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Borderlands |OT| More guns than the population of the Netherlands

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I hope they raise the level cap with DLC or something. Just over a week's worth of playing and I'm already a 48.

Oh and the loot system needs to be tuned a bit. I'm on my second playthrough AND I'm a 48, but I'm still getting weapons that do half the damage and perks as an average gun you get in your first playthrough? I should be getting Dark Oranges and Pearlescents left and fucking right.


Neo Member
Playing the Single Player campaign lowered my blood sugar level to the point that I had to take a nap.

I'm sure other people on my friends list are playing this, but they're not popping up on the menu.


Neo Member
bengraven said:
Okay, this is strange as well.

I normally don't do this kind of thing, but here goes:

4gb RAM
Nvidia 9800GT
Quad Duo 2.5ghz

WTF should I have the settings at to run smoothly?

I started with everything maxed and it ran fine, sometimes 60+ fps, then after that bandit attack it seems like there is quite a bit of tearing and frequent sudden and drastic frame drops while TURNING. That's my major issue, my character turns and suddenly it's just a bit, blurry janky piece of shit.

I already dropped foliage settings to low (I don't care about grass), that on and went down to just 1024×768 and I'm considering turning off depth of field as depressing as that is.

Okay, maybe I'm being picky. :p

Have you tried turning on vsync and turning off mouse smoothing in the .ini? I have similar pc specs to yours and those two things made a big difference in getting that 'smooth' feeling while turning. Turning off dynamic shadows and ambient occlusion help framerate a lot too. The game still doesn't run perfectly smooth for me, but it's a lot better than when I started.
Ogs said:
Does the PS3 version use GameSpy ? And does that have port issues ?

Not as far as mine is concerned. No hitches, bar a reset to get a friend to appear in my list after he started Borderlands for the first time. PS3 version runs fine - at least for me, thought some people have been complaining of issues that, quite frankly, I've never even experienced in the slightest.


imprecise! said:
Have you tried turning on vsync and turning off mouse smoothing in the .ini? I have similar pc specs to yours and those two things made a big difference in getting that 'smooth' feeling while turning. Turning off dynamic shadows and ambient occlusion help framerate a lot too. The game still doesn't run perfectly smooth for me, but it's a lot better than when I started.

You do that via the .ini file?

I think I may try this, thanks. I swear, some games run awesome at full settings or nearly full settings (Crysis, Fallout 3) and then some of the strangest games run really janky for some reason (Bully, Fallout 3's Point Lookout and this).

Thanks man, I did already turn off ambient occlusion, just couldn't remember what that setting was. I really would hate to turn off dynamic shadows. I'd like to think I spent good money earlier this year for all the bells and whistles. :lol


Neo Member
bengraven said:
You do that via the .ini file?

I think I may try this, thanks. I swear, some games run awesome at full settings or nearly full settings (Crysis, Fallout 3) and then some of the strangest games run really janky for some reason (Bully, Fallout 3's Point Lookout and this).

Thanks man, I did already turn off ambient occlusion, just couldn't remember what that setting was. I really would hate to turn off dynamic shadows. I'd like to think I spent good money earlier this year for all the bells and whistles. :lol

My Documents / My Games / Borderlands / WillowGame / Config

In WillowEngine.ini find "UseVsync" and set it to true.

In WillowInput.ini find "bEnableMouseSmoothing" and set it to false.

Turning off dynamic shadows was the biggest boost in performance for me, but yeah, it definitely looks better with them on.

Hope that helps!


Axel Hertz
I... I... I just can't stop playing this damn game.

I don't know, the shooting never gets boring! And i'm holding to some weapons for a long ass time already, but it's STILL satisfying.

I'm doing a play through alone so I can get all the story (since there's so little, there's no time online for quest reading or audiolog listening).

Game is awesome. I already made 3 different characters (sorry Brick) and I love them all.
I am also really digging this game. It can be quite boring in single player, but the online works pretty well on Live that it's really no problem finding games and such.

