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Borderlands |OT| More guns than the population of the Netherlands


This also might be the first game I noticed that actually uses the sub channel directly. Well, others may have done this in the past, but when I was using the rocket launcher and grenades the rumble from my sub was shaking my entire apartment, I rarely see that, even in movies. The last movie that I saw that abused my sub was Cloverfield. With a properly tuned sub, you shouldn't even notice it unless someone specifically decides to amp it up on purpose. Subs are primarily meant to compliment the sound, not become the sound.

This is NOT a complaint. It put a shit eating grin on my face.


Justin said:
I am a level 15 hunter with a sniper level of 4 and I have had zero problems with the weapon.
I've got a lvl 21 Hunter, sniping seems perfect to me. No problems at all. Then again, I'm also thinking the ammo issue complaints are overblown.

You want something to complain about? Complain about the Mad Mel mission. Died 10+ times with my co-op partner, spending $1200 each time.


K' Dash said:
I started the game with a friend yesterday and we did some quests, but I want to know something: if he wants to play SP today will he be able to start where we left?

Sorry if this have been answered I scrolled a few pages back and fort and didn't find anything.

Yep, be the host and you'll be where you both left. If he hosts then you'll be at his place, further in the game probably.


Wizman23 said:
In the description it says that while berserking you gain health and are resistant to all damage. If that is the case how come my shields and health are still going down when getting hit during his Berserker? I assumed when you hit LB and activated his special move you are 100% invincible.....am I reading into it wrong or is the game not working properly?

Berserk doesn't mean invincible. You gain damage resistance (not invulnerability), and some health regen. You will still lose health when hit, just not as much as if you weren't berserk.


Lilith is one of only six Sirens in the galaxy, a group of people with incredible power. Unfortunately for her, she lacks a way of controlling it and thus seeks knowledge of her origins and abilities. She came to Pandora because she heard there was another Siren on the planet and wants to find whoever it is in the hope of learning more about herself. Her powers include the ability to increase her allies' rate of fire and the creation of temporal bubbles that slow down enemies' rate of fire and projectiles, or speed up allies.

That's in the OP, might need to change that cause I was like "there is no skill that speeds allies rate of fire..." maybe Movement speed? :)


TheFallen said:
Then again, I'm also thinking the ammo issue complaints are overblown.
It must be a random bug then because I can guarantee our complaints about the ammo were not exaggerated.

The game has some problems, but like I said before, it's still flat out fun to play.


Loving the game so far, played the 360 version for about 10 hours yesterday after work. The only thing that kind of disappointed me was the variety of gun models. Obviously I knew there weren't going to be thousands of unique gun models, but I kept getting the same 3 (and really just one) combat rifle model over and over again. The only guns that seemed different were the "special" ones that everyone got for quest rewards, etc. I didn't expect every white/green drop to look different, and maybe it was just bad luck on my part, but I wasn't feeling as much variety as I expected.


Saw a couple of questions about Brick I can answer. Also a hint for beating sledge and the regen system.

For Brick, when you are in beserk mode you gain health for as long as you are in beserk. You are not immune. So as long as your shield is still up your health will increase until it is full. Once your shield goes down you will start to lose health but you will gain it back while you are in beserk. Use beserk out of battle when your health is low and you will see that you gain it all back. Saves using health kits too.

For Sledge our fight was actually pretty simple. I ran in in beserk mode and just tore him apart with my fists. Pretty much defeated him by myself. If you are playing by yourself just figure out what your character's strengths are and use them to your advantage.

People were asking about how much money it costs to regen. The total cost is 10% of your current cash amount. The more money you have the more it costs.


some guy claimed he knew how to duplicate, came into my live game, dropped a bunch of uber items and quit to the dashboard, saying that was how you duplicate items >.> maybe gearbox should fix this?


Was in a 4 player co-op game with some guildies last night doing various quests. The highlight of the romp though was the Moe and Marley quest. Not only do you get those two epic beasts, but you get a whole clan of Skags with it. Such an epic fight. Definitely focus on Moe first as he's by far the most dangerous.

Circling around enemies when in groups is key.


Axel Hertz
Insaniac said:
some guy claimed he knew how to duplicate, came into my live game, dropped a bunch of uber items and quit to the dashboard, saying that was how you duplicate items >.> maybe gearbox should fix this?
And so it begins. The entire premise of the game (play so you can find better weapons) is now ruined.

