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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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So much bad blood in this thread.. can't we all just get along? BenjaminBirdie should buy his PS3, Uncharted, and everyone would be happy. :lol

This is just a joke as everyone seems to be taking this discussion way too seriously


Woo-Fu said:
A PS3 out of the box can be controlled with a Harmony IR remote without buying anything else? Without using anything else?

It doesn't "Just Work".

I have a ps3, btw. :D

Do you normally put words into people's mouths in order to make yourself sound smart?


Woo-Fu said:
A PS3 out of the box can be controlled with a Harmony IR remote without buying anything else? Without using anything else?

It doesn't "Just Work".

I have a ps3, btw.

Do you have Uncharted?
andycapps said:
So much bad blood in this thread.. can't we all just get along? BenjaminBirdie should buy his PS3, Uncharted, and everyone would be happy. :lol

It does seem worth it, for the sake of GAF, for all the people yelling at me to just chip in and give me $400.



Junior Butler
Kittonwy said:
Chuck that remote through a window, problem solved.

For $14 he can buy a PS3 remote that ships with an USB IR receiver. This allows the Harmony to send commands to the PS3, which sees the Harmony as a controller, much like the standard Blu-ray remote.
Once again for people arguing that the common consumer will care about audio/video fidelity I present to you two cases for your consideration. First MP3s. Second, the Wii.


TheBranca18 said:
Do you normally put words into people's mouths in order to make yourself sound smart?

I don't have to. Anybody can go back and read the thread.

I said the PS3 doesn't have IR.

You said there is a work-around.

I said some people buy things that just work.

You said it does work.

Well, it doesn't "Just work", which is what I said and what you replied to.

I don't have to put words in your mouth, but I may have to put some in your head to make you understand what I said.


belvedere said:
For $14 he can buy a PS3 remote that ships with an USB IR receiver. This allows the Harmony to send commands to the PS3, which sees the Harmony as a controller, much like the standard Blu-ray remote.



Woo-Fu said:
I don't have to. Anybody can go back and read the thread.

I said the PS3 doesn't have IR.

You said there is a work-around.

I said some people buy things that just work.

You said it does work.

Well, it doesn't "Just work", which is what I said and what you replied to.

I don't have to put words in your mouth, but I may have to put some in your head to make you understand what I said.

PS3 remote works great. The controller works fine too.

Sucks that the PS3 doesn't have IR, but saying that it doesn't work out of the box with a 3rd party peripheral... I dunno what to say.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't even have $200 right now, much less $400. I'm wagering I'll get to $200 before $400.

Then honestly dude, just don't waste you time on a $200 Blu-Ray player. I don't know what this time window for you to save up the cash is, but just double it and save for at least a PS3. It's an incredible player, it's easily updated via the net or medium, and it's seemingly built tuff. I think anyone would be a fool to waste their money on a cheaper player, rather than not just wait and save up the extra cash for the benefit of playing the great exclusive games that you'll access to as well as the movies. You're a gamer, and you should know that reason alone to save up and wait.

I'm not saying you, but for anyone grinding their teeth over this announcement, seeing the writing on the wall for HD-DVD, giving in and buying an inferior Blu-Ray player or something similar priced instead of a PS3 really shows how rediculous they are. Especially here, a gaming forum, where most are presumably "gamers first".


frankthurk said:
Ahh, the hedgehog grenade is an awesome technology showpiece.

its an awesome game and i cant wait to see what Insomniac busts out in resistance 2 weapon wise. Hopefully two will get all the credit it deserves, unlike 1 which i feel is still terribly underrated, especially in comparison to some incredibly overrated shooters.


BenjaminBirdie said:
It does seem worth it, for the sake of GAF, for all the people yelling at me to just chip in and give me $400.


I hear you. Maybe they can chip and give me money for a 360... If I had the spare cash I'd get one of those, and a years subscription to XBL while they're at it. If I had the money, I'd have all 3 consoles. Anyway, when you do eventually get a PS3, I do agree with the recommendation to get Uncharted because it is AFW. :lol
andycapps said:
I hear you. Maybe they can chip and give me money for a 360... If I had the spare cash I'd get one of those, and a years subscription to XBL while they're at it. If I had the money, I'd have all 3 consoles. Anyway, when you do eventually get a PS3, I do agree with the recommendation to get Uncharted because it is AFW. :lol

Will do!
B-Ri said:
my amazon order shipped! YAYYY.

I still love this ad, and these series of ads would have helped the ps3 more then crying baby

I love that ad
"Space we could all use more of it....It isn't how much you can store it's how much you can access.....There is so much space on a single blu-ray disc all you need is more time"

Thats a fucking brilliant ad they really should run that on t.v.