The loot is awesome, although I would kill for some kind of item box/chest :( Anyone know if it possible to use the splitscreen mode to use another character as a mule?

I got quite a few levels yesterday because of some friends who let me in on their 2nd playthrough. Was ridiculously hard at level 17. Eventually figured out that pretty much every gun I pulled out wasn't going to do more than 3 damage so I decided to just get a fast one and pile on as many 1 damage hits as fast as I could manage :)

I am constantly swapping weapons because I have so many interesting ones that have different strengths and weaknesses. For example pretty early I found a nice Hyperion sniper. Nothing really special but the accuracy and speed of it outclass anything I have seen. Only problem is the zoom is just a normal 1.0x so it is kind of wasted. On the other hand I have a less accurate corrosive sniper with 2.8x. I really find it hard to choose :(

It really is a pretty cool loot system.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I am constantly swapping weapons because I have so many interesting ones that have different strengths and weaknesses. For example pretty early I found a nice Hyperion sniper. Nothing really special but the accuracy and speed of it outclass anything I have seen. Only problem is the zoom is just a normal 1.0x so it is kind of wasted. On the other hand I have a less accurate corrosive sniper with 2.8x. I really find it hard to choose :(

It really is a pretty cool loot system.

This... I don't think there's ever been an FPS before in which, after getting about 10 hours in or so, I found myself constantly switching between 6 different guns because I just enjoyed them each so much.

And the PC version has been running essentially flawlessly for me since first boot, beyond Gamespy sucking more than a Dyson XL. Better than games which are substantially older and use the same engine.. :-/

BTW Budokai if you use snipers a lot your proficiency will largely counteract lesser accuracy so you might want to go for the higher zoom + facemelting.


Still Tagged Accordingly
how do you display the frame rate? i need to do some setting tweaks so i can get the frame rate around the 60 mark.


I'm around level 22 now, and I finally have a solid roster of weapons that I like. I found myself constantly discarding and swapping weapons up until around level 20.
Really liking the game so far - single player more than multiplayer, oddly. Probably because the PC's multiplayer has been hit and miss performance wise for me.

I also maintain a solid 60 fps on the PC version. I have a pretty up to date machine though.


This has been probably asked a lot, but what is the "threshold" for the end of the game?

What quest should I stop at?

I am at "Another Piece of the Puzzle" right now, and I believe I am getting close. I just don't want to go too far yet.

Also, if any PC players wants to play (lvl 30-35) I am getting on right now. Username is zero2000.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
There's no point of no return if that's what you're worried about.

So I can just go ahead and keep playing on that playthrough until I manually decide to start playthrough 2?


Teknoman said:
For now, they might not have ports forwarded correctly.


Just try to find rooms that mention that the ports have been forwarded in the room title.

I usually just have "Ports Open Lvl XX+" as my room title, and it fills up in about 30 seconds. :lol
zero2000 said:
So I can just go ahead and keep playing on that playthrough until I manually decide to start playthrough 2?
Yes. You can still go back and do side quests you missed after you finish the game, and even if you start playthrough 2 you can go back and forth between them.
BobFromPikeCreek said:
Yes. You can still go back and do side quests you missed after you finish the game, and even if you start playthrough 2 you can go back and forth between them.

Neat. Does playthrough 2 do anything different ?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Helmholtz said:
I'm around level 22 now, and I finally have a solid roster of weapons that I like. I found myself constantly discarding and swapping weapons up until around level 20.
Really liking the game so far - single player more than multiplayer, oddly. Probably because the PC's multiplayer has been hit and miss performance wise for me.

I also maintain a solid 60 fps on the PC version. I have a pretty up to date machine though.

That has been my experience pretty much word for word except I have enjoyed multiplayer more, mostly because even if the initial connect experience took some tryin', once all four players were in the game it is always multiple hours of questing and looting.

