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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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krypt0nian said:
Just think, BenjaminBirdie, when you get a PS3 you can play with me online.


If I hear that you bought a stand-alone and not a PS3 I'm coming to your house with guns. And bullets.

I understand, and duly fear this outcome.
JCBossman said:
Hey Ben, Don't sweat it remember, the PS3 is fighting for it's LIFE, not against HD DVD players but against the 360/Wii So Sony is going to be FORCED to lower PS3 prices or risk falling farther and farther, I would be shocked if you couldn't pick up a PS3 for $300 by Holiday 2008. Kittonwy is showing NO CLASS acting the way he is, and is just "Stirring" the pot of anger, I guess with all the disappointments regardingIt's a the PS3 anything to crow about feels good.It's a shame at this point that some on the "Winning" side of this HD Format war, couldn't be a little more "Sporting" but I guess thats the internet for you.
:lol Your a joke. I hope you guys feel bad you've been doing it to ps3 fans all year with sales numbers.

Just take it or ignore it. Does anyone remember the TGS thread for ps3 this year.... Um yeah that thread was trolled to no end.

What about Madden ass slapping in 60fps OMG WOw 360!! Just accept it JC. No one feels sorry for you guys now.

Hey Ben, Don't sweat it remember, the PS3 is fighting for it's LIFE,



Master Z said:
Somebody's catching feelings. I don't see you telling Wii and 360 fanboys to be "more sporting" in the NPD threads. Suck it up and grow a pair, hypocrite.

Really? Do they have: a party for the X360 conference where you have the stage painted like a giant tombstone with "RIP PS3" marked on it so people can dance all over it.

Doc Evils


at CES...


InterMoniker said:
Ahhh the bitter tears are too sweet.

My oh my how the tables have turned in no time.

No the tables HAVEN"T TURNED, just wait for this month PITIFUL PS3 numbers to prove the point, I wonder what PS3 "Exclusive" will bail Next:lol
JCBossman said:
Really? Do they have: a party for the X360 conference where you have the stage painted like a giant tombstone with "RIP PS3" marked on it so people can dance all over it.
Except Kittonwy said HD-DVD not 360.

You fail.
JCBossman said:
No the tables HAVEN"T TURNED, just wait for this month PITIFUL PS3 numbers to prove the point, I wonder what PS3 "Exclusive" will bail Next:lol
What do those sales do for you do you get some of that cash!?!??!?! Huh? Your time's almost up this May anyhow. :lol


JCBossman said:
Hey Ben, Don't sweat it remember, the PS3 is fighting for it's LIFE, not against HD DVD players but against the 360/Wii So Sony is going to be FORCED to lower PS3 prices or risk falling farther and farther, I would be shocked if you couldn't pick up a PS3 for $300 by Holiday 2008. Kittonwy is showing NO CLASS acting the way he is, and is just "Stirring" the pot of anger, I guess with all the disappointments regardingIt's a the PS3 anything to crow about feels good.It's a shame at this point that some on the "Winning" side of this HD Format war, couldn't be a little more "Sporting" but I guess thats the internet for you.

LOLZ, methinks I've struck a nerve.


Junior Butler
JCBossman said:
No the tables HAVEN"T TURNED, just wait for this month PITIFUL PS3 numbers to prove the point, I wonder what PS3 "Exclusive" will bail Next:lol

Who the fuck is this idiot?!



i really wish i was an insider at both paramount and universal. I really want to hear their train of thoughts right now, deciding their next move.


Banstick Emeritus
JCBossman said:
No the tables HAVEN"T TURNED, just wait for this month PITIFUL PS3 numbers to prove the point, I wonder what PS3 "Exclusive" will bail Next:lol
I know you're trying your damndest to get permed before the ticking time bomb in your tag blows up, but come on now :lol
JCBossman said:
My favorite thread is whose importing a DS3, and throwing their "Obsolete" Suckaxis's in the trash
You know whats great the SIXAXIS are really cheap now. Probably cheaper than 360 controllers. Brahhh
bishoptl said:
I know you're trying your damndest to get permed before the ticking time bomb in your tag blows up, but come on now :lol
Bish :D


JCBossman said:
My favorite thread is whose importing a DS3, and throwing their "Obsolete" Suckaxis's in the trash

Why so serious? Did you buy the 360 HD-DVD add-on or something?

I still use my sixaxis as an extra controller after getting a DS3.


bishoptl said:
I know you're trying your damndest to get permed before the ticking time bomb in your tag blows up, but come on now :lol

So what's your opinion of that Turok game, are your PS3 Boys going to PULL for you or are you going to rely on US X360 to bail you out? You know the system you hate?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
andycapps said:
Me personally, if it's a movie that I love and I want to watch over and over I'd much prefer a disc based medium, unless it's something where I can get all of the content (DD, DTS and higher lossless audio, extras, subtitles, etc) through this and be able to store it on an HTPC (that I can't afford).
Same with me, and even then disc wouldn't hurt at all to be there as a nice physical backup (let's not forget these BRD movies can after all be copied to HDDs eventually even if through shady means)

For movie renting though, I'm pretty sure I'd prefer DD, or at least I'd use it as much as actually walking to a rental store to browse the discs. I say "as much" because I like in-store browsing as well, there's something about uncovering some hidden gold that way, that I'd never ever find by going online and ordering from there.


JCBossman said:
So what's your opinion of that Turok game, are your PS3 Boys going to PULL for you or are you going to rely on US X360 to bail you out? You know the system you hate?

... whaaat?

