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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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NekoFever said:
LOL, I was joking with someone yesterday about what would happen if everyone celebrating Warner going BD suddenly heard at the Toshiba keynote that they'd moneyhatted Fox and Disney into switching sides :lol

I think that's the only thing that could save hd dvd now. And that would be madness. I think the internet would break
NekoFever said:
The post also makes about as much sense as his films:

Blu-ray is HD, too ;) (I know what he means; I'm being facetious)

Uhh...wasn't Wal-Mart pushing HD DVD not too long ago?

That's what they said about DVD. How it doesn't deteriorate like VHS so your collection will last forever in all its digital glory. And if you think they'll stop when everyone has HDTVs and Blu-ray sales reach a plateau so that the consumer electronics companies need something new to push you're just wrong.
??? Just accept it that Blu-ray has now won. What comes after HD movies now?
Totobeni said:
sorry if this is old

New Line Shifts to Blu-ray Exclusivity

i think it's over ..the war is over , kittens and rats will live together from now on :lol


"That's it man, game over man, game over!"


I think Toshiba and the HD DVD group were COMPLETELY blindsided, and Warner used it's announcement for MAX damage. I can't imagine something like this is decided in one night. Warner REALLY screwed consumers by its conduct.First they pack a movie in with the player, they are going to kill, than they release MORE movies for the format they are about to kill.Companies can do what they want, but I wonder how many people would have bought a HD DVD player in Nov/Dec if Warner was AT LEAST being straight with consumers.


InterMoniker said:
??? Just accept it that Blu-ray has now won. What comes after HD movies now?
When did I deny that Blu-ray will beat HD DVD? It's been pretty common knowledge for a while now.

And where after HD? There are plenty of numbers higher than 1080. As I said, the electronics companies will always need something new to sell when everyone has the current product. They are businesses, after all. I just think it's ridiculous to say that Blu-ray is the pinnacle of home entertainment and it will never be superseded. As I said, people said the same thing when DVD was being pushed and someone somewhere is already working on the next thing up.
JCBossman said:
I think Toshiba and the HD DVD group were COMPLETELY blindsided, and Warner used it's announcement for MAX damage. I can't imagine something like this is decided in one night. Warner REALLY screwed consumers by its conduct.First they pack a movie in with the player, they are going to kill, than they release MORE movies for the format they are about to kill.Companies can do what they want, but I wonder how many people would have bought a HD DVD player in Nov/Dec if Warner was AT LEAST being straight with consumers.

Wasn't the talk that Warner was looking for the holiday sales to decide where they'd stand? Anyone that kept up with the sales of both knew they should keep their distance from HDDVD.
NekoFever said:
When did I deny that Blu-ray will beat HD DVD? It's been pretty common knowledge for a while now.

And where after HD? There are plenty of numbers higher than 1080. As I said, the electronics companies will always need something new to sell when everyone has the current product. They are businesses, after all. I just think it's ridiculous to say that Blu-ray is the pinnacle of home entertainment and it will never be superseded. As I said, people said the same thing when DVD was being pushed and someone somewhere is already working on the next thing up.
But man that won't be for days and days. HDTV's still have to hit the mainstream it's way too early dude.


The Hobbit and Peter Jackson is back on? Kick ass.

WB needs to release the LOTR trilogy already.

And I for one am glad to hear the news. I'm not a fan of the way Sony is always screwing up new formats by offering competing ones, but this war needs to end. I don't want hi-def movies tied to downloads and craptacular DRM... so the sooner it ends, the sooner hi-def movies on disc have a chance to gain traction. This shit should have never taken place and I have no sympathy for whoever loses (I just don't want both sides losing.)

EDIT: Neko, the next thing isn't higher numbers. Only really large front projectors have any benefit to higher numbers. Everyone and their grandmother, however, is trying to make 3D viable.


