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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Doc Evils said:

at CES...



Master Z

JCBossman said:
Really? Do they have: a party for the X360 conference where you have the stage painted like a giant tombstone with "RIP PS3" marked on it so people can dance all over it.

How is that any different than the PS3 d00m photoshops we see in the NPD threads?

JCBossman said:
No the tables HAVEN"T TURNED, just wait for this month PITIFUL PS3numbers to prove the point, I wonder what PS3 "Exclusive" will bail Next

You really are quite emotionally invested into this silly console war. That's not a good look, especially when you turn around and ridicule the hardcore Sony fans for acting the same way.
bishoptl said:
I know you're trying your damndest to get permed before the ticking time bomb in your tag blows up, but come on now :lol

It's the Fiiinal Count-down!

Oh nevermind. The Turok thing will be your undoing.


I’ve been following bits and pieces of this thread but I’m also in the camp that hd digital downloads are a ways off to replacing disc-based media.

Two main reasons:

1. Broadband infrastructure still not there yet, and won’t be ready anytime soon. Not if we’re talking high definition movie downloads. Downloading compressed music and movies that look great on your iPod is one thing but many homes won’t be ready for 30 – 50GB downloads per movie. Even with the compression (which I’m not a fan of when it comes to high definition content) they are going to be pushing through some very large files.

Lots of Americans are getting broadband, but that being said there are many homes that still need it. Even with places where broadband is available, there are cable companies dealing with the issues of adding more bandwidth to their networks. It’s going to take a bit to get this really going. We’ve seen how slow the transition from analog to digital has gone.

Add to this that many European countries are in worse shape compared to America when it comes to broadband access. Companies are going to have to take a big look at the whole world when developing their digital distribution model.

Not only is there the pipeline issue but storage as well. Microsoft and Sony are touting their machines as HD media centers yet I consistently hear complaints about a lack of storage space when it comes to gaming demos and SD video where users are constantly having to erase files to make room. Storage is getting cheaper but it’s not keeping up with what’s needed for high definition content.

2. Retailers. Why do publishers love the idea of digital downloads? More profit because it leaves out the middle man. No worrying about estimating how much stock to ship (and later buy back if needed), savings from packaging, etc. But the retailers have a huge voice. On the 1upyours podcast they mentioned the big fiasco with Warhawk where Sony was pretty much forced to bring out the game-only version (without the bundled mic) to have something comparable with the download price.

One of the major sources of revenue for places like Wal-mart, Best Buy, etc. are media sales, whether it be movies, games or music. They make hardly anything on the gaming systems themselves. They will fight hard to keep that source of income.

Digital downloads will be much more prevalent, but I don’t think disc-based media is going anywhere for awhile.


This is so funny. I think we should all throw in to help pay for JC's therapy bill.

Digital downloads LOL...yeah because everyone has fios. Even if most people had standard high speed internet, it wouldn't work. Do people understand the concept of download speeds?

Hey honey lets get this movie. It will be downloaded in just a few hours.


I am out of this thread, as long as Kittonwy uses the word "HD DVD" as a standin for X360 he can troll LIMITLESSLY, so my advice when you wanna troll poor PS3 sales or whatever just call it "Blu-Ray" Like LOL look at that Blu-Ray Player's #'s they should just quit.


Will drop pants for Sony.
JCBossman said:
Hey just saying, Everyone Hates on the X360 boys until it comes time to make a few bucks

When is the 360 a factor? this thread is about good news for blu-ray, sony and PS3. 360 does not have much to lose with hd-dvd so it is a non-factor for xbox 360 fans. Only hd-dvd fans are disappointed, but still this news does not prevent a person from using their hd-dvd player anymore. There are still people that use laserdisc and umds....and minidisc.

So why not just rejoice in the fact that there will now be an end to this damn hd war and we dont have to buy a new machine to play a certain movie or tv series we like.

Finally I can be sure enough that the hd movies that i buy will be in one format only.

