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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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The Take Out Bandit said:
:lol :lol :lol
Eteric Rice said:
I didn't even realize there were movie format fanboys.

And people say the console wars are creepy. >_>

Nah, we videogame fanboys are a zealot lot, it just takes other medium to see how it really it from a different perspective, except this time it's potentially bigger than videogames and like they say in Highlander, "There can only be one."

This is real Megaton.


get some go again
Lightning said:
If that's true, Fox just saved Sony's ass...
call me crazy but i don't think fox ever really had any true intentions of going with hd-dvd. i think they probably just played warner and toshiba for fools and then switched at the last moment to make sure warner would have to go with blu ray if they wanted to end the war. now that warner is in the blu ray camp i'm sure they will convince universal to come along as well.


alien from planet Highscore
Pristine_Condition said:
It's about time they did something positive for HD media and Blu-ray.

As a supposed leading company, they've been a f***ing mess thus far. Slow release schedules, fairly weak product, and terrible pricing. They are definitely the suckiest company in High-def, regardless of format. And I say this as a fan of Blu-ray!

Not to mention their pathetic "480p is good enough for HDTV" steezo.


Junior Member
SSM25 said:
how does this fit in what's happening right now?
Isn't that what people have been saying all along ? And now it would seem that excess crapped and delaying the PS3 to include the blu-ray drive was the way to go after all.


Vashu said:
It's not the fault of the BDA, it's actually the fault of the DVD-Forum themselves who didn't want to go with the Blue laser diode option in the first place. They came with HD-DVD about a year after that BRD was opted. That, and Panasonic, Sony, Philips and Pioneer were already working on the tech back in 2002.

I stand corrected. I seemed to have blocked out that fact. :)


Isn't that what people have been saying all along ? And now it would seem that excess crapped and delaying the PS3 to include the blu-ray drive was the way to go after all

From their gaming division it is the worse decision they could have made. The game sales have proven it so far. The PlayStation brand has been damaged severely, it has lost it's Juggernaught status and has become the tech that is "cool" to hate
Now on the media side, it was a great move if people will adopt the BluRay as their next format, right now sales are shit for both camps and players are still too expensive for BD for mass adoption.

As people mentioned DVD-> BD/HD-DVD does not even closely have the same WOW factor as VHS-DVD.

Now that the was is pretty much over, I will eventually get a PS3 as a media player because I am a gamer. AV fanatics will generally do not want a console on their media rack (even thought atm the PS3 is the best player on the market).
ZeroTolerance said:
Isn't that what people have been saying all along ? And now it would seem that excess crapped and delaying the PS3 to include the blu-ray drive was the way to go after all.

Should Blu-ray end up becoming the true successor to DVD during the next few years and pushing hardware into millions of homes, the crow eating amongst legions of doomsayers will certainly be legendary. Time will tell.
Dunlop said:
From their gaming division it is the worse decision they could have made. The game sales have proven it so far. The PlayStation brand has been damaged severely, it has lost it's Juggernaught status and has become the tech that is "cool" to hate

So, if Sony hadn't included a Blu-ray drive, the Cell processor would have magically become easier to program for?

Oh brother...


ZeroTolerance said:
Need more awesome gifs :


Biggest difference is that Phil Harrison is no Ken Kutaragi. He is actually one of the most down to earth persons ever to grace the halls of Sony. Heck, if it was his choice, which it obviously wasn't, the PS3 would still have full backwards compatability throughout it's lifespan. Be it either hardware, or in a later stage, software.

It's SCEI that no longer wants to free the resources for these plans, going software, and wanting to drop the hardware built in.


Dunlop said:
As people mentioned DVD-> BD/HD-DVD does not even closely have the same WOW factor as VHS-DVD.

you dnt have eyes, you really dont. People need to stop making this stupid observation.

its a HUUUUGE difference to techy and non techy alike. Go back through gaf and look at all the stories of gaf members fixing friends HD setups and being WOWED at HD 360 and PS3 games.

you think that for movies that doesnt matter?

GOOD LORD, stop it people, stop it.


Vashu said:
Biggest difference is that Phil Harrison is no Ken Kutaragi. He is actually one of the most down to earth persons ever to grace the halls of Sony. Heck, if it was his choice, which it obviously wasn't, the PS3 would still have full backwards compatability throughout it's lifespan. Be it either hardware, or in a later stage, software.

It's SCEI that no longer wants to free the resources for these plans, going software, and wanting to drop the hardware built in.