I do remember it from a while ago but they need everyone to see that. It really explains why the ps3 is such an amazing piece of tech.
frankthurk said:
Ahh, the hedgehog grenade is an awesome technology showpiece.
Hell yeah it is.


Intersting article from the WSJ that what quoted in the AVS forums
I found this interesting. We get a kind of "intellegence" report everyday at work due to the industry I am in. Lot's of stuff we already know, but it is interesting to see the points that the Wall Street Journal focused on. For full disclosure, I am in the Red camp, but completely agree that the WB switch killed big red (or will eventually) as long as one of the other majors does not flip flop to the red side.

In Blu-ray Coup, Sony Has Opening But Hurdles, Too
The Wall Street Journal 01/07/2008
Authors: Sarah McBride and Yukari Iwatani Kane
(Copyright (c) 2008, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

Sony Corp.'s Blu-ray technology for high-definition DVDs has given the Japanese electronics giant an opportunity it hasn't had in 25 years: the chance to win a high-stakes format war and reap the benefits across its sprawling empire. However, its victory comes at a high cost and may be fleeting.

Sony on Friday scored a key win by luring Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. to its Blu-ray technology, putting itself in a position to triumph over Toshiba Corp.'s HD DVD after a years-long fight to become the standard for the next generation of DVDs.

However, Sony's push for Blu-ray -- which analysts estimate as an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars -- has cost the company in areas such as the key videogame market.

Many analysts believe that Sony's insistence on putting Blu-ray on its PlayStation 3 players gave it just enough extra consumers to help tilt next-generation DVD sales toward Blu-ray. Paul Erickson, analyst at the NPD Group's DisplaySearch research firm, calls it the "X factor" that "saved their Blu-ray fortunes." If Toshiba had underwritten the cost of putting HD DVD onto the rival Xbox 360 from Microsoft Corp., the reasoning goes, the battle might have swung another way.

But complications related to the Blu-ray technology played a part in repeated delays of the PlayStation 3 release, giving Microsoft's Xbox a full year in stores before the PlayStation 3 came out in November 2006. The PlayStation also had a heftier price tag than the Xbox. In the U.S., the Xbox 360 has outsold the PlayStation 3 more than 3-to-1 from the time the consoles have been on the market through November.

Even with major studios on board, Sony must still win over consumers to Blu-ray. Consumers were arguably better off with HD DVD technology, which generally cost less to produce, contributing to HD DVD players selling for as little as $99 over the holidays. Meanwhile, Blu-ray players cost about $300 and up -- and movie titles issued in Blu-ray are often sold for twice the cost of a regular DVD.

Both HD DVD and Blu-ray offer similarly crisp resolution and have extra features, such as interactivity, that aren't available on regular DVDs.

Then there is the Internet. Sony is counting on sluggish development and slow consumer acceptance of technology that will allow for quick and easy downloads of movies at home, sending them directly to the TV set. If that snowballs faster than expected, Sony may never recoup the costs of its Blu-ray investments.

In any case, most home-entertainment chiefs see next-generation DVD as a temporary format that will last only as long as it takes for a superior technology to catch on. Most agree that while online movie distribution is still too clunky for the casual movie consumer, one day in the not too distant future it will dominate.

For now, Blu-ray gives Sony the rare chance to capitalize on being the creator of a market-dominating tech product -- a status it has rarely known in recent years. In the 1980s, its Betamax videotape format lost to VHS. It failed in an effort to get significant chunks of its technology into the highly lucrative DVD format. More recently, it was outflanked by Apple Inc.'s iPod in the drive to create personal digital music players.

The Warner Bros. move to exclusively issue high-definition movies in Blu-ray tips the balance toward Blu-ray, leaving HD DVD with just a 25% share of the video market, compared with nearly half previously, according to Adams Media Research.

Now Sony can earn money on patents in Blu-ray technology as other companies license it to include it in items ranging from DVDs to computers.

Moreover, Sony's vast reach across so many technology and content areas will likely help keep Blu-ray in the ascendant for some years, helping keep at bay rival technologies that might arise. Sony's purchase of CBS Records in 1988 and Columbia Pictures in 1989 was an effort to gain greater influence over the content businesses its technology served, in part to avoid another fiasco like its Betamax venture.

But the outcome of the high-definition DVD battle remained uncertain until the final days before the annual Consumer Electronics Show, kicking off now in Las Vegas, where both sides like to make big announcements concerning their formats. Toshiba was still working hard last week to court Warner and News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox to use HD DVD exclusively. Warner was considering it, people familiar with the matter say, but when it realized Fox wouldn't leave Blu-ray, decided to go with Blu-ray exclusively as well, to bring an end to the format war.