JCBossman said:
I am out of this thread, as long as Kittonwy uses the word "HD DVD" as a standin for X360 he can troll LIMITLESSLY, so my advice when you wanna troll poor PS3 sales or whatever just call it "Blu-Ray" Like LOL look at that Blu-Ray Player's #'s they should just quit.

Ok, i think you had a bit too much of the punch there.


shinsnake said:
I'm glad that the HD DVD player I bought was only $98. With it being so cheap, it's worth it for me. I got the Bourne Trilogy and Transformers and by the time Universal and Paramount decide to give up the good fight and go Blu Ray only too, BD players will be cheaper and so will the discs themselves. I'm hoping either the PS3 (any version) is $299 by Holiday '08 or stand alone Blu Ray players are $299 which would mean you could probably find them on sale for $249. I almost bought the Sharp BD player last week when you got the five free discs in store plus the five free through mail, but with this announcement, I'm thinking it might have been a good move to wait. One more company is Blu Ray exclusive which means that they are one step closer to being the only HD solution which means they will be more accepted by the mainstream, which hopefully means prices will drop in short order.

Well, you don't have long to wait until stand alone Blu-ray players are $299 or less. This one is $339.36. There was a Samsung player at Amazon a few weeks ago for $280 but I can't find it now. Regardless, you'll easily be seeing prices below $300 by Christmas of 2008, wouldn't be surprised if they break the $200 mark.


my name is Ted
As I said before in another Thread the Warner Bros. goes Blu-Ray does not hurt the 360 or MS. It Hurt HD DVD and Toshiba. The last time I checked the game that run on the 360 are DVD not HD DVD! All MS have to do is stop selling the HD DVD add on and start selling a Blu-Ray add on. The HD DVD drive is not part of the 360 system. By the way most 360 owner I know don’t have the HD DVD add on. MS is NOT coming out with HD DVD drive in the system so I don’t think MS or 360 owner cares about Warner Bros. going with Sony on Blu-Ray for Movies. (By the way this has nothing to do with games.)


Junior Butler
Kasumi1970 said:
As I said before in another Thread the Warner Bros. goes Blue-Ray does not hurt the 360 or MS. It Hurt HD DVD and Toshiba. The last time I checked the game that run on the 360 are DVD not HD DVD! All MS have to do is stop selling the HD DVD add on and start selling a Blue-Ray add on. The HD DVD drive is not part of the 360 system. By the way most 360 owner I know don’t have the HD DVD add on. MS is NOT coming out with HD DVD drive in the system so I don’t think MS or 360 owner cares about Warner Bros. going with Sony on Blue-Ray for Movies. (By the way this has nothing to do with games.)

Tell me more about this Blue-ray.


JCBossman said:
I am out of this thread, as long as Kittonwy uses the word "HD DVD" as a standin for X360 he can troll LIMITLESSLY, so my advice when you wanna troll poor PS3 sales or whatever just call it "Blu-Ray" Like LOL look at that Blu-Ray Player's #'s they should just quit.

you cant leave, you never elaborated your two posts that were nonsensical to me, i asked for you to elaborate basically.
JCBossman said:
I am out of this thread, as long as Kittonwy uses the word "HD DVD" as a standin for X360 he can troll LIMITLESSLY, so my advice when you wanna troll poor PS3 sales or whatever just call it "Blu-Ray" Like LOL look at that Blu-Ray Player's #'s they should just quit.

Dude, he writes in baby talk. I'm pretty sure he has some serious mental issues. Have some pity on him.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Since the CES thread disappeared from gaming, I guess I'll put this in here. A couple of interesting bits relating to gaming from a Howard Stringer roundtable:


Sony has shored up the problems in its electronics, and will concentrate in 2008 on bringing more video content to its devices and improving its software, said CEO Sir Howard Stringer.

"We will see if we can enter the battle against the software companies. This is probably the year we need to demonstrate that," Stringer said during a meeting with reporters at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas Monday morning.

One of the first examples of this strategy will be an expansion of the PlayStation Network. The network now is mostly used by gamers. Sony wants to turn it into a platform to deliver video. Sony will hold a press conference in two months to discuss changes to the PlayStation 3.

