:
Agreed. While there are many hyping this way over the top in favour of the PS3, there's simply no arguing that going into Xmas 08, Blu Ray will have both the Harry Potter franchise (which will have a new movie out in November BTW) and Disney back catalogue exclusively.
Considering how shitty Disney always were with DVD and their ridiculous moratorium policy, good luck getting any of the big catalogue titles out of them this year. We'll get new releases and maybe a couple of older ones in HD. Stuff like The Lion King, which came out on DVD in 2002, won't be eligible for a new home video release until 2012.

Not saying it's not a selling point (or a potential one, at least), just that Disney are bastards.


NekoFever said:
Considering how shitty Disney always were with DVD and their ridiculous moratorium policy, good luck getting any of the big catalogue titles out of them this year. We'll get new releases and maybe a couple of older ones in HD. Stuff like The Lion King, which came out on DVD in 2002, won't be eligible for a new home video release until 2012.

Not saying it's not a selling point (or a potential one, at least), just that Disney are bastards.

Is it homevideo, or dvd? Because I think the ads were always about dvd specificly.
itsgreen said:
I think VHS --> DVD was/and still is larger

He's moved the goal posts to just A/V which in that argument could be proven just by lines of resolution. It ignores the advances that DVD brought to the table that made it such a widespread format, but it does potentially win him the argument under those parameters.


Post Count: 9999
itsgreen said:
I think VHS --> DVD was/and still is larger

In features, maybe (we really don't know what will eventually come out of HDM ... since it is technically SW-based).

IQ ... there is absolutely no comparison.

Mojovonio said:
You've got to be kidding me.

I'm referring primarily to image quality. And in that case, there isn't even a discussion ... it is simply a fact.


It can compliment the Playstation 3 in a great way but there is no way in hell that it's going to carry the platform. Great news none the less.


duk said:
not going to happen for a long time. i believe hd movie sales account for 1% of the market lol

There once was a time when VHS ruled supreme and DVD had 1% of the market.

The young forget but the old remember!


you can't put a price on sparks
BenjaminBirdie said:
He's moved the goal posts to just A/V which in that argument could be proven just by lines of resolution. It ignores the advances that DVD brought to the table that made it such a widespread format, but it does potentially win him the argument under those parameters.

hahahah, the lines of resolution have been with us for nearly 50 years! they're not even the best that we could be displaying. just look at our comptuer screens -- they do a hell of a lot better job displaying than TVs do. Technology that isn't updated for that long is just too old to keep around.

television technology has been stagnant until they started going into HD.

not to mention that there will be no such thing as NTSC or PAL or SECAM or any of those other shitty resolutions once the HD standard takes hold.

HD is staying, there is no way around it.


You know what would nice, IF Bill had any sympathy for the people who just bought a add-on and maybe threw them a FREE game or something, yeah right.
davepoobond said:
hahahah, the lines of resolution have been with us for nearly 50 years! they're not even the best that we could be displaying. just look at our comptuer screens -- they do a hell of a lot better job displaying than TVs do. Technology that isn't updated for that long is just too old to keep around.

television technology has been stagnant until they started going into HD.

not to mention that there will be no such thing as NTSC or PAL or SECAM or any of those other shitty resolutions once the HD standard takes hold.

HD is staying, there is no way around it.

What? I was clarifying his argument.

Obviously HD is staying. I just got like fifteen new channels last week. But I have no problem watching The Amazing Race pillarboxed, which makes me representative of about 1.8% of the American Viewing Populace.
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