A Blu-ray win is important for Sony Chief Executive Howard Stringer, who made it part of his mission to beef up the content and software offerings in a notoriously hardware-centric company when he took the helm 2½ years ago. As Sony nears completion of a three-year turnaround plan, Mr. Stringer also told reporters in Tokyo last month that driving innovation would be his next goal.

Over the last couple of years, Mr. Stringer, a former movie executive, was involved in many discussions with studios Sony was courting, people familiar with the matter say.

Toshiba, which conceded Friday that the Warner Bros. move is a "setback," is expected to continue making its case for HD DVD, at least for awhile. Paramount Pictures, a unit of Viacom Inc., plans to continue to support the HD DVD format, a spokeswoman said yesterday. The other remaining Hollywood supporter, General Electric Co.'s Universal Pictures, declined to comment.

For Toshiba, its declining fortunes in DVD are a big blow to plans to expand its consumer-electronics business. It had long counted on HD DVD technology as a driving force behind the unit's future growth. Like many other consumer-electronics companies, its plan was to sell interconnected fully-digital electronics products, and HD DVD technology was meant to play a central role.

Now, Toshiba will have to focus more on other areas that can help broaden its consumer-electronic presence, such as technologies that copy movies directly onto USB flash drives. Those are tiny sticks that consumers can just plug into their computers, or in the future, directly into their TVs.

"You're going to see that hard drives and reusable flash are much more economical and green" compared to DVDs, says Warren Lieberfarb, a consultant to Toshiba and former head of home entertainment at Warner Bros. "You don't need packaging." He sees portable drives as an interim technology that will last the five or 10 years it takes for online movie distribution to rise to the fore.

And while Microsoft's decision to leave HD DVD out of its Xbox may have cost the format some crucial support, Microsoft's bet appears to have paid off for its games business.

The technical specifications for HD DVD weren't ready at the time Microsoft was gearing up to start manufacturing the Xbox 360 in 2005. The Redmond, Wash., company was determined to beat Sony to market with its game console by introducing the Xbox 360 in time for the 2005 holiday shopping; waiting for HD DVD to be ready would have eaten away at the company's head start on Sony.

Microsoft never seriously considered integrating a high definition disc format onto its player, says Albert Penello, director of global platform marketing for Xbox. The company didn't want to force gamers to "pay for something they may never use," he says.
J-Rzez said:
Then honestly dude, just don't waste you time on a $200 Blu-Ray player. I don't know what this time window for you to save up the cash is, but just double it and save for at least a PS3. It's an incredible player, it's easily updated via the net or medium, and it's seemingly built tuff. I think anyone would be a fool to waste their money on a cheaper player, rather than not just wait and save up the extra cash for the benefit of playing the great exclusive games that you'll access to as well as the movies. You're a gamer, and you should know that reason alone to save up and wait.

I'm not saying you, but for anyone grinding their teeth over this announcement, seeing the writing on the wall for HD-DVD, giving in and buying an inferior Blu-Ray player or something similar priced instead of a PS3 really shows how rediculous they are. Especially here, a gaming forum, where most are presumably "gamers first".

I'm expecting my tax refund to make the saving issue moot. I should be able to pull off $400. But anyway. Really, enough about me. Please.



KTallguy said:
PS3 remote works great. The controller works fine too.

Sucks that the PS3 doesn't have IR, but saying that it doesn't work out of the box with a 3rd party peripheral... I dunno what to say.

I'm sorry, but if I have a Harmony remote I'm not going to be happy using the PS3 remote, much less a controller.

That was the entire point of my comment. It was in the context of somebody who wanted a BD player and was asked why not a PS3, sheesh already.
Wall Street Journal said:
And while Microsoft's decision to leave HD DVD out of its Xbox may have cost the format some crucial support, Microsoft's bet appears to have paid off for its games business.

The technical specifications for HD DVD weren't ready at the time Microsoft was gearing up to start manufacturing the Xbox 360 in 2005. The Redmond, Wash., company was determined to beat Sony to market with its game console by introducing the Xbox 360 in time for the 2005 holiday shopping; waiting for HD DVD to be ready would have eaten away at the company's head start on Sony.

The author gets it.


Junior Butler
Woo-Fu said:
I don't have to. Anybody can go back and read the thread.

I said the PS3 doesn't have IR.

You said there is a work-around.

I said some people buy things that just work.

You said it does work.

Well, it doesn't "Just work", which is what I said and what you replied to.

I don't have to put words in your mouth, but I may have to put some in your head to make you understand what I said.