I guess that's where they'll announce their downloadable video plans for PS3. Would that coincide with GDC, or something else? GDC would seem like a strange place to spotlight that.

Sony is also looking at incorporating its Cell processor, which currently sits inside of the PlayStation3, in other products. Cell is particularly good at manipulating video streams. The company even held a contest among engineers to design new applications. However, Sony didn't put a firm date on when some of these devices might come out or what they might be.

Toshiba showed a TV with Cell incorporated at CES, btw..I think due something late 08/early 09.

The PlayStation2 will become the device that Sony will use to take on the Nintendo Wii. Titles like GuitarHero have sold well with PlayStation2 and consumers can expect to see more casual games and non-core gamer games coming out, said Kaz Hirai, chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment, which oversees video consoles.


On Blu-ray stuff:

Blu-ray players outsold HD DVD players during the holiday season, Sony asserted. Blu-ray accounted for 70 percent of the standalone high dev video players during the holidays, according to the company.

Stringer wouldn't directly comment on whether the Blu-ray consortium paid money to Warner to put its movies exclusively on Blu-ray. Stringer said Warner saw the value of the format but dodged discussing financial terms. "I think you are going to have to take that announcement at face value," he said.

Perhaps other reports from this meeting will have more direct quotes on the Playstation business.
Jtrizzy said:

I have friends who record concerts on Minidisc to this day, and portable recorder/players are still on the market. I've still got a working laserdisc player for stuff like Song of the South and some concerts that don't exist on DVD, though I'm the first to admit that I've just been lazy getting all of the stuff converted.

gofreak said:
I guess that's where they'll announce their downloadable video plans for PS3. Would that coincide with GDC, or something else? GDC would seem like a strange place to spotlight that.

I'd say by then they are going to be running out of stock of systems that can run PS2 games, so I'd imagine they'll be making some announcement as to whether or not there will be a new BC SKU.

(yes, I know that in Europe they've already taken BC off the market)


JCBossman said:
I am out of this thread, as long as Kittonwy uses the word "HD DVD" as a standin for X360 he can troll LIMITLESSLY, so my advice when you wanna troll poor PS3 sales or whatever just call it "Blu-Ray" Like LOL look at that Blu-Ray Player's #'s they should just quit.

Holy shit.


Incredibly Naive
Like to add to this love fest of Blu-ray here. Recently went to the mall to best buy first. First off lots of sales, my cousin picked up 3 movies while there, and there were several other people scopin out the blu-rays like families and such. Empty in the HD-DVD section. They also expanded the section of blu-ray so now it has more than 2 times the space HD-DVD had. When going to check out ps3 games we saw a guy buying an 80 gig "now this one plays blu-rays right". Went to gamestop, same thing happened there pretty much. It's weird, because 3 months ago there were barely any blu-rays at my best buy and nobody knew what it was.

Also they talked about it on the news yesterday saying that it was the format of the future and such. My dad walked in the room later and was talkin about his friends at work just got blu-ray players and such. It's great to see it finally turning the corner:D


beermonkey@tehbias said:
I have friends who record concerts on Minidisc to this day, and portable recorder/players are still on the market. I've still got a working laserdisc player for stuff like Song of the South and some concerts that don't exist on DVD, though I'm the first to admit that I've just been lazy getting all of the stuff converted.

Yep, you and your friend represent a huge market there.
My household had laserdisc too! I still miss it now.

Segata Sanshiro said:
UMD is still arguably the best optical disc-based portable movie format on the PSP.

I still would rather go through the pain of ripping DVD in a format that PSP likes then go out and buy a UMD. I think it's a shame that the UMD format exists. Digital downloads supported by an iTunes like service would have been great, they could have made all games and movies downloadable directly to some kind of internal storage. However, I love PSP because it's drag and drop, so I'd like that functionality retained for music that I already own...
Sorry to interupt JCBossmans hilarious meltdown, but this:

patsu said:
Sony Pictures today showcased upcoming Blu-ray interactive features for their titles. One feature will allow viewers to send a ring tone to their phone from the movie. Additionally, PSP owners will be happy to hear that a portable copy will be available on the disc encoded specifically for the PSP.

is great news for PSP owners, no?
gofreak said:
I guess that's where they'll announce their downloadable video plans for PS3. Would that coincide with GDC, or something else? GDC would seem like a strange place to spotlight that.