This is PSO all over again.
Hey guys, did any of you notice, the map key indication of a bounty board... its on three places in the starting area map, yet I only see the bounty board in town. Why the hell does the map show the icon in two other places when I can only access it at the main town?


One thing that I noticed is that it says the siren class excels at using elemental damage. So does she not have any preferred weapons? Also what does this really mean? Does she do extra damage with elemental weapons? How much extra? What does it mean when a class prefers a sniper? How much extra damage?

What does this all mean? I'm just curious as I am playing a siren and I'm using all the weapons and was wondering if I'm missing out on a lot of damage or something.
I'm really hyped over this game. I can't wait to get it.

I was originally planning to get it for PC, but I can't game online at my school so we'll have to get it on 360 for split screen. :/


Philthy said:
One thing that I noticed is that it says the siren class excels at using elemental damage. So does she not have any preferred weapons? Also what does this really mean? Does she do extra damage with elemental weapons? How much extra? What does it mean when a class prefers a sniper? How much extra damage?

What does this all mean? I'm just curious as I am playing a siren and I'm using all the weapons and was wondering if I'm missing out on a lot of damage or something.
The only time there's a preferred weapon is if you spend talent points to increase your abilities with that weapon type, use a class mod with it, or any artifact/etc.

Ie. You can certainly play someone like Mordecai without ever using a sniper rifle/pistol.

As for her excelling with elemental damage. That's due to many of her class mods, artifacts, and the skill "Spark" (which increases the chance for an elemental effect to happen by 20%). Should you not want to use elemental weapons, you don't have to. Just skip all the elemental buffing items/skills.


drizzle said:
And so it begins. The entire premise of the game (play so you can find better weapons) is now ruined.

This is PSO all over again.

The only way to prevent that in a console game is:

Make a register in the city. If you leave the game without registering any item you find in the wilderness, the items disappear.

If you drop the items and go to dashboard, you will never get the items you got back.
It would be an odd hindrance, but would absolutely work.


drizzle said:
And so it begins. The entire premise of the game (play so you can find better weapons) is now ruined.

This is PSO all over again.

So dont pick up the weapons he drops?? It is your choice alone to "ruin the game"

exactly the reason my gamestop gun code went straight into the trash
drizzle said:
And so it begins. The entire premise of the game (play so you can find better weapons) is now ruined.

This is PSO all over again.

How so? Isn't this just a cheat code of a fashion? Either play with friends (I know my friends wouldn't cop to that sort of thing) or don't pick up weapons from strangers.
Philthy said:
This also might be the first game I noticed that actually uses the sub channel directly. Well, others may have done this in the past, but when I was using the rocket launcher and grenades the rumble from my sub was shaking my entire apartment, I rarely see that, even in movies. The last movie that I saw that abused my sub was Cloverfield. With a properly tuned sub, you shouldn't even notice it unless someone specifically decides to amp it up on purpose. Subs are primarily meant to compliment the sound, not become the sound.

This is NOT a complaint. It put a shit eating grin on my face.

If bass management in your receiver or pre/pro is set up correctly, you'll never actually know when a source is using the .1 channel or if you are hearing lows redirected from the mains.


Philthy said:
One thing that I noticed is that it says the siren class excels at using elemental damage. So does she not have any preferred weapons? Also what does this really mean? Does she do extra damage with elemental weapons? How much extra? What does it mean when a class prefers a sniper? How much extra damage?

What does this all mean? I'm just curious as I am playing a siren and I'm using all the weapons and was wondering if I'm missing out on a lot of damage or something.

Each class has it's own weapon preference. Brick for example is an explosives expert. He has skill sets to upgrade the damage he does with explosives. There are also weapon proficiencies for each character. These factor towards which weapons you use most. The higher your proficiency the more damage you do.

If you want to compare how much extra damage someone does the best thing to do would be to compare the same weapon with someone who prefers that type of weapon. Lilith can use any weapon quite well but in order for her to get the most damage possible she needs to use weapons with elemental damage.

I hope that helped.


TheFallen said:
The only time there's a preferred weapon is if you spend talent points to increase your abilities with that weapon type, use a class mod with it, or any artifact/etc.

Ie. You can certainly play someone like Mordecai without ever using a sniper rifle/pistol.

As for her excelling with elemental damage. That's due to many of her class mods, artifacts, and the skill "Spark" (which increases the chance for an elemental effect to happen by 20%). Should you not want to use elemental weapons, you don't have to. Just skip all the elemental buffing items/skills.