At the very least, you completely twisted my words into something they weren't. I was simply pointing out a solution that didn't involve him purchasing two different devices that perform the same function. Does it make more sense to go out and buy a stand-alone BR player when there's a good possibility of him buying a PS3, or to invest in a $14 solution?


Post Count: 9999
WrikaWrek said:
Yeah, 50' tv's. That's the future, i can already see it.

As prices fall ... yeah, pretty much.

You can get a 50" 1080p TV now for under $1500. Prices will continue to fall.


Metalmurphy said:
/me stops reading...

It's hilarious how the HD-DVD side is whining about PAYING OFF A STUDIO TO KEEP THEM EXCLUSIVE, they got beaten, SEVERELY BEATEN TO THEIR DEATH, in their own game. HD-DVD should just suck it up and close shop, it's game over man. GAME OVER MAN.




Kittonwy said:
It's hilarious how the HD-DVD side is whining about PAYING OFF A STUDIO TO KEEP THEM EXCLUSIVE, they got beaten, SEVERELY BEATEN TO THEIR DEATH, in their own game. HD-DVD should just suck it up and close shop, it's game over man. GAME OVER MAN.




What a bunch of whining hypocrites.



GAF's Bob Woodward
When is the BDA conference again?

Also, do studios do press events at all, or has anyone tracked down execs from Universal or Paramount to see what they're saying?


gofreak said:
When is the BDA conference again?

Also, do studios do press events at all, or has anyone tracked down execs from Universal or Paramount to see what they're saying?

1am uk time


gofreak said:
When is the BDA conference again?

Also, do studios do press events at all, or has anyone tracked down execs from Universal or Paramount to see what they're saying?

They should just have a party for the BDA conference where you have the stage painted like a giant tombstone with "RIP HD-DVD" marked on it so people can dance all over it.


Dunlop said:
Intersting article from the WSJ that what quoted in the AVS forums

article said:
Paramount Pictures, a unit of Viacom Inc., plans to continue to support the HD DVD format, a spokeswoman said yesterday. The other remaining Hollywood supporter, General Electric Co.'s Universal Pictures, declined to comment.

Wow. That's something else. If Universal even so much as sways to even as much as "support" and release Blu-Ray movies, then that day alone Toshiba should just send out a letter to the press saying they concede to Blu-Ray.

Benji said:
I'm expecting my tax refund to make the saving issue moot. I should be able to pull off $400. But anyway. Really, enough about me. Please.


Good man! Make sure you fudge the claim enough to make sure you can pick up Uncharted day one as well.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Kittonwy said:
They should just have a party for the BDA conference where you have the stage painted like a giant tombstone with "RIP HD-DVD" marked on it so people can dance all over it.

Like the OS 9 Funeral?



Kittonwy said:
They should just have a party for the BDA conference where you have the stage painted like a giant tombstone with "RIP HD-DVD" marked on it so people can dance all over it.

Someone needs to do a photoshop of the Iraqis hitting the statue of Saddam with their shoes but photoshop an HD-DVD in there, or some such. STAT!


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm expecting my tax refund to make the saving issue moot. I should be able to pull off $400. But anyway. Really, enough about me. Please.


Hey Ben, Don't sweat it remember, the PS3 is fighting for it's LIFE, not against HD DVD players but against the 360/Wii So Sony is going to be FORCED to lower PS3 prices or risk falling farther and farther, I would be shocked if you couldn't pick up a PS3 for $300 by Holiday 2008. Kittonwy is showing NO CLASS acting the way he is, and is just "Stirring" the pot of anger, I guess with all the disappointments regardingIt's a the PS3 anything to crow about feels good.It's a shame at this point that some on the "Winning" side of this HD Format war, couldn't be a little more "Sporting" but I guess thats the internet for you.


5 MB @ 56k back in the day: 20 minutes (at about 4 KBps, which was typical for 56k P2P back in the day).

In the same amount of time, I can download over 1.2 GB (I have 12 mbps down over cable, and yes, I do get that speed).

Here's how we do this correctly:
Pick a movie to watch.

Select the streams you want (Language/commentary and format for audio, resolution, language, and extended/deleted scenes for video, and subtitles).

Start buffering.

Press play in about 20 minutes.

For a 2 hour movie on my connection, you'd get an effective bitrate of over 9500 Kbps.
This is awesome for any decent MP4 codec.
People with slower connections will just have to wait longer before they can start watching. This is easily solved by letting people pre load (much like Steam) movies they want to watch before they are released. Or by automatically pre loading movies they may want to watch.

Over the next TWO YEARS we'll see this become a MUCH more viable option as more PCs will be able to decode h.264 and similar formats without choking, and storage capacity continues to increase.

