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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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More than a member.
Raist said:
Well, a few years ago we were lagging behind. Badly. Then the french government put a HUGE effort in making internet readily available for anyone. You can easily get a 20Mb/s + line now.
By french governement, u mean Free (the ISP?). Sans eux, on n'en serait vraiment pas la ;)


Sanjay said:
what have Warner Bros actually released hi def content wise that actually good? matrix? is that it?
Stanley Kubrick Collection
2001: A Space Odyssey / A Clockwork Orange / The Shining / Full Metal Jacket / Eyes Wide Shut

Blade Runner


Sanjay said:
what have Warner Bros actually released hi def content wise that actually good? matrix? is that it?
They've been the biggest studio for both HD formats so far. Batman, Harry Potter, The Matrix, Blade Runner, the Kubrick movies, Planet Earth (actually BBC, but Warner handles their US releases), etc. Also New Line is a subsidiary and they handle Lord of the Rings.

Whether we see LOTR is another matter, given that it's tied up in all kinds of disagreements between Peter Jackson and New Line.


NekoFever said:
Whether we see LOTR is another matter, given that it's tied up in all kinds of disagreements between Peter Jackson and New Line.
They kissed and made up not long ago. Peter Jackson is producing the two upcoming Hobbit movies.
NekoFever said:
They've been the biggest studio for both HD formats so far. Batman, Harry Potter, The Matrix, Blade Runner, the Kubrick movies, Planet Earth (actually BBC, but Warner handles their US releases), etc. Also New Line is a subsidiary and they handle Lord of the Rings.

Whether we see LOTR is another matter, given that it's tied up in all kinds of disagreements between Peter Jackson and New Line.
The fact that Peter Jackson is now going to be making The Hobbit for New Line says that those disagreements have recently been resolved. :)

edit: getting beaten to the punch by Wollan is an integral part of the neoGAF experience


Wollan said:
They kissed and made up not long ago. Peter Jackson is producing the two upcoming Hobbit movies.

WHOA, WHOA... I missed this news. This is the real news of the thread right here for me.

Absolute epic win.


Metalmurphy said:
[Tolkien fan mode] Kinda agree. They're probably adding way too much additional content to the appendix stuff then they ought to just to be able to have a second movie. And the Hobbit is a fairly simple tale as well to begin with. There's no way it will live up to the original movies in any way. [/Tolkien fan mode] Then again I'm sure I will be stabbing myself in anticipation when it actually comes around to these movies.
Wollan said:
[Tolkien fan mode] Kinda agree. They're probably adding way too much additional content to the appendix stuff then they ought to just to be able to have a second movie. And the Hobbit is a fairly simple tale as well to begin with. There's no way it will live up to the original movies in any way. [/Tolkien fan mode] Then again I'm sure I will be stabbing myself in anticipation when it actually comes around to these movies.
Well, if they show everything that Gandalf was doing when he wasn't around Bilbo (which is way way way more awesome than anything actually happening in the book) it'll be really cool. I really want to watch him duke it out with The Necromancer.

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
Now that the HD format war is decided, I can finally be confindent in picking up a PS3 for my HD movie needs since my 360 takes care of my gaming needs. The PS3 is a little overpiced right now, so I'll have to wait until the next $100 price drop/end of 08. By then the PS3 should have a decent catalouge of games that I can't get on my 360.

Ranger X

Rand al Thor 19 said:
Now that the HD format war is decided, I can finally be confindent in picking up a PS3 for my HD movie needs since my 360 takes care of my gaming needs. The PS3 is a little overpiced right now, so I'll have to wait until the next $100 price drop/end of 08. By then the PS3 should have a decent catalouge of games that I can't get on my 360.

399 is still overpriced and you have a next gen drive packed in... I wonder how much you paid for your 360...

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
Ranger X said:
399 is still overpriced and you have a next gen drive packed in... I wonder how much you paid for your 360...

$200 is what I paid my friend for his 360. An an extra $100 for a HD drive seems reasonable, so that's why I said I'd wait until the PS3 is $299.


Rand al Thor 19 said:
$200 is what I paid my friend for his 360. An an extra $100 for a HD drive seems reasonable, so that's why I said I'd wait until the PS3 is $299.

Problem. You bought a used 360. So yes, by that method, it does seem reasonable, but very risky for an investment.


Wollan said:
They kissed and made up not long ago. Peter Jackson is producing the two upcoming Hobbit movies.

Co-Producer, not directly involved in the Movie but he can make suggestions and other stuff.