Red Blaster said:
It's somewhat impressive that Sony's enormous gamble in using the PS3 as a trojan horse for Blu-Ray payed off in the end.
Yep, the stakes were so high thats that what made this war so fascinating, and the rewards so enjoyable :D :D


NekoFever said:
And where after HD? There are plenty of numbers higher than 1080. As I said, the electronics companies will always need something new to sell when everyone has the current product. They are businesses, after all. I just think it's ridiculous to say that Blu-ray is the pinnacle of home entertainment and it will never be superseded. As I said, people said the same thing when DVD was being pushed and someone somewhere is already working on the next thing up.

3D would probably be the next big thing. And Bluray spec is supposedly enough to handle that, with the addition of an appropriate display of course.


Xisiqomelir said:
Do people really think the US internet infrastructure is good? In most parts of the country, you have the choice between whoever holds the local DSL monopoly and whoever has the local cable monopoly.

This is the truth. Internet access in the US sucks ass compared to other countries. I work as a service technician for a major telco in the US and we are JUST now getting 10 meg DSL to certain areas (that are a stone's throw at most from the CO/local remote). The local cable co offers a max of 8 meg, while Japan gets 100 meg FTTH.



Sony's Blu-Ray-playing PS3 will go down in history as one of the most cocksure stupid moves in the history of win.


Red Blaster said:
It's somewhat impressive that Sony's enormous gamble in using the PS3 as a trojan horse for Blu-Ray payed off in the end.
That remains really to be seen. With the amount of money they burnt for this... it would be interesting to see if and when they're gonna break even on the whole operation.
SolidSnakex said:
Wasn't the talk that Warner was looking for the holiday sales to decide where they'd stand? Anyone that kept up with the sales of both knew they should keep their distance from HDDVD.

Pretty much.

Warner had been saying as early as August (to Fox News) that the holiday sales quarter was going to decide whether the market could support both formats or if a decision was going to come down. They reiterated this position more recently to the run-up to Christmas as well. They never said both formats were definitely safe.

Anybody reading up on this stuff, seeing Warner's previous statements, combined with the weekly charts, couldn't have been totally and honestly blindsided by this. If anything, Warner was charitable for giving HD DVD as much time as they did, considering that in foreign markets the sales split was even more definitive in Blu-ray's favor.
Lightning said:
If that's true, Fox just saved Sony's ass...

It's about time they did something positive for HD media and Blu-ray.

As a supposed leading company, they've been a f***ing mess thus far. Slow release schedules, fairly weak product, and terrible pricing. They are definitely the suckiest company in High-def, regardless of format. And I say this as a fan of Blu-ray!


cedric69 said:
That remains really to be seen. With the amount of money they burnt for this... it would be interesting to see if and when they're gonna break even on the whole operation.

dude, believe me, sony can lose tens of billions on the ps3 but in the end they will make that money and loads more in the years to come.
koam said:
How is the wiimote stupid exactly? That's one of the smartest things a company has ever released.
When the wii and the remote was first announced, who thought nintendo was being serious? :/

i could fetch the thread link...


JCBossman said:
I think Toshiba and the HD DVD group were COMPLETELY blindsided, and Warner used it's announcement for MAX damage. I can't imagine something like this is decided in one night. Warner REALLY screwed consumers by its conduct.First they pack a movie in with the player, they are going to kill, than they release MORE movies for the format they are about to kill.Companies can do what they want, but I wonder how many people would have bought a HD DVD player in Nov/Dec if Warner was AT LEAST being straight with consumers.

The HD-DVD group was indeed devastated by this announcement. And really Warner should have announced this better. Right After Christmas? Right before CES? Ouch ouch ouch. I'm actually really bitter about the fact that Blu-ray is winning, because it's my opinion that the Blu-ray group has caused this whole format war in the first place. And I still think that interactive features of HD-DVD far outweigh Blu-Ray's terrible BD-java.