The remaining bottleneck is bandwidth.
For most people, the wait associated (now) with a direct download service is too long.
Sure, there'll be options for people to log on at work, for example, and add a movie to their queue, which starts loading it so they can watch it that night. Maybe even auto loading of suggested movies, or pre-loading of upcoming releases. But for most people it'll be easier to wait for something to come in the mail or to drive down to blockbuster.

There ARE people, in the US, who have enough bandwidth for this to work. Our numbers will only increase over time. Yes, the infrastructure needs a revamp, but it's not going to suffer some overload catastrophe like some of the "experts" like to whine about every month or so.

If MS' plan was to just help their planned service (no - it wasn't. Michael Bay is a retard) then they've bought themselves enough time, and should be able to make it work for the people who are already in the "HD" market. the HD market as a whole has been slow. It's no surprise that the HD disc market has been slow, and similarly the HD download market will be slow. Just like DVDs, however, the HD market will pick up steam and take over.


SexConker said:
5 MB @ 56k back in the day: 20 minutes (at about 4 KBps, which was typical for 56k P2P back in the day).

In the same amount of time, I can download over 1.2 GB (I have 12 mbps down over cable, and yes, I do get that speed).

Here's how we do this correctly:
Pick a movie to watch.

Select the streams you want (Language/commentary and format for audio, resolution, language, and extended/deleted scenes for video, and subtitles).

Start buffering.

Press play in about 20 minutes.

For a 2 hour movie on my connection, you'd get an effective bitrate of over 9500 Kbps.
This is awesome for any decent MP4 codec.
People with slower connections will just have to wait longer before they can start watching. This is easily solved by letting people pre load (much like Steam) movies they want to watch before they are released. Or by automatically pre loading movies they may want to watch.

Over the next TWO YEARS we'll see this become a MUCH more viable option as more PCs will be able to decode h.264 and similar formats without choking, and storage capacity continues to increase.

The remaining bottleneck is bandwidth.
For most people, the wait associated (now) with a direct download service is too long.
Sure, there'll be options for people to log on at work, for example, and add a movie to their queue, which starts loading it so they can watch it that night. Maybe even auto loading of suggested movies, or pre-loading of upcoming releases. But for most people it'll be easier to wait for something to come in the mail or to drive down to blockbuster.

There ARE people, in the US, who have enough bandwidth for this to work. Our numbers will only increase over time. Yes, the infrastructure needs a revamp, but it's not going to suffer some overload catastrophe like some of the "experts" like to whine about every month or so.

If MS' plan was to just help their planned service (no - it wasn't. Michael Bay is a retard) then they've bought themselves enough time, and should be able to make it work for the people who are already in the "HD" market. the HD market as a whole has been slow. It's no surprise that the HD disc market has been slow, and similarly the HD download market will be slow. Just like DVDs, however, the HD market will pick up steam and take over.

You are the anomaly in the US though. Most people are on budget 1.5-3 mbps connections. I am on a pretty good connection and it's "maxed" at 7 mbps and I know that I never hit that theoretical maximum. But yeah, the scenarios that you mentioned regarding streaming downloads in the background are certainly feasible. We'll have to see what happens. Me personally, if it's a movie that I love and I want to watch over and over I'd much prefer a disc based medium, unless it's something where I can get all of the content (DD, DTS and higher lossless audio, extras, subtitles, etc) through this and be able to store it on an HTPC (that I can't afford).

Master Z

JCBossman said:
Hey Ben, Don't sweat it remember, the PS3 is fighting for it's LIFE, not against HD DVD players but against the 360/Wii So Sony is going to be FORCED to lower PS3 prices or risk falling farther and farther, I would be shocked if you couldn't pick up a PS3 for $300 by Holiday 2008. Kittonwy is showing NO CLASS acting the way he is, and is just "Stirring" the pot of anger, I guess with all the disappointments regardingIt's a the PS3 anything to crow about feels good.It's a shame at this point that some on the "Winning" side of this HD Format war, couldn't be a little more "Sporting" but I guess thats the internet for you.

Somebody's catching feelings. I don't see you telling Wii and 360 fanboys to be "more sporting" in the NPD threads. Suck it up and grow a pair, hypocrite.
Just think, BenjaminBirdie, when you get a PS3 you can play with me online.


If I hear that you bought a stand-alone and not a PS3 I'm coming to your house with guns. And bullets.


Junior Butler
Master Z said:
Somebody's catching feelings. I don't see you telling Wii and 360 fanboys to be "more sporting" in the NPD threads. Suck it up and grow a pair, hypocrite.

One of the only items worth reading in this thread.
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