Wollan said:
[Tolkien fan mode] Kinda agree. They're probably adding way too much additional content to the appendix stuff then they ought to just to be able to have a second movie. And the Hobbit is a fairly simple tale as well to begin with. There's no way it will live up to the original movies in any way. [/Tolkien fan mode] Then again I'm sure I will be stabbing myself in anticipation when it actually comes around to these movies.

It's Peter Jackson though, the man has a great deal of respect for the stories and is probably one of the biggest Tolkien fans out there. Unless the dollars have gone to his head and have changed him, I think he'll keep the Hobbit movies feeling the same as the LOTR trilogy. Regardless, they better get the LOTR trilogy out on Blu-ray soon because they can count on my money right now. I'll be selling plasma if I have to so I can get those. :lol

Anyway, how is this thread still going? More news? I haven't kept up with it since yesterday afternoon when sporsk was wanting to shut it down.

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
CcrooK said:
Problem. You bought a used 360. So yes, by that method, it does seem reasonable, but very risky for an investment.

No, I bought it new. My friend bought 10 360s at launch and sold one to me at a discount. Of course, it broke three months later, but MS fixed it for free and I had another one in a week.

Ranger X

Still it's not the PS3 or 360 that is overpriced but only you that needs a bargain to buy them. Your range is more like 299 but this doesn't make the consoles overpriced. They only are out of your reach for now.


Kittonwy said:
Yes!!! Thanks for teh news sonycowboy!!!111!!!


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!111!!! Batman Teh Dark Knight on Bluray ftmfw!!!111!!!

Ya, I'm looking forward to that. I have Batman Begins on DVD, and man did it rock. But, I absolutely refuse to rebuy movies when formats change, so I'm not rebuying Batman Begins when it eventually hits BD.


OK a few reasons why i still not have bought xbox360 and ps3 is this:

-waiting for xbox360 hd-dvd built in
-65nm chip wafers for both consoles

that way it can kind of reduce the cost of both consoles even further, and i would be able to get a complete comprehensive console product from both ms and sony.

i am pretty much high definition neutral. i know blu ray is superior cause of extra space and more mbps on processing and all that crap, but to tell you the truth i really cant tell the difference on which format looks better. Can you?

im also waiting to purchase a new tablet laptop with the new 65nm duol core processors, and i want a blu-ray disk drive inside it, and by that time all the windows vista problems will be ironed out.

im also waiting for a hd-dvd + blu-ray + dvd player all in one. I know some company made it (pro-logic or logic something?) but i heard bad reviews on it. So is their any other company out their who has the balls to release a better version of this player?

ive seen blu-ray disk recordable/rw and hd-dvd recordable/rewritable blanks but i have yet to see any pc with blu-ray /hd-dvd drives,,.when are they gonna come out?

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
Ranger X said:
Still it's not the PS3 or 360 that is overpriced but only you that needs a bargain to buy them. Your range is more like 299 but this doesn't make the consoles overpriced. They only are out of your reach for now.

It's not out of my reach. I would have bought a 360 for more if fortune didn't favor me with a good deal. I can afford a PS3 right now but outside of Uncharted and Ratchet, I would not have much use for it. Which is the reason I think it's overpriced. I will pay a price I deem reasonable for a PS3. And for me, that price is $299. By the time the PS3 is that price it should have more games to play which would make it have better value in my eyes.


alien from planet Highscore
MeowMeow said:
OK a few reasons why i still not have bought xbox360 and ps3 is this:

-waiting for xbox360 hd-dvd built in
-65nm chip wafers for both consoles

that way it can kind of reduce the cost of both consoles even further, and i would be able to get a complete comprehensive console product from both ms and sony.

i am pretty much high definition neutral. i know blu ray is superior cause of extra space and more mbps on processing and all that crap, but to tell you the truth i really cant tell the difference on which format looks better. Can you?

im also waiting to purchase a new tablet laptop with the new 65nm duol core processors, and i want a blu-ray disk drive inside it, and by that time all the windows vista problems will be ironed out.

im also waiting for a hd-dvd + blu-ray + dvd player all in one. I know some company made it (pro-logic or logic something?) but i heard bad reviews on it. So is their any other company out their who has the balls to release a better version of this player?

I'm pretty sure you are in the wrong thread.
MeowMeow said:
i am pretty much high definition neutral. i know blu ray is superior cause of extra space and more mbps on processing and all that crap, but to tell you the truth i really cant tell the difference on which format looks better. Can you?

That's because that movies released on both formats (most of the Warner stuff up to this point, for example) use the exact same transfer. Lowest common denominator, etc.
Wollan said:
They kissed and made up not long ago. Peter Jackson is producing the two upcoming Hobbit movies.
I'm looking forward to those. It was a good choice to make it a 2 part movie since the book is soooo long.