This really sets the stage for the NEXT format war though. Because there is going to be one, since every attempt to avoid one this time failed. And It so bugs me that everyone thinks that HD-DVD is the kid who should have given up early and gone home when it really was the right choice. DVD-forum was founded to avoid future format wars by allow companies to come together with technology and ideas to avoid the format wars that plagued the 70s and 80s. DVD came out of that group, as did HD-DVD. Despite the DVD Forum's efforts to avoid a format war and broker a single format under HD-DVD, Blu-Ray split off and we were left with the mess of the past 2 and 1/2 years.

However, if you own a PS3 you're feeling pretty good right now.

Update: Let me amend this comment with saying that if the format war is now over and blu-ray is the winner, lets just move one and accept it. But I still blame Sony. :)


Totobeni said:
more stories about New Line big Shift

New Line Confirms Going Blu-ray Exclusive

New Line drops HD DVD as well.

HBO next ? Universal ?

HBO would be nice, they got a lot of good tv-series under their belt and probably a more coming. If Universal goes Blu, then there is no reason not to release House M.D. on the Hi-Def format. Sticking needles in eyeballs would have never looked so fracking repulsive. :D

Oh, and looking at the guy on the last episode of season 2 with his swollen tongue would be a nauseating experience unlike anything ever before. ^^
JCBossman said:
I think Toshiba and the HD DVD group were COMPLETELY blindsided, and Warner used it's announcement for MAX damage. I can't imagine something like this is decided in one night. Warner REALLY screwed consumers by its conduct.First they pack a movie in with the player, they are going to kill, than they release MORE movies for the format they are about to kill.Companies can do what they want, but I wonder how many people would have bought a HD DVD player in Nov/Dec if Warner was AT LEAST being straight with consumers.
there wasn't going to be a easy way to break the news. Yeah, they waited until after the holiday sales period, but they said they were going to make a decision based on holiday sales, so meh. Kutaragi would have told you to get a second job and buy a lot of HDDVDs if they were important to you. If they waited after CES (if MS had something big planned), that would have been total dick move. If they announced in May "we are dropped HDDVD support as of now" that would have been a total dick move too.


watership said:
The HD-DVD group was indeed devastated by this announcement. And really Warner should have announced this better. Right After Christmas? Right before CES? Ouch ouch ouch. I'm actually really bitter about the fact that Blu-ray is winning, because it's my opinion that the Blu-ray group has caused this whole format war in the first place. And I still think that interactive features of HD-DVD far outweigh Blu-Ray's terrible BD-java.

This really sets the stage for the NEXT format war though. Because there is going to be one, since every attempt to avoid one this time failed. And It so bugs me that everyone thinks that HD-DVD is the kid who should have given up early and gone home when it really was the right choice. DVD-forum was founded to avoid future format wars by allow companies to come together with technology and ideas to avoid the format wars that plagued the 70s and 80s. DVD came out of that group, as did HD-DVD. Despite the DVD Forum's efforts to avoid a format war and broker a single format under HD-DVD, Blu-Ray split off and we were left with the mess of the past 2 and 1/2 years.

However, if you own a PS3 you're feeling pretty good right now.

It stands to reason though that not only Sony, but a few other movie production companies weren't happy with the decision to go all region-free on HD-DVD. That, and the fact that both Philips and Sony had opted for an even better format with more storage capacity. Most hardware producers liked the idea of an even better storage capacity, and I quite simply don't understand why they didn't go for BRD from the beginning.

It's not the fault of the BDA, it's actually the fault of the DVD-Forum themselves who didn't want to go with the Blue laser diode option in the first place. They came with HD-DVD about a year after that BRD was opted. That, and Panasonic, Sony, Philips and Pioneer were already working on the tech back in 2002.


Eteric Rice said:
I didn't even realize there were movie format fanboys.

And people say the console wars are creepy. >_>

I wouldn't call myself a fanboy of either side. However, anything that ends the format war is OK by me.
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