Doc Evils

JCBossman said:
So what's your opinion of that Turok game, are your PS3 Boys going to PULL for you or are you going to rely on US X360 to bail you out? You know the system you hate?

damn you are trying hard.:lol
The word 'meltdown' gets thrown around rather easily in today's modern NeoGAF, but so rarely do we see a meltdown that goes above and beyond and distinguishes itself as something truly unique in the field of fanciful flaming floppery.

I feel like I should be standing up for this or something.


JCBossman said:
So what's your opinion of that Turok game, are your PS3 Boys going to PULL for you or are you going to rely on US X360 to bail you out? You know the system you hate?

Now its personal dude.


JCBossman said:
So what's your opinion of that Turok game, are your PS3 Boys going to PULL for you or are you going to rely on US X360 to bail you out? You know the system you hate?

Would you calm down please?


Do people seriously think that DD with Full HD movies (i'm not talking about 1080p but also HD audio) is going to happen that soon? I have a fast connection (10d/1u) and it will still dive at times based on how much traffic there is. I do not want to be downloading a proper HD-movie experience and having it sputter out at times. I also don't want to have a PC hooked up to my HDTV so it can decode movies on the fly. And I would imagine many wouldn't either. DD is going to happen, just not take off like some people think, it's going to take it longer to take off than the HD-media's. Not until "as a whole" here in NA even that we see faster than 10mb/d connections. Also, people like hardcopies, like having a collection of their favorite movies, and monster hdd's are not the answer to that yet. I've seen the quality of "on-demand HD" type movies, and they pale to physical media.

I honestly think you'll see more random DD-zomg-come to me spouts now just because Warner really hurt people's feelings.


This just gets better and better. I think the "countdown" is the only thing saving him from a ban right now, that and the comedy he's contributing.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
bishoptl said:
I know you're trying your damndest to get permed before the ticking time bomb in your tag blows up, but come on now :lol
So a temp ban before the big one is out of the question?



Segata Sanshiro said:
The word 'meltdown' gets thrown around rather easily in today's modern NeoGAF, but so rarely do we see a meltdown that goes above and beyond and distinguishes itself as something truly unique in a field of fanciful flaming.

I feel like I should be standing up for this or something.

The best thing is that it's been oscillating between mad angry, then grim resignation and back to mad angry again like after-tremors since Friday.
Dunlop said:
Intersting article from the WSJ that what quoted in the AVS forums
...Now, Toshiba will have to focus more on other areas that can help broaden its consumer-electronic presence, such as technologies that copy movies directly onto USB flash drives. Those are tiny sticks that consumers can just plug into their computers, or in the future, directly into their TVs.

"You're going to see that hard drives and reusable flash are much more economical and green" compared to DVDs, says Warren Lieberfarb, a consultant to Toshiba and former head of home entertainment at Warner Bros. "You don't need packaging." He sees portable drives as an interim technology that will last the five or 10 years it takes for online movie distribution to rise to the fore.
First off, :lol at the layman's terms.

Also, that's an interesting predicted time frame for DD to become the dominant distribution method. Could PS4 or Xbox1080 really become a standalone Steambox?


I posted this at B3D.

CES 2008 is still going, the Blu-ray studios announced more BD-Live related content (and some BD-J stuff):


Lionsgate announced today their new MOLOG, or, Movie Blog BD Live feature. This interactive feature allows a viewer to participate in online discussions regarding Lionsgate titles. This online discussion community will be accessable from a BD Live player and blogging can be done while the film is being viewed. Viewers can also access MOLOG from any web browser. Lionsgate's BD release of Saw 4 will debut this feature next month.

Sony Pictures


Sony Pictures today showcased upcoming Blu-ray interactive features for their titles. One feature will allow viewers to send a ring tone to their phone from the movie. Additionally, PSP owners will be happy to hear that a portable copy will be available on the disc encoded specifically for the PSP. Also shown was a Men In Black network trivia game. More later.


Don Eklund from Sony Pictures revealed that Sony Pictures will make available for download via BD-Live extra content. The example shown was a video from actor Will Smith regarding his film 'Hancock' with a sneak peak of the film specifically for CES. He did mention that he is a fan of Blu-ray.



Fox plans on aggressively jumping into the market with advanved BD Live functionality featuring networked gaming and social networking. Fox is demonstrating a working Alien Vs. Predator networked game that allows players compete for the highest kill numbers. More to come...


Will drop pants for Sony.
JCBossman said:
So what's your opinion of that Turok game, are your PS3 Boys going to PULL for you or are you going to rely on US X360 to bail you out? You know the system you hate?

Are you ok? I think you need to chill out for a second.


JCBossman said:
Hey just saying, Everyone Hates on the X360 boys until it comes time to make a few bucks

.... what?????

no seriously thats 2 posts in a row i dont understand these words you place together in a sentence.


Clipjoint said:
This just gets better and better. I think the "countdown" is the only thing saving him from a ban right now, that and the comedy he's contributing.

Well, it made my pretty crappy day at work a lot funnier. I'm just hoping the comedic gold keeps coming. Anyway.. should we continue to laugh and point or discuss what we're actually here to discuss?


I'm glad that the HD DVD player I bought was only $98. With it being so cheap, it's worth it for me. I got the Bourne Trilogy and Transformers and by the time Universal and Paramount decide to give up the good fight and go Blu Ray only too, BD players will be cheaper and so will the discs themselves. I'm hoping either the PS3 (any version) is $299 by Holiday '08 or stand alone Blu Ray players are $299 which would mean you could probably find them on sale for $249. I almost bought the Sharp BD player last week when you got the five free discs in store plus the five free through mail, but with this announcement, I'm thinking it might have been a good move to wait. One more company is Blu Ray exclusive which means that they are one step closer to being the only HD solution which means they will be more accepted by the mainstream, which hopefully means prices will drop in short order.
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