So none of the classes have any actual weapon bonus. The brawler guy can be as good with a sniper as the sniper guy with no skills, it's just that those classes cater towards those "prefered" weapons with their skill points.

beermonkey@tehbias said:
If bass management in your receiver or pre/pro is set up correctly, you'll never actually know when a source is using the .1 channel or if you are hearing lows redirected from the mains.

That's exactly what I said. :) However this game, like Cloverfield appears to be amping up the .1 channel on purpose to put excessive amounts of bass out on purpose.


Philthy said:
So none of the classes have any actual weapon bonus. The brawler guy can be as good with a sniper as the sniper guy with no skills, it's just that those classes cater towards those "prefered" weapons with their skill points.

That's exactly what I said. :)

Classes don't start with weapon bonuses but they have unique skills which add bonuses. Mordecai has a skill that gives direct damage increase to sniper rifles. Roland has something similar with assault rifles. Brick with explosive weapons.

Browse the skilltrees that are linked in the OP.


garath said:
Classes DO have weapon bonuses. Mordecai has a skill that gives direct damage increase to sniper rifles. Roland has something similar with assault rifles. Brick with explosive weapons.

Browse the skilltrees that are linked in the OP.

That is what I said..... At level 1, they are all the same until skill points come into play. I did not know that, I was assuming since Mordecai preferred snipers he was doing extra damage with them off the bat. Which was explained that is not the case.

Got it.


Axel Hertz
BenjaminBirdie said:
How so? Isn't this just a cheat code of a fashion? Either play with friends (I know my friends wouldn't cop to that sort of thing) or don't pick up weapons from strangers.

Wizman23 said:
So dont pick up the weapons he drops?? It is your choice alone to "ruin the game"

PSO suffered the same fate, and wasn't "unplayable". I'd know, i have multiple characters where the counter is maxxed. The thing is that, from time to time, i have no friends online to play the game with, and had to resort to random pugs. Yeah, I know, it's not the ideal solution, but it's the only solution.

And you feel pretty pissed when you join a game and everybody has the best weapons in the game killing everything with one shot (spread needle). It just sucks.
drizzle said:
And so it begins. The entire premise of the game (play so you can find better weapons) is now ruined.

This is PSO all over again.
Borderlands is a subpar casual console game, not a high profile online game like WoW is or Diablo III will be.

This was meant to be played with friends online, not have a serious in-game economy with a serious community.

It was obvious to me anyway.
I still bought the game because 3 of my friends got it too.


Baker said:
I played with a couple gaffers last night and other than the game being awesome, here are my major issues:

- Sniping is broken. No matter what gun I'm using or level I'm at, a sniper bullet will not hit an enemy until I pass some invisible and arbitrary line where the game finally decides I can do some damage.

This is absolutely unacceptable in co-op games because it ruins any kind of strategy. It has to get patched or I'm going to lose interest quickly.

- WTF is with ammo drops? For a good 30-45 minutes, the game only decided to drop SMG ammo. None of us even used an SMG. There were multiple times where I had no fucking ammo for my two main guns.

- I wish everyone would have to turn in the quest and not just the party leader. I have absolutely no idea what is going on with the "story" after playing co-op for three hours or whatever.

Weird. I'm playing Mordechai and I definitely have been sniping enemies at pretty much every distance I've been able to spot them. I've never had to move up to tag an enemy. It does appear that bullets have both drop off and travel time, so if you're shooting a moving target (even if it is just walking) you need to aim high and lead a bit. Plus the innate accuracy loss means that for every yard farther you're out, even a very slightly off-accuracy shot will likely be a miss at long range.

To be honest though, sniping isn't that useful IMO even at the longest ranges. They simply don't have the damage you'd expect.


So far I'm loving every moment of it. Lots of loot.

I'd just like to say that having art on the inside of the cover for the 360 version is amazing. I hope more games start to do this. I know it is the trend for PS3 games but all my 360 games just have the boring white on the inside. I opened this game expecting the same and was pleasantly surprised.
Wallach said:
Weird. I'm playing Mordechai and I definitely have been sniping enemies at pretty much every distance I've been able to spot them. I've never had to move up to tag an enemy. It does appear that bullets have both drop off and travel time, so if you're shooting a moving target (even if it is just walking) you need to aim high and lead a bit. Plus the innate accuracy loss means that for every yard farther you're out, even a very slightly off-accuracy shot will likely be a miss at long range.

