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Box office: I am Legend $75+ million, Chipmunks...$40 million?!?

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Gantz said:
They should have stayed rappers.


I'm sure their bank accounts agree with you.


CajoleJuice said:
I was just providing an example of someone outside of GAF hating ID4.

I love the movie and watch it almost every time I see it on television. :lol

You know what I love about ID4, aside from it being awesome, is that 99% of the effects hold up today.

The 1% that doesn't is when the dog jumps away from the huge wall of fire when they're in the street.

Worst. Green screen. Ever.


:lol The usual approach, I see. Man, these desperate need to feel 'better' than 'the masses' posts in threads like these are almost like a form letter at this point.


FTWer said:
whatever, these 4 movies are more than enough to justify his stardom:

Six Degrees of Separation
Men in Black
Enemy of the State

All great great flicks

He got an Oscar nod for "Pursuit of Happyness", too.


bud said:
smith was great in ali, but the movie was really boring. and i'm a big mann fan.
Smith made Ali watchable. The movie was decent with him. In fact, I'd even say it was good. But I don't think another person could have carried the role like he did.


Will Smith really is one of a kind in Hollywood these days. I can't think of anyone else who has the same sort of charisma and likability as him. On top of that, he's an above average actor. Sure, he's no De Niro in his prime, but he's solid and enjoyable.

Personally, I think he's great. I like a good blockbuster (although I do have standards, which is why I thought Transformers was horrendous). ID4 is one of the most enjoyable films to watch. I can still watch it today. Men In Black is great. So was I, Robot. Sure, he's had some stinkers (WWW, MIB2), but overall, he's had a pretty good run.
legend166 said:
Personally, I think he's great. I like a good blockbuster (although I do have standards, which is why I thought Transformers was horrendous). ID4 is one of the most enjoyable films to watch. I can still watch it today. Men In Black is great. So was I, Robot. Sure, he's had some stinkers (WWW, MIB2), but overall, he's had a pretty good run.

Why is MIB2 so universally hated? It's basically more of the same. You can tell they didn't plan for a sequel but it's not unbearable.


Night_Trekker said:
Why is MIB2 so universally hated? It's basically more of the same. You can tell they didn't plan for a sequel but it's not unbearable.
I think its because the concept looked original in the first and the second one looked like they were milking it. I've rewatched the first one more than ten times, the second one only once.
Night_Trekker said:
Why is MIB2 so universally hated? It's basically more of the same. You can tell they didn't plan for a sequel but it's not unbearable.

because in my opinion it's heartless and uninspired. It really feels like a movie both actors and director didn't want to make. Jones looks so annoyed (and with good reason) it's almost irritating to see him sleepwalking through the movie with something else in mind. Trite gags and screenplay don't help either
not unbearable, but seriously worse than MIB


Night_Trekker said:
Why is MIB2 so universally hated? It's basically more of the same. You can tell they didn't plan for a sequel but it's not unbearable.

It just wasn't funny. The story line was ugh. Also, 10% of the movie was the credits.
TheQueen'sOwn said:
I feel sorry for people who can't enjoy movies like I, Robot, Men in Black, ID4, Hitch, The Pursuit of Happyness, Ali, Enemy of the State, etc....

I don't feel sorry for them, but i'm glad I'm not them. I can appreciate a lot of the movies film buffs laud as the best thing ever, but movies like I Am Legend or the ones you listed (and Transformers) I found to be very enjoyable as well.

I'm glad I'm not to the point where I have everything in movies that doesn't come from a foreign or otherwise unknown director.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Night_Trekker said:
Why is MIB2 so universally hated? It's basically more of the same. You can tell they didn't plan for a sequel but it's not unbearable.
Same jokes but more over-the-top and worse. More exaggerated acting/ Tommy Lee Jones didn't even try. Utterly lame plot (find clue to next destination, rinse and repeat). Cruder gags. Lara Flynn Boyle. Little attempt to retain any grounding in reality. Zedd suspending himself in mid-air and delivering a dozen kicks. Obnoxious villains. Etc.


Wow, where were all of you fellow Will Smith haters back in the other ID4 threads? I was like the only one...at any rate, in my case, I hate what i've termed in other threads, "Blockbuster Will Smith", for reasons stated by others in this thread. I just can't stand his cockyness, and while that's just plain "him" to some degree(he's the same way in The Fresh Prince, but I did and still do enjoy him in it), in these blockbuster movies he just dials it way past my threshold to find it "charming" or even tolerable.