Hopefully both the Hobbit movies come to blu-ray sooner or later :D

Ranger X

Rand al Thor 19 said:
It's not out of my reach. I would have bought a 360 for more if fortune didn't favor me with a good deal. I can afford a PS3 right now but outside of Uncharted and Ratchet, I would not have much use for it. Which is the reason I think it's overpriced. I will pay a price I deem reasonable for a PS3. And for me, that price is $299. By the time the PS3 is that price it should have more games to play which would make it have better value in my eyes.

Well i sure hope so for you but outside exclusives, the general experience with a 360 and a PS3 is quite the same. It's part of the reason why i'm not owning both myself. (for now at least.)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Tobor said:
I stopped collecting during the last format change to DVD. Recollecting with each format change is not my idea of a wise investment.
See, the best part about HD media is that you will never have to replace it anymore. That's about as good as it will ever get for these movies in their present incarnation. Next format update will make sense maybe when 3D movies start being commonplace or whatever comes next (holograms, I dunno...).

Even if you don't like collecting physical discs, these HD discs are best movie-investment you can have today. In a future when HDDs become huge enough that you can just copy all your HD discs onto them, you'll be always able to do that (and have a disc backup!) thanks to friendly pirates who have already cracked BRD as well as HDDVD :p And hey, today they look gob-smacking awesome compared to DVD and even HD broadcasts, so there's no reason to skip on them.


Kittonwy said:
Ima certainly NOT satisfied with teh quality of HD cable.

I have ExpressVu HD, and some stuff looks good. But, it doesn't come close to my BD movies. How can it? I have movies spiking at 40+ Mbps for the video bitrate alone. There is no consumer grade, affordable Internet service that even comes close to that.

Streaming 1080p movies of the same quality as BD will NEVER be possible without an infrastructure that:

1. supports 100 Mbps without any hiccups, for all consumers (hundreds of millions of consumes in North America alone)
2. allows people to use their bandwidth at full bore without penalty
3. charges consumers between $25 to $50 per month, max

So, forget the 10 year projections for North America. We're looking at a massive basic telecom infrastructure upgrade that will take 20 to 25 years to reach even 50% completion.

We'll have disc based movies for a long, long, long time to come.


An blind dancing ho
sorry if this is old

New Line Shifts to Blu-ray Exclusivity

Following Warner's lead, sister company New Line has confirmed that it will support Blu-ray Disc high def releases exclusively. New Line has previously delayed their day-and-date new releases on HD DVD due to the format's lack of region coding, effectively making titles such as Shoot 'em Up, Hairspray, and Rush Hour 3 exclusive to Blu-ray. Although a 2008 release slate for the studio has not been released, an announcement may be possible at this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

i think it's over ..the war is over , kittens and rats will live together from now on :lol


Das-J said:
LOL - It seems that Michael Bay structures his sentences in the same manner in which he shoots/edits his films! :lol
The post also makes about as much sense as his films:

HD will die a slow death.
Blu-ray is HD, too ;) (I know what he means; I'm being facetious)

That makes it easier for Wal-Mart to push Blu Ray. And whatever Wal-Mart pushes - wins.
Uhh...wasn't Wal-Mart pushing HD DVD not too long ago?

Marconelly said:
See, the best part about HD media is that you will never have to replace it anymore. That's about as good as it will ever get for these movies in their present incarnation.
That's what they said about DVD. How it doesn't deteriorate like VHS so your collection will last forever in all its digital glory. And if you think they'll stop when everyone has HDTVs and Blu-ray sales reach a plateau so that the consumer electronics companies need something new to push you're just wrong.



Dave Vaughn said:
For people celebrating for Blu-ray, it could just as easily have gone the other way...yes it was that close. There was an agreement in principle between Toshiba, Fox and Warner, but FOX pulled out at the 11th hour and went to Sony with their intentions. To Sony's credit, the did whatever it took to get Fox and Warner (although Warner is denying any type of incentives...if you believe this, I have a bridge for sale if anyone is interested). For the record, I think "incentives" are perfectly acceptable and a part of doing business.

Let's look at this from a business perspective. Is Toshiba harmed by losing HD DVD? Yes, but not to the degree that Sony would be if Blu-ray died. Sony has literally bet the farm on Blu-ray with the PS3. The PS3 isn't considered a successful game machine (yet), and if Sony lost Fox and Warner after the Paramount defection, that would have been the end of Blu-ray and possibly the end of Sony as we know it.

Oh FOX..



Hold on, wasn't Fox exclusive to Blu-ray a while ago? Aren't they apart of the original Blu-ray association.
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