To be honest though, sniping isn't that useful IMO even at the longest ranges. They simply don't have the damage you'd expect.

Yeah. I regret starting off with Mordecai. It's a little boring.


Wallach said:
It does appear that bullets have both drop off and travel time, so if you're shooting a moving target (even if it is just walking) you need to aim high and lead a bit. Plus the innate accuracy loss means that for every yard farther you're out, even a very slightly off-accuracy shot will likely be a miss at long range.
I was wondering if the bullets dropped but I decided they didn't. If I'm aiming at a dude's head and the bullet drops, it should still at least hit him in the nuts or something. You are right about leading a moving target though.


drizzle said:
PSO suffered the same fate, and wasn't "unplayable". I'd know, i have multiple characters where the counter is maxxed. The thing is that, from time to time, i have no friends online to play the game with, and had to resort to random pugs. Yeah, I know, it's not the ideal solution, but it's the only solution.

And you feel pretty pissed when you join a game and everybody has the best weapons in the game killing everything with one shot (spread needle). It just sucks.

If I recall, there's was a pretty large portion of the PSO community that prided itself on being "legit", so there was always non-cheaters to play with. I played a ton of PSO on DC and GC, and I never had trouble finding honest players to party with; in fact, some of the fun was fostering the community of non-cheaters, kinda made you feel like you were part of a big family.

It's not like Borderlands is Dungeon Siege, which actually had built-in cheat codes!


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yeah. I regret starting off with Mordecai. It's a little boring.

That's not really what I meant, I'm just specifically talking about the sniper rifles. I am having a blast going down Gunslinger right now. Trust me - get a revolver. Sniper rifle damage is chump by comparison, and you can still find scoped revolvers so you can still pick off people from a distance.
Having a blast. Played some flawless co-op on 360 last night.
So far I've played about 30% sp and 70% co-op. I'm still not sure what is considered a side quest and what is considered the main story.


Wallach said:
That's not really what I meant, I'm just specifically talking about the sniper rifles. I am having a blast going down Gunslinger right now. Trust me - get a revolver. Sniper rifle damage is chump by comparison, and you can still find scoped revolvers so you can still pick off people from a distance.

It's all about the weapon and the skill choice. I've watched a few higher level Mord streams where headshots were doing insane damage and even regular shots were one shotting easier (same level) enemies.
Wallach said:
That's not really what I meant, I'm just specifically talking about the sniper rifles. I am having a blast going down Gunslinger right now. Trust me - get a revolver. Sniper rifle damage is chump by comparison, and you can still find scoped revolvers so you can still pick off people from a distance.

You just said the magic word.


I only fight from a distance if/when I have to because it's just stronger shots. I'm Level 8 (or 9 maybe?), Do revolvers come later or from different areas or something? I'm pretty sure I only have repeater pistols.


Rahk said:
According to the Gearbox forums, Lilith's phase strike only does like 1/4 damage to enemies the same level. Disappointing.

A dev jumped in and said it's not working as intended and they're looking into it, so hopefully it will be fixed before the PC release.

What?! I noticed that her phasewalk wasn't SUPER AWESOME, but I thought it was because I haven't maxed out that melee multiplier yet. Just started pouring points into the heal when in phasewalk and that's really nice, plus I got a level 2 corrosive artifact to help with my acid build so I don't need to dump 2 points into Venom now (is that correct?). Also found a Mod that's +3 to my quicker reloading skill, +2 to high velocity skill and has 2 kinds of bonuses to SMGs, so now when I use my SMG that has 4x explosive element, on top of my extra 20% chance of doing elemental damage, my AWESOME SMG turned into FUCKAWESOME!!!!!!

Wallach said:
That's not really what I meant, I'm just specifically talking about the sniper rifles. I am having a blast going down Gunslinger right now. Trust me - get a revolver. Sniper rifle damage is chump by comparison, and you can still find scoped revolvers so you can still pick off people from a distance.

The main reason I don't use revolvers is because the recoil between each shot is ridiculous.

But, doesn't Mordecai get some skills to lower that recoil if you take the revolver route?


I'm gonna get this, but I'm still not sure about PC or Xbox. PC has the advantage of playing online, Xbox has the advantage of playing with a controller.

My rig:
Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz
512 MB 8800GT
Audigy Titanium

Which version should I get?


So jealous of the console proletariat right now.