Still though, I respect and admire his career(and the man worked the hell out of the shower scene in I, Robot). But I still puke at all the ID4 fapation...its only good use is making fun of it while watching it with friends(might have to try that drunk one of these days). I've said it before and i'll say it again, the best part of that movie was Vivica J. Fox's backside in the beginning of the movie(and i'm not even str8)...oh, and maybe Adam Baldwin's jaw structure.
OmniGamer said:
Wow, where were all of you fellow Will Smith haters back in the other ID4 threads? I was like the only one...at any rate, in my case, I hate what i've termed in other threads, "Blockbuster Will Smith", for reasons stated by others in this thread. I just can't stand his cockyness, and while that's just plain "him" to some degree(he's the same way in The Fresh Prince, but I did and still do enjoy him in it), in these blockbuster movies he just dials it way past my threshold to find it "charming" or even tolerable.

Still though, I respect and admire his career(and the man worked the hell out of the shower scene in I, Robot). But I still puke at all the ID4 fapation...its only good use is making fun of it while watching it with friends(might have to try that drunk one of these days). I've said it before and i'll say it again, the best part of that movie was Vivica J. Fox's backside in the beginning of the movie(and i'm not even str8)...oh, and maybe Adam Baldwin's jaw structure.

We went from movies like Aliens to summer blockbusters being like ID4.

That's like going from the Beatles to the Backstreet boys. Will Smith is tolerable for me. He doesn't piss me off or anything. I just find him bland and boring. He isn't a reason for me to see a movie. I respect of course that I'm in quite the minority on this one.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Stoney Mason said:
We went from movies like Aliens to summer blockbusters being like ID4.
C'mon, let's be fair. Movies like Aliens have never been the standard quality or goal of the vast majority of summer blockbusters.
Riskbreaker23 said:
how in the hell did chipmunks make so much money? this is why our childhood continue to be raped :lol

OUR childhood? We raped the 60's kids when the 80's cartoon was made. Ya know, there was a 60's Chipmunks, right?
Dan said:
C'mon, let's be fair. Movies like Aliens have never been the standard quality or goal of the vast majority of summer blockbusters.

Yes but I don't celebrate weak par efforts from the likes of Emmerich and Dean as if they are and hit some quality mark like some people do. (not aimed at you)
Stoney Mason said:
We went from movies like Aliens to summer blockbusters being like ID4.
There's elitists on here that would say that Aliens is a fluff action film that's vastly inferior to the original. Not that I'm arguing that Aliens ISN'T much better than ID4, but there's going to be people that shit on every movie. Anyhow, I'm sure there were plenty of shitty blockbusters back in the 80s, and there's definitely some gems hidden in the mediocre/crappy pile of blockbusters even today.
CajoleJuice said:
There's elitists on here that would say that Aliens is a fluff action film that's vastly inferior to the original. Not that I'm arguing that Aliens ISN'T much better than ID4, but there's going to be people that shit on every movie. Anyhow, I'm sure there were plenty of shitty blockbusters back in the 80s, and there's definitely some gems hidden in the mediocre/crappy pile of blockbusters even today.

Agreed but we don't look back on them with reverence. They are a guilty pleasure. A relic of the age and nostalgia. As long as ID 4 ends up in that same pile then I'm cool but some people like to argue it's actually a great to really good film for the genre. I'm just arguing it isn't imo.

I understand the alien>aliens argument. That's a perfectly fine opinion to hold too. I personally slate this as completely different genres so it's hard for me to make a comparison. I think they are both tops for their specific genres.
Stoney Mason said:
Agreed but we don't look back on them with reverence. They are a guilty pleasure. A relic of the age and nostalgia. As long as ID 4 ends up in that same pile then I'm cool but some people like to argue it's actually a great to really good film for the genre. I'm just arguing it isn't.
Fair enough. We still have a ways to go to see if it becomes regarded as a "classic." I've already said that I love watching it, which is no doubt partly due to me being 10 when it came out. I know it's ridiculous and regard it as a "guilty pleasure" just like you said. Armageddon also falls into this category for me.

Many of the people in this thread are probably around the same age as me (and you) and that's why it may seem like ID4 is held in higher esteem than it is by the general public.


