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Boundary: Raytracing Benchmark video released, will be available to download on September 24th


Tag, you're it.

“The Ray Tracing benchmarking is important for Boundary, as a team we’ve always strived to bring a level of real world realism that takes Boundary to a whole new level. Real-time global illumination is the prominent ray tracing feature of the benchmark. With these visual technologies, we can definitely go further beyond our current graphic state. This will allow us to be more realistic and more precise”
-Frank Mingbo Li, Technical Director

The upcoming title’s realistic space environments will feature complex space structures and orbiting facilities for players to navigate through. Beginning on September 24, players will be able to participate in the ray tracing benchmark by downloading the game here. The developers aim to improve real-time cinematic-quality rendering, light reaction to surfaces, and more throughout the benchmark.

More here:

Really high quality FX and physics, curious to see it running in real time on my rig !


Wow. Now that's what I call RT!!

I was quite surprised to see Unreal code. But sure enough, we are using the latest version of UnrealEd 4.25.3 at work and there is a lot of RT code in there. It's too bad no company has released a game using that code. I wonder how long that RT code has been in the editor?


RTX 2080Ti
4k @ DLSS = Quality Mode
Avg FPS: 24.4
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Having issues linking the pic, I got 27.8 at 3840x2160 with Quality DLSS. Looks pretty awesome.

32Gb ram

Pretty much all stock settings
did a number of tests with different settings. ultra perf dlss has terrible IQ btw (and capped at 144 by my nv settings). quality dlss looks good.




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Wow. Now that's what I call RT!!

I was quite surprised to see Unreal code. But sure enough, we are using the latest version of UnrealEd 4.25.3 at work and there is a lot of RT code in there. It's too bad no company has released a game using that code. I wonder how long that RT code has been in the editor?


RTX 2080Ti
4k @ DLSS = Quality Mode
Avg FPS: 24.4

what do you mean by RT code? Unreal supports RT for a number of versions now. If my memory didn't fail me, it started with 4.22. I recall i was playing around RT back then. Recently, 4.25 i believe, RT was marked as production-ready. There is an action game DF analyzed before that uses Unreal RT.


Gold Member
Ryzen 1600, 2060 Super, 16GB DDR4, 1TB SSD...

Native-29.0 fps
Quality-50.9 fps
Balanced-60.5 fps
Performance-72.8 fps
Ultra Performance-121.8 fps

Native-18.5 fps
Quality-32.4 fps
Balanced-38.7 fps
Performance-47.2 fps
Ultra Performance-81.3 fps

Native-8.5 fps
Quality-15.6 fps
Balanced-18.7 fps
Performance-22.9 fps
Ultra Performance-42.8 fps

Very cool benchmark. It's nice to see how performance scales across different resolutions and DLSS settings.


what do you mean by RT code? Unreal supports RT for a number of versions now. If my memory didn't fail me, it started with 4.22. I recall i was playing around RT back then. Recently, 4.25 i believe, RT was marked as production-ready. There is an action game DF analyzed before that uses Unreal RT.

I just started developing on UE, so I had forgotten they had it in there.
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