THANK YOU. I'm a big fan of Phil Harrison. If he was completely in charge of The PS3 it would be a completely different place than it is now. Sony is a pretty fractured company in the way it operates but he is one of the good guys.


damn hit some kind of PS3 love fest nerve..

So, if Sony hadn't included a Blu-ray drive, the Cell processor would have magically become easier to program for?

No the fucking thing would have been about $200 cheaper and sold like gangbusters (helping their gaming division but not the media one)

you dnt have eyes, you really dont. People need to stop making this stupid observation

Yes the picture is nicer, but many people have been exposed or have HD receivers for their TV. So the WOW factor is just not as great. VHS to DVD was like you had enetered the world of Star Trek: MUCH better picture, No tapes, less space, added features.....

SSM25 said:
that makes sense.........
I want an HD media format and am a gamer, now that HD-DVD is effectively dead I will buy a PS3. The topic of the thread is will this help the PS3?


Eteric Rice said:
I didn't even realize there were movie format fanboys.

And people say the console wars are creepy. >_>
lol You should see the highdefdigest forums, some of the HD-DVD guys are planning to boycoytt Blu-Ray and stick to old school DVD. haha wtf
Some people got way too invested in a particular camp and forgot why they got into the 'fight' to begin with. HDM is more enjoyable on an HDTV than SDM. Whichever format comes out on top, who cares, just be happy there's only one format now.


Dunlop said:
damn hit some kind of PS3 love fest nerve..

No the fucking thing would have been about $200 cheaper and sold like gangbusters (helping their gaming division but not the media one)

Yes the picture is nicer, but many people have been exposed or have HD receivers for their TV. So the WOW factor is just not as great. VHS to DVD was like you had enetered the world of Star Trek: MUCH better picture, No tapes, less space, added features.....

I want an HD media format and am a gamer, now that HD-DVD is effectively dead I will buy a PS3. The topic of the thread is will this help the PS3?

I guess it did, didn't it?

The price point still didn't exactly change the fact that the launch library was shit because they got screwed by third-party publishers, as a gamer this wouldn't have changed even if Blu-Ray isn't a part of the PS3, but then the audio quality in the games wouldn't be as nice.

What's done is done. Every PS3 has a Blu-Ray drive, HD-DVD is fucking dead, Blu-Ray becoming more successful will help lower the manufacturing costs for Sony allowing them to price the PS3 more competitively.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Philanthropist said:

That's not so surprising, but some of the Warner comments in that article are interesting. Specifically:

“Not only did neigher format really take off as expected in the fourth quarter, but standard-def was softer than expected given the release slate,” said Warner Home Video president Ron Sanders told VB in explaining the studio’s decision. “We’re seeing research now that shows that consumers are starting to delay purchases because of the format war, not just on high-def, but on standard-def purchases as well. That’s alarming.”


B-Ri said:
you dnt have eyes, you really dont. People need to stop making this stupid observation.

its a HUUUUGE difference to techy and non techy alike. Go back through gaf and look at all the stories of gaf members fixing friends HD setups and being WOWED at HD 360 and PS3 games.

you think that for movies that doesnt matter?

GOOD LORD, stop it people, stop it.

I have a decent quality upscaling DVD-player and to be quite honest, i cant see the difference between Blu-ray/HD-DVD and DVD's.

There might be some quality increase but not enough to warrant buying my entire DVD collection again.

VHS to DVD was a much more profound leap in quality, features and technology.

Sorry, but I'm going to wait for HVD.
Dunlop said:
No the fucking thing would have been about $200 cheaper and sold like gangbusters (helping their gaming division but not the media one)

It would have been $200 cheaper without Blu-ray? Says you. (...and pretty much only you) It's pretty well-known or at least assumed that Sony was subsidizing the added cost of Blu-ray in the PS3 almost entirely.

The games still would have had all the same programming problems, with or without the Blu-ray inclusion. And last time I checked, people buy games consoles for games. This would be even more the case if the PS3 had no added Blu-ray movie-playing functionality.


ZeroTolerance said:
Need more awesome gifs :


Why did you use a picture of Phil H? That's just stupid, ignorant and straight out moronic. :|

He is one of the most honest, open minded, down to the ground, and funniest top CEOs in the gaming industry. Not forgetting the fact that he got nothing to do with the points you tried to make in your pic. ^.^


Talamius said:
I wouldn't call myself a fanboy of either side. However, anything that ends the format war is OK by me.

