First Name
So how are people doing with finding all the hidden vault symbols? I can't find a single one in
I feel like the weapon shops aren't as good as they were in BL1. I have a few different characters but my highest one is level 20 and I've never seen anything beyond a green gun in the shops. In BL1 I found decent blue and purple guns in the shops all the time, sometimes even orange ones. I think they should have brand specific gun shops
Tip another $10,000 for the first gun and another for the second.
Thanks for the advice on protecting Overseer, I think I'll try tomorrow.
I'm currently level 28 deadly sniper, I've done nearly every side-quest up to this point (including the stuff at Lynchwood) and I'm doing the Opportunity missions now. Would I need to do some serious grinding for the rest of this playthrough to reach level 50? I didn't get anywhere near close to that in the original.
Assuming you do every side quest along the way, the earliest you'll be able to hit level 50 is around the halfway point of TVHM.
I'm sure it's been posted before but I got her second gun by just tipping hundreds, not thousands. I spammed the hell out of it though but it worked.
So immediately after picking this up and starting the game, two of my IRL friends immediately jumped in the game (at level 17 and 11 respectively), gave me some guns, and were just killing stuff right and left and I didn't even know what the hell was going on. Hell, I couldn't even put a dent in most enemies. I had to stop playing because I was just confused on what the hell was going on (didn't even really get used to the controls or anything).
I imagine that this is not the optimal method on how to play this game.
I have to say I think I really must be no good at this game... I don't know whether it's my play style or class or what, but I'm finding I'm dying a real lot. I'm at level 9 with zero and 5 with Axton (rerolled since I thought zero wasn't solo friendly enough) but have found the game to be more frustrating than fun. I played the hell out of the first game for reference.
Any tips for me? Is it just me?
I have to say I think I really must be no good at this game... I don't know whether it's my play style or class or what, but I'm finding I'm dying a real lot. I'm at level 9 with zero and 5 with Axton (rerolled since I thought zero wasn't solo friendly enough) but have found the game to be more frustrating than fun. I played the hell out of the first game for reference.
Any tips for me? Is it just me?
I have to say I think I really must be no good at this game... I don't know whether it's my play style or class or what, but I'm finding I'm dying a real lot. I'm at level 9 with zero and 5 with Axton (rerolled since I thought zero wasn't solo friendly enough) but have found the game to be more frustrating than fun. I played the hell out of the first game for reference.
Any tips for me? Is it just me?
Btw; who's the biggest badass around here?My rank is about 8000 now, I think, with 45lvl and 22lvl characters and I'm puting points into twelve categories. I wonder when does the dreaded 0,1% increase kick in. At categories around 7,5% I'm getting 0,4% increases, so probably at 10% or so.
Since the gun is scaled to your level (is it?), it's probably also scaled in regards to how much it costs. I think that's the reason we're getting such different reports on how much you need to tip. Could be wrong.
The vending machines are definitely garbage. Bunch of greens that are no good for an exorbitant amount. More reason to spend it on slots.
I havnt yet bought a gun from the machine. I ALWAYS hit up the slots before anything else
Eridium becomes useless once you have bought everything from the black market with it...why can't we trade it for cash or use it in slots or something? I've got 99 Eridium and can't spend a one.
Eridium becomes useless once you have bought everything from the black market with it...why can't we trade it for cash or use it in slots or something? I've got 99 Eridium and can't spend a one.
Cold Steel and All-Seeing Eye look really nice together.
I'm at 10160 Badass rank. I've been spreading them out, so the lowest increase I've seen is 0.4%.Btw; who's the biggest badass around here?My rank is about 8000 now, I think, with 45lvl and 22lvl characters and I'm puting points into twelve categories. I wonder when does the dreaded 0,1% increase kick in. At categories around 7,5% I'm getting 0,4% increases, so probably at 10% or so.
I'm surprised the BL2 slots phenomenon hasn't meme status yet.I forgot who said it but they had a point:
Gearbox should make a Casino themed DLC
More games to spend cash and a few missions to go with. Seriously that shit would be crazy
I forgot who said it but they had a point:
Gearbox should make a Casino themed DLC
More games to spend cash and a few missions to go with. Seriously that shit would be crazy
Yeah was me. I want poker and more gambling stuff. They could do skagg racing or something.
Or put one of Scooter's vehicle on a turning stand near the entrance that you could win with the slots lol.
Wish I could get some cool skin/head drops. I kinda dig the customization aspect and hope they take it further in 3.Cold Steel and All-Seeing Eye look really nice together.
Anything. Vending machines, bollymong/skag/stalker/etc crap piles, killing things, quest rewards.What do you commonly get heads from? I've only found two so far and am up to Eridium Blight.
Anything. Vending machines, bollymong/skag/stalker/etc crap piles, killing things, quest rewards.
this game actually has me thinking about getting the season pass. I have BL1 but none of the expansions. does gearbox deliver is regards to DLC?
What do you commonly get heads from? I've only found two so far and am up to Eridium Blight.
this game actually has me thinking about getting the season pass. I have BL1 but none of the expansions. does gearbox deliver is regards to DLC?
this game actually has me thinking about getting the season pass. I have BL1 but none of the expansions. does gearbox deliver is regards to DLC?
Was it the points in your skill tree or your badass points?
Since my badass points and skins got reset, I'm really finding it hard to continue either of my characters... :/
Do you get a gun on true vault hunter mode from moxxi for tipping?