What good stuff have you got?
Domino Theory said:
I hope they raise the level cap with DLC or something. Just over a week's worth of playing and I'm already a 48.

Oh and the loot system needs to be tuned a bit. I'm on my second playthrough AND I'm a 48, but I'm still getting weapons that do half the damage and perks as an average gun you get in your first playthrough? I should be getting Dark Oranges and Pearlescents left and fucking right.

Just a note: Pearlescents aren't the best. A Gearbox dev said they are sort of "fluke" guns created by the system. They aren't better than Dark Oranges--Dark Oranges are the best.
Random question time: Anyone know how to get up to the first sniper post in Arid Hills? I killed the two snipers there and one dropped an orange, but I can't find a way to get up. The path is broken.


Mr. Snrub said:
Just a note: Pearlescents aren't the best. A Gearbox dev said they are sort of "fluke" guns created by the system. They aren't better than Dark Oranges--Dark Oranges are the best.

They(pearlescents) pretty much suck, at least the ones I've seen. I've seen more of the machine pistols with increased mag size than I can fit in my backpack. The only other one I got was also a machine pistol with a mod that mad it fire the entire clip if you shot it while zoomed in.

...both sorts of guns I'd never use anyways.

Purples can be better than dark oranges, some of the red text mods just aren't that useful and/or effective.
BobFromPikeCreek said:
How is it lazy when the rest of the game had barely any story to begin with?

Yea, but the story finally had a decent buildup there at the end. It's like the changed their mind during the last few missions to try and do something with the plot, then got to the end and went "Nahh, nevermind"
Note: If I'm rushing ahead, I might think you're playing too slow and trying to do quests instead of duel each other, not necessarily looting chests.


relies on auto-aim
God's Beard said:
Note: If I'm rushing ahead, I might think you're playing too slow and trying to do quests instead of duel each other, not necessarily looting chests.
Domino Theory said:
I hope they raise the level cap with DLC or something. Just over a week's worth of playing and I'm already a 48.

Oh and the loot system needs to be tuned a bit. I'm on my second playthrough AND I'm a 48, but I'm still getting weapons that do half the damage and perks as an average gun you get in your first playthrough? I should be getting Dark Oranges and Pearlescents left and fucking right.
Do New Haven or Crimson Fastness runs.
There's nothing left for me to do but find loot :lol


Speaking of nice loot, check these out:

A class mod to help find more/better loot.


A massive shield.


A backup sniper rifle for things that a Volcano will not burn. The level req on the rifle is after adjustment(I dumped that screenshot while wielding the rifle).

Not finished with the game yet, although I really like it. The one thing that I'm sure of, though, is that Borderlands 2 is going to be amazing. There's so many little issues in this game that would make it so much better if they were ironed out. Now that they know a sequel will sell they can make it so much better.


Wow just turned 29 and beat the
Rakk's Nest
on the first attempt (solo), gave me an entire lvl of xp but not so much as a green loot drop.

I'm so loving the Brick


I'm still using weapons and items that are in the 30's. Can't seem to find any good lvl 40's loot yet. I'm lvl 46 now too and have the +2 find rare items class mod on...bah. My friend got a rocket launcher that does ridiculous damage, shoots 3 acid rockets at a time and only costs 1 rocket per shot. That thing rapes. I just have 4 subpar elemental SMG's :|


relies on auto-aim
1stStrike said:
I'm still using weapons and items that are in the 30's. Can't seem to find any good lvl 40's loot yet. I'm lvl 46 now too and have the +2 find rare items class mod on...bah. My friend got a rocket launcher that does ridiculous damage, shoots 3 acid rockets at a time and only costs 1 rocket per shot. That thing rapes. I just have 4 subpar elemental SMG's :|
How sub par?
I've been holding onto a x4 lightning and x4 corrosive SMG that I haven't wanted to sell.

Woo-Fu I want that shield! I'll trade you my Liquid Penetrator for it :D
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