Nope, GDC is in February. So they're either going to hold their own show come March or there's some other showing going on that month.


GAF's Bob Woodward
beermonkey@tehbias said:
I'd say by then they are going to be running out of stock of systems that can run PS2 games, so I'd imagine they'll be making some announcement as to whether or not there will be a new BC SKU.

(yes, I know that in Europe they've already taken BC off the market)

The context of the 'press conference in 2 months time' seemed solely related to psn expansion/video downloads, as if they mentioned that and then told them there'd be more at a press conference in 2 months. Not sure where BC enters into this (?)


One last thing, before recommending those "budget" $280 Blu-Ray players, at least let them know it's a NON UPGRADEABLE player with No PIP, No Ethernet, No interactivity whatsoever, and are as slow as shit.
gofreak said:
The context of the 'press conference in 2 months time' seemed solely related to psn expansion/video downloads, as if they mentioned that and then told them there'd be more at a press conference in 2 months. Not sure where BC enters into this (?)

It's just wishful thinking on my behalf. I really want them to make a BC model with 65nm fab (and SACD support). :D
I was at the grocery store yesterday and a bunch of people were lighting piles of magazines and toilet paper out of rage that the store didn't carry Blu-Ray. Then I saw some guy get pulled over and when he tried to bribe the cop with an HD-DVD, the cop shot him in the face.

It was awesome.


Segata Sanshiro said:
I was at the grocery store yesterday and a bunch of people were lighting piles of magazines and toilet paper out of rage that the store didn't carry Blu-Ray. Then I saw some guy get pulled over and when he tried to bribe the cop with an HD-DVD, the cop shot him in the face.

It was awesome.

i was there, i was the second gunman on the grassy knoll...


Sony Pictures today showcased upcoming Blu-ray interactive features for their titles. One feature will allow viewers to send a ring tone to their phone from the movie. Additionally, PSP owners will be happy to hear that a portable copy will be available on the disc encoded specifically for the PSP.

How does this work? This sounds awesome!


Post Count: 9999
bishoptl said:
I know you're trying your damndest to get permed before the ticking time bomb in your tag blows up, but come on now :lol


I'm seeing the potention for an epic meltdown ... this is good stuff.


my name is Ted
belvedere said:
Tell me more about this Blue-ray.

Is that new HD format by Sony hopping to replace DVD? I heard it is also in the PS3. :lol :lol :lol :lol
but Seriously that what I get for using Microsoft Word spell check :lol :lol


Post Count: 9999
JCBossman said:
So what's your opinion of that Turok game, are your PS3 Boys going to PULL for you or are you going to rely on US X360 to bail you out? You know the system you hate?

Yes ... EPIC!!!

:lol :lol :lol


Kasumi1970 said:

Is that new HD format by Sony hopping to replace DVD? I heard it is also in the PS3. :lol :lol :lol :lol
but Seriously that what I get for using Microsoft Word spell check :lol :lol



Segata Sanshiro said:
Then I saw some guy get pulled over and when he tried to bribe the cop with an HD-DVD, the cop shot him in the face.

It was awesome.

It was a justifiable shooting as my life and many others would be on the line with an individual like this on the streets.

(PS I don't hate HD-DVD, I just never invested in it due to the early writing on the wall, and I'm just glad this will all hopefully come to an end so the HDM industry will start taking off)


JCBossman said:
One last thing, before recommending those "budget" $280 Blu-Ray players, at least let them know it's a NON UPGRADEABLE player with No PIP, No Ethernet, No interactivity whatsoever, and are as slow as shit.

I would not recommend at this point that anyone buy a $280 Blu-ray player, but if they're dead set on a stand alone player and are waiting until it's $299 or below, my point is that we're already there. If they really want one now, the PS3 is the best Blu-ray player out there for the price, bar none. That's besides the fact that it plays games.
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