I'm gonna get this, but I'm still not sure about PC or Xbox. PC has the advantage of playing online, Xbox has the advantage of playing with a controller.

My rig:
Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz
512 MB 8800GT
Audigy Titanium

Which version should I get?

That is a good rig, I would go with the PC version.


neorej said:
I'm gonna get this, but I'm still not sure about PC or Xbox. PC has the advantage of playing online, Xbox has the advantage of playing with a controller.

My rig:
Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz
512 MB 8800GT
Audigy Titanium

Which version should I get?
You can use a 360 controller. You just need the USB cord.


Wallach said:
That's not really what I meant, I'm just specifically talking about the sniper rifles. I am having a blast going down Gunslinger right now. Trust me - get a revolver. Sniper rifle damage is chump by comparison, and you can still find scoped revolvers so you can still pick off people from a distance.
Give sniping a chance. Especially once you get a little further in level. The hunter in my group mostly uses only a sniper and does a lot of fucking damage. The snipers you find early on aren't that great but once you get a little further you start to find the good stuff.


I'm having a great time playing, but I too have a gripe with sniping. The damage is good, but it's only really useful when the enemies are standing still.

"LOL YOU CAN'T AIM, NOOB", you say?

Nay. Even if I lead a target, wait for the exact moment when he crosses to fire (and I have max aim enhance with Mordecai) I have never made a shot on an enemy moving laterally.

Can't wait for the PC version so I can aim more fluidly, as well :)


BenjaminBirdie said:
You just said the magic word.


I only fight from a distance if/when I have to because it's just stronger shots. I'm Level 8 (or 9 maybe?), Do revolvers come later or from different areas or something? I'm pretty sure I only have repeater pistols.

Yes, I did not find any revolvers until I got to
Sledge's Safehouse
, which was around level 13 or 14. At that point I found two and quite frankly it was a pretty religious moment. I still one-shot damn near anything without a Badass tag that is my level.


JambiBum said:
Give sniping a chance. Especially once you get a little further in level. The hunter in my group mostly uses only a sniper and does a lot of fucking damage. The snipers you find early on aren't that great but once you get a little further you start to find the good stuff.
I found a purple sniper but gave it to my friend who's brick and can sniper better than me. I'll be rushing some guy in phasewalk but as soon as I reach them I just see their heads instantly explode thanks to my friend :lol


JambiBum said:
Give sniping a chance. Especially once you get a little further in level. The hunter in my group mostly uses only a sniper and does a lot of fucking damage. The snipers you find early on aren't that great but once you get a little further you start to find the good stuff.

I probably will once I find another really good sniper since respec is so cheap, but I am not holding my breath. Given the advantages to the revolvers at medium and closer ranges (scoring criticals becomes trivial at close range whereas with a sniper it is fairly difficult) I will probably not utilize them much other than an opening salvo that eases the burden on my ammo stock.


Axel Hertz
AwRy108 said:
If I recall, there's was a pretty large portion of the PSO community that prided itself on being "legit", so there was always non-cheaters to play with. I played a ton of PSO on DC and GC, and I never had trouble finding honest players to party with; in fact, some of the fun was fostering the community of non-cheaters, kinda made you feel like you were part of a big family.
Indeed. But then you had to play in closed rooms, otherwise the non-legit players would just join your game and piss all over the place.

Which begs the question:

some guy claimed he knew how to duplicate, came into my live game, dropped a bunch of uber items and quit to the dashboard, saying that was how you duplicate items >.> maybe gearbox should fix this?
Dude just pranced into your game? Do you have a setting to make a game closed to friends only or open to anyone? Or is it always open to anyone?

I also wonder if the PC Version has voice-based communication or not. Since both Xbox and PS3 version have it (thanks to the system supporting it), i wonder if they spent the extra time creating either a Text or Voice-based interaction interface for the PC. Voice is not really a problem, since me and my friends would just hop on a TS or Vent server (or hell, even Steam Voice Chat), but I wonder, for quickmatches, how the communication is done.


CitizenCope said:
Having a blast. Played some flawless co-op on 360 last night.
So far I've played about 30% sp and 70% co-op. I'm still not sure what is considered a side quest and what is considered the main story.
the quest where that creepy pale chick tells you to do blahlahblah is the main story


Jonsoncao said:
the quest where that creepy pale chick tells you to do blahlahblah is the main story

It also tells you what the plot line quest is if you go to the lobby screen. It's also the quest that the game always reverts to once you finish a side quest.
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