Forgotten Ancient said:
I don't feel sorry for them, but i'm glad I'm not them. I can appreciate a lot of the movies film buffs laud as the best thing ever, but movies like I Am Legend or the ones you listed (and Transformers) I found to be very enjoyable as well.

I'm glad I'm not to the point where I have everything in movies that doesn't come from a foreign or otherwise unknown director.

I agree and I fucking hate the elitist attitude that is becoming common with some these days. There either shredding a classic like Shawshank Redemption because they just saw a new French movie that did it better or they want you to feel shame for liking a action flick. Sometimes I just want to see shit being shot up. Some truly do suck but its like some go out of there way to hate a movie because the title is easily understandable. Every genre as a place in view so in this day and age don't go to watch a movie like say Transformers and expect Oscar worthy performances. And stop reviewing a movie before you see it based on the actor.


omg rite said:
Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

I'm pretty sure even Smith thinks that sucks, much like Jim Carey apologized for The Cable Guy. heh.

fuck you guys , i loved cable guy.


Night_Trekker said:
Why is MIB2 so universally hated? It's basically more of the same. You can tell they didn't plan for a sequel but it's not unbearable.
It's the worst sort of sequel: the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" sort, where the first movie is rehashed instead of actually being built upon. See also: Ghostbusters II.


Forgotten in his cell
irfan said:
I think its because the concept looked original in the first and the second one looked like they were milking it. I've rewatched the first one more than ten times, the second one only once.

Well, MIB2 didn't have a bug, which was the best part of the movie.
FoneBone said:
It's the worst sort of sequel: the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" sort, where the first movie is rehashed instead of actually being built upon. See also: Ghostbusters II.

I totally agree that it was obviously made because the first was a success, not because anybody had a good idea. I don't think for a second that they had a sequel planned, or even in mind, when they made the original MiB. It feels very similar to the first film, it's got a lot of really corny jokes and scenes that made me groan... and yet I didn't hate it. If the movie is guilty of a great sin, it's that it's just plain mediocre.

But it could have been so, so much worse. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, given how many people seem to loathe it.

A better example of a sequel that fits your definition, in my opinion, is The Mummy Returns. What a steaming pile of crap that was.
Just saw I Am Legend.

Never grabbed me, it was a very mediocre experience. Will Smith is good, premise had potential, its just no more than the sum of its parts. A guy is alone in a city with zombies. Very straight-forward and simple, but not all that interesting imo.
MrOctober said:
Except for when he is being nominated for Oscars for Ali and The Pursuit of Happyness. Or Breaking my heart in I Am Legend with just his face on screen
the scene where he has to kill Sam
. He was also great in The legend of Bagger Vance. Will Smith is a great actor and often he takes big money roles yes, but he is so likable in those roles it's to fault even those. He carries an entire film on his back and makes it interesting.

Look at the complaints of I Am Legend, everybody generally loves the first two thirds of the film, you know the parts where it's really just Will.

This is the truth.

You can fault a lot of things about I Am Legend but Will Smith's acting wasn't one of them. I was hugely skeptical of him before the movie and was genuintely impressed; he handled the character well. It wasn't just "lol, Fresh Prince in ***" like some people are suggesting.

And yes, the scene of Sam was heartbreaking and I'm not really a sensitive person.

As you said, the huge, gaping flaws in the movie all combined in a clusterfuck of non-sensical bullshit towards the end of the movie. The CG looked exactly like that of the lower demons in the Hell of Constantine (IE, it looked like shit), the Dark Seekers had no depth, and the
were just shoe-horned into the scene right out of nowhere.

It was like they took their time, carefully designing the first 65% of the movie and then ran out of money and wrapped the rest of it off over the course of the next week.
davepoobond said:
Will Smith is like a cheaper quality Denzel Washington

Yes, I think that's a valid comparison. They're both money at the box office, but I like to think that Denzel picks better roles. Both of them basically play themselves in the movies they star in, however.


WickedAngel said:
It was like they took their time, carefully designing the first 65% of the movie and then ran out of money and wrapped the rest of it off over the course of the next week.

damn shame... definatley a rental for me.
Just saw I am Legend and thought it was great, intense and engaging the entire way through. Will Smith is a fine actor, not one of the greatest but he has moments of brilliance, he had that one scene in this movie that was impressive.
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