It is creepy, my support for HD DVD was to try to ensure it's future, as long as it survived, and got good support by all studios, I couldn't have cared less how Blu was doing. Alot of Blu boys seem to relish the thought of a fellow movie lover, losing his investment.


Actually, my wife and I firmly believe that the killer feature for Blu-ray is hard coat. I didn't even think twice once I heard that. You'll understand if you have a toddler in the house. Once acquired, my Ikaruga and Zelda discs were raped in seconds.

My RFOM disc was taken, gummed with sticky fingers and then slotted into a laptop drive. Took me 2 days to find it, followed by some serious scrubbing. After drying it with cloth, it plays like new inside my PS3 immediately.


Beatbox said:

The "Wow" factor is clearly greater and larger.

Resolution only goes so far, the biggest quality increase from VHS to DVD was going from Analogue to Digital. The increased resolution helped improve the image quality still further, thats all.

Pai Pai Master said:
Good luck with that.

You are so witty my friend, want a cookie?


Junior Member
VonGak! said:
Why did you use a picture of Phil H? That's just stupid, ignorant and straight out moronic. :|

He is one of the most honest, open minded, down to the ground, and funniest top CEOs in the gaming industry. Not forgetting the fact that he got nothing to do with the points you tried to make in your pic. ^.^

lol, relax brah, I only did a simple google search, had nothing to do with actually adding his picture.

Phil is an honest guy. I respect him for that.
JCBossman said:
It is creepy, my support for HD DVD was to try to ensure it's future, as long as it survived, and got good support by all studios, I couldn't have cared less how Blu was doing. Alot of Blu boys seem to relish the thought of a fellow movie lover, losing his investment.

This isn't like videogame wars though, people don't want multiple formats. They want 1 format they know is going to get most (if not all) of the support so they know best where to spend their money. That's why people are excited because we now have that format.


JCBossman said:
It is creepy, my support for HD DVD was to try to ensure it's future, as long as it survived, and got good support by all studios, I couldn't have cared less how Blu was doing. Alot of Blu boys seem to relish the thought of a fellow movie lover, losing his investment.

Did you buy the HD-DVD add-on? No offense but you made a move to prolong this senseless format war by supporting an inferior format, making it harder for me to get every single movie on Blu-Ray which is my format of choice, am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

It's too bad HD-DVD couldn't die sooner, I don't need new movies split into two separate aisles at my local HMV when with a unified format I can watch them all on my PS3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
JCBossman said:
It is creepy, my support for HD DVD was to try to ensure it's future, as long as it survived, and got good support by all studios, I couldn't have cared less how Blu was doing. Alot of Blu boys seem to relish the thought of a fellow movie lover, losing his investment.

Most "blu boys" and most consumers just want one standard. And that means a format dying.

Most "blu boys" likely also warned heavily against people investing in HD DVD. "We tried to warn you". IMO, it's been clear as day since the very beginning that Blu-ray was the path of least resistance to a single standard, and it was only a matter of how slowly or how quickly that would happen. HD DVD owners have to know they were going up against the odds, and it's hard to have sympathy for anyone who was sufficiently informed of the situation and who still went ahead and bought into it. I know some people may not have been aware i.e. casuals or whatever, and they do indeed have my sympathy. But their HD DVD machines won't disappear over night. They can still enjoy those discs. They just might want to pick up a BD machine sooner or later.

If you're looking for anyone to blame, blame Toshiba, MS et al for pushing something that at least some parties therein had to have known didn't have a good chance. And for some it was solely for political reasons, not for your good or the good of any HD DVD owners that will likely end up being abandoned.


Xavien said:
Resolution only goes so far, the biggest quality increase from VHS to DVD was going from Analogue to Digital. The increased resolution helped improve the image quality still further, thats all.

Which served no point since you were watching your DVD's with your good old component or SCART cables.
Well at least, with DVD's there's no quality loss over time. That was the main improvement over VHS.


JCBossman said:
It is creepy, my support for HD DVD was to try to ensure it's future, as long as it survived, and got good support by all studios, I couldn't have cared less how Blu was doing. Alot of Blu boys seem to relish the thought of a fellow movie lover, losing his investment.
It's the Internets. People are dicks.

I just got the HD DVD add-on for Christmas. Still torn about whether I should return it or not, but I'm leaning toward it. Save up for a PS3 or see if Microsoft will come out with a Blu Ray add-on. It's an overall bummer for folks in the HD DVD camp, but I understand why Warner did it. All the